A Little Scare

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
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A Little Scare

Post by Black Star Shine » Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:11 pm

The streets were rampaged by little kids everywhere. Us teenagers, too ‘old’ for trick-or-treating, threw toilet paper over the trees in the graveyard as we did every year. It was just another Halloween, nothing more then that. But tonight would be a night that haunted my dreams for ever…

“Kassy!” called my boyfriend, Jacob. “Lets go to a real haunted place!” him, along with all the other boys nodded in agreement to his own statement as I glanced nervously around at how the other girls would react. I wasn't one to get scared easily, but when Jacob wanted to do something scary, it usually was scary. Trish, my best friend, clutched my hand at the very thought of it.

“No” she stated. “We’ve had enough fun for one night!”

I rubbed her fingers before tearing them away and going to stand with the boys on the other side of the grave stone we were hovering over. “Sorry Trish, I do need some more excitement then trashing the graveyard…” I confessed.

She frowned and looked like she was about to cry for being abandoned. “Well… I guess it wouldn’t hurt me to get a little scared, right?” She walked over and took her boyfriends hand as our group started to walk out of the boring cemetery and down the street to a run down haunted house. The legends said that a girl was raped there and then later killed the man who did it in that very room he harassed her in. she haunted the house ever since, never allowing survivors of the people who ventured into its depths. HA! Yeah, right! Stories, that’s all they were, but the place was still creepy nonetheless.

“Scared?” Jacob whispered in my ear. He sent chills down my spine but I shook my head half heartedly. He kissed my neck and pulled my tighter to his body as we passed some little trick or treaters. We were close to the gates of the house now, the air went a good ten degrees chiller and I shivered. “Liar” he laughed. I pushed him away and wrapped my arms around myself as we stared through the rusty throng of metal that made up the entrance.

“Well,” piped up one of larger boys. “Lets just not stand here and freeze our asses off, let’s go in! Scare the broad who haunts this place!” he pushed through the gates that gave a horrendous quake as we all followed him in hesitantly. There was an ominous feeling about walking up the broken stone path. The towers stretched high above us and seemed to lick the sky with their spires. Layers and layers of cobwebs hugged the building and we brushed them aside to get to the front door.

“Ready!” called Greg, one of the braver few. “First one to scare the ghost silly wins! GO!” couples split apart in a flash. Jacob pulled my up a flight of unsure stairs.

“Where are we going Jacob?” I asked, not even caring really. Just wanting to get out of the house. He hushed me and pressed me against a wall as his lips formed to mine in passionate fury. I responded without thinking as my legs creped up his and my hand found its way up the back of his shirt.

“Jacob!” I gasped pushing him away. “What's going on?!”I didn’t want to stop, I never had with him, but I needed an explanation first.

“You told me” he said between kissing the bottom of my neck, working his way downward progressively. “That you wanted me” he kissed my chin, suddenly wanting my lips again; I gave them to him. “And you wanted it some place where everyone should know, but no one would know.” He was right. And the crazy thing was, I wanted him now more then ever.

I stepped to the right, leading us into a bedroom of some sort. We fell on the bed, him on top of me. He continued to caress my skin with his lips as I tore off his shirt and he slipped mine over my head. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me more and more, trying and failing to undo my pants without getting distracted by my own kissing.

“Don’t hurt me” whimpered a voice from the corner. “Don’t hurt me… don’t hurt me…” at first I thought it was Jacob and he thought it was me, just playing a joke. I succeeded to get his belt off of his waist and twisted my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer to me. There was a loud scream from out side followed by snide laughter; no doubt someone had scared Trish. I laughed and continued to try and seduce my boyfriend.

“I love you Kassy” he said in a gasp between kisses. “I love you”

“Don’t hurt me…”

“I wont” he laughed, “I would never hurt someone I love!” I stopped pulling his pants off his waist and looked at his gorgeous blue eyes.

“I didn’t say that” I said. I looked around and saw someone standing in the corner of the room. I shot up quickly, hitting my head hard against his. I clutched my head as he cradled me in his arms.

“I’m sorry baby!” he apologized. I forced my eyes to glare past the tears that were forming, but saw nothing where it once had been. I closed my eyes and laid my head against his bare, warm chest.

“There was someone standing there” I whimpered, pointing an accusing finger to the corner. Jacob glanced up and froze. I looked and saw what he saw written in a dark red color across the pale blue wall.

‘Don’t hurt me… please… let me go… don’t hurt me…’

“Jacob, lets go!” I pleaded, trying to pull my shirt back over my head and shoved his into his arms as I stood from the bed and took his hand desperately. “Come on!” I finally got him to tare his eyes away from the blood stained wall and pull me into his grasp as we left the room. I started to cry hysterically. There was no way on earth or hell that the blood was there before.

“Shhhh” Jacob whispered in my ear, though I could sense panic in his own voice. How selfless, he was more concerned about how I felt before him. He led me back the way to where the stairs should have been, but there were only hallways that led nowhere. We were lost. Lost.

“Jacob?” I asked, posing the question of where we were in only one word. He held me tighter as we walked through the maze of hallways.
I pressed my hands over my ears as a terrible voice screamed out. “Don’t hurt me!” then there was an all too familiar scream from the doorway to the left. Several familiar screams. I covered my face into Jacob’s body as he opened the only doorway in the hall and gagged at what lay inside. I looked against my better judgment and gasped, almost fainting at the very sight.

We had been with six other people that night. Hanging out as any high school seniors do on Halloween. But now, there lay my six friends… or… what was left of them… They were all suspended a good three feet in the air, their arms in a pile on the ground, bits and pieces of their faces like noses and eyes were put in a message on the ground. ‘Don’t hurt me’. I cried out and Jacob pulled me out of the door. Slamming the door shut behind him. We stood in the hall as he tried to calm me.

I slid to the floor. Everything had been so perfect no more then two minutes ago… now… everyone was dead! “Jacob!” I screamed, not out of fear, but out of desperation to loose myself into his body to be safe and forget everything that was happening.

“Don’t hurt me! Jacob! Don’t hurt me! Kassy! Don’t hurt me!” Screamed a childish girl’s voice. There was a menacing cackle behind me, but I didn’t look, only hugged myself into a tighter ball in Jacob’s lap. I made the worse mistake ever and tried to look at Jacob, only instead catching a glance of a girl in torn clothes standing mere feet away from us, crying hysterically. “Don’t hurt me Jacob! Don’t hurt me Kassy!”

“Go away!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Go away!”

“Don’t hurt me!” She screamed again. I looked up to see her run at me with a battle cry and a knife with fresh wet blood dripping off of it gripped into her ghostly hand.

“I love you!” I screamed at Jacob before I felt a horrific pain in my side, the last feeling I ever felt.

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Re: A Little Scare

Post by heinzs » Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:14 pm

Sounds like Hallowe'en to me...
An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
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Re: A Little Scare

Post by Black Star Shine » Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:57 pm

i was trying to make it sound that way

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