Wicked Fever Chapter 2

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The Irish Rose
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Wicked Fever Chapter 2

Post by Duchess » Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:33 pm

(Here is chapter 2...)

Ven woke up early the next day and was eating her “breakfast” in the kitchen when Aimee came in at four fifteen.
“What are you doing up so early?” she asked her.
“You do realize its four in the afternoon?” Aimee replied, “I should be asking you the same thing. I had a nine o’clock class. What’s your excuse?”
Ven snorted.
“How is classes coming?” she asked after a minute.
“Bout like usual, slow and boring.” Aimee took the cereal box out of the cabinet and attempted to pour a bowl but found the box empty, “Dude this isn’t cool! You ate it all! You are so not cool!”
“Bite me!” Ven replied baring her teeth and grinning.
“Don’t tempt me.” Aimee narrowed her eyes but grinned back, “So who was that hottie that came by here last night? He was asking about you. Said he knew Mark.”
“His name is Nikoli.” Ven answered, “I’m going on a date with him in a few hours.”
“Your what?” Aimee gaped at her and dropped the cereal box.
“You heard me.”
“I don’t think I heard you right tho.” she said, “You? Your going on a date? With a man? You?”
“Yes damn it, is that so hard to believe?” Ven dumped her bowl in the sink and turned around again, “I do go on dates every few centuries or so.”
“What about what happened with Tom?” Amiee asked referring to Ven’s last boyfriend that ended up lawn mulch.
“What about it?” she shrugged, “Besides, Nik’s a big boy. He take care of himself.”
“So when’s he getting here?”
“And what are you wearing?” Aimee cocked an eyebrow.
She looked down at her black jeans and black tank top and combat boots.
“What’s wrong with this?”
“Nothing,” Aimee answered, “If your going to a funeral or patrolling. But not for a date.”
“We’re hunting after we eat.” Ven fidgeted.
“And you can go to the bathroom and flash them back on.” Aimee said, “But YOU ARE NOT WEARING BLUE JEANS ON A DATE!”
“They’re not blue. They’re black.” Ven edged towards the door.
“Unless you are going to your room to change you better not move.” Aimee ordered, “I will turn you into a girl if it kills me.”
“Careful it just might.” Ven bared her teeth in a false threat.
“Oh blow it out your ear. You don’t scare me.” Aimee pushed her out of the kitchen.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be down in a minute.” Aimee told him.
Nikoli had showed up early Markus in tow and was actually nervous. Something he hadn’t felt since before he was made immortal and that was a LONG time ago. But as he sat on an unfamiliar couch in an unfamiliar living room clutching one single long stemmed red rose Nikoli St. James was nervous. Palms sweaty, heart racing, body tingling nervous. He shook his head, this was ridiculous. He just met this woman four days ago! There is no reason for him to be like this! He was Billy Badass on the battlefield, before he sold his soul and after. Demons quaked at his feet. He wasn’t the God of War’s second in command because he saved little puppies from the pound! And here was this little five foot four maybe a buck fifteen soaking wet firecracker of a woman and she made him sweat!
“Markus, if you laugh, I swear to Zeus I will hurt you.” Ven’s voice floated down the stairs.
“No laughing I promise.” Markus replied as Nikoli stood.
“Ok, coming down,” she said then under her breath, “God this is embarrassing!”
“Oh shut up and get down here!” Aimee said from the bottom of the stairs.
Holding her breath she rounded the corner and came face to face with everyone. Aimee was grinning from ear to ear, Markus had his mouth hanging open, and Nikoli was staring at her. His look was guarded so she couldn’t really tell what he was thinking.
“Mark, flies are coming in, close it.” Ven cocked an eyebrow as he began to circle her, “What are you doing?”
“Who are you and what have you done with my baby sister?” he demanded, “You don’t even smell like her! You smell like lavender and posies!”
“Oh for heaven sakes,” she chuckled and looked down at her knee high boots, short plaid skirt, and baby doll tank top. She had her hair down out of its normal pony tail and even wore make up, “You’ve seen me in a dress.”
“When we were kids!” he exclaimed then looked at Nikoli and Aimee who were both smiling, “Y’all think I’m joking! I’m not!”
“Well, personally, I think she looks completely ravishing,” Nikoli handed her the rose, “This doesn’t compare to you my lady but I thought you would like it anyway.”
The gesture actually warmed her inside.
“Thank you. Bout time we get someone with class in here.” Ven accepted the rose and smiled at him, “Ready?”
Since Markus brought him over they took her car.
“This yours?” he whistled low, “Damn girl.”
Her car was a custom designed jet black Dodge Charger, complete with chrome dubs, and a black leather interior.
“Its an original from ’68 but I’ve made some modifications over the years,” she got into the driver seat with a grin, “Hi Solan.”
“Hello Venus.” the dashboard replied.
“It’s definitely a beautiful piece of machinery.” he said closing the passenger door, Wait a second did the car just talk?”
“You like loud music?” she asked ignoring his question.
“Is there any other kind?” he replied.
“Solan, a lil Sully please.”
“Any particular song?” the dashboard replied.
“Now I know I’m not crazy, the car just talked.”
She laughed and turned up the volume. Godsmack belted out their hit “Bad Religion” at the highest volume her speakers would allow. Instantly she began bobbing her head to the music and drumming on the steering wheel. All he could do is stare as she let herself get into the music for a minute. He loved looking at her. Even when he spent three days away from her she haunted him. In the daytime she invaded his mind and took up residence.
“Take a picture it will last longer,” she said not taking her eyes off the road.
“Sorry,” he looked away.
She chuckled.
“It’s ok.” she replied, “So where do you want to eat? I’m in the mood for chicken.”
“The nearest resturant that sells chicken is around the next corner Venus.” the dashboard said.
“You mean The Chicken Hut?” Nikoli asked, “And why is your car talking? I see no GPS unit!”
“Because my car is also a trapped soul and likes the GTO that the owner of The Chicken Hut drives.”
“I see. You have a trapped soul in your car?”
“Wow its like being in a rerun of Knight Rider!”
“I resent that!” Solan replied, “Kitt was artificial intelligence, I am a trapped soul from an actual human body!”
“Oh I see, so you are basically a human version of Kitt then.”
The glove compartment fell open and smacked him on the knee.
“Call me Kitt one more time…” the dashboard warned.
“Boys…” Ven said, “Enough. Behave Solan.”
“He started it!” the dashboard whined.
“And I’ll finish it.” she replied, “Don’t forget I know where ALL your fuses are!”

“So exactly how old are you?” she bit into the greasy chicken leg she was holding.
“Old enough to know better still young enough to enjoy doing it.” he grinned.
“Smartass.” she laughed, “Seriously tho.”
“Twelve hundred twenty-two.” he answered.
“And your full name?”
“Nikoli St. James.” he looked over his glass at her.
“I remember hearing stories about a great general named St. James.” she raised an eyebrow, “He was known for being the most fierce of generals. Striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and -”
She stopped talking and scanned the room. Someone was watching her she could feel it. But she couldn’t see anyone or anything out of the ordinary around the restaurant.
“What? What is it?” he asked.
“Nothing,” she shook her head, “Sorry what was I saying?”
“Ven, what is it?” he cocked an eyebrow at her.
“There is something here Nik, can’t you feel it?” she looked around again, “It knows I know its here.”
“I can feel something, but I’m not sure what it is.” he too looked around.
She tossed her drumstick on the table and got up.
“Lets go.” she said loud enough for whatever it was to hear but not loud enough to draw attention to herself.
“Whenever your ready,” he replied tossing a few bills on the table and following her out the door.
“See I can’t even have dinner with someone without them interfering!” she kicked the nearest trash can, “Well come on out people! I’m right here! Come get me! Varez if that’s you, you worthless dog, come on! Quit being a coward!”
Since she seemed to be on a rant Nikoli took that time to scan the alley she had walked into. Nothing was there, but he too couldn’t shake the feeling someone was watching. For ten minutes she paced the alley begging anything and everyone from the archangel Michael to Ares himself to come out and play. But nothing came, nothing at all.
“Ven, there’s nothing here.” he said after she kicked the wall for the third time.
“But you felt it! There was something in there.” she replied.
“I did,” he agreed, “But it’s gone now. Lets go.”
She nodded and did a final sweep of the alley before following him out into the night. They drove back to her house at record speeds and skidded into the drive shortly past midnight. The house was dark except for one faint light coming from the living room. Shutting the engine and lights off she got out of the car and flashed on her regular clothes including her sword.
“Venus. Something is wrong.” Solan said quietly.
“I know Sol,” she whispered.
“Can you travel?” she stared at Nikoli through the darkness.
Something was wrong, very wrong. The outside lights were never off, the kitchen light was never off. She could smell fear coming from inside the house.
“Probably a lot better than you.” he flashed them inside one of the guest rooms.
“Wow, nice. Thanks. Need a blade?” she headed for the door.
“Nope.” she turned around just as he extended the blade of what she thought was a cell phone.
“Handy and Sneaky.” she grinned.
“You have no idea.”
She left that one alone as she crept from the room and headed for the stairs. She could hear voices coming from the living room. Aimee was definitely in there, along with the guy from the other night as well as at least three more voices. But she could sense more.
“There is a servants stairwell down the hall, it leads down to the kitchen. I’ll go down the main stairs and you go that way. Nik, Aimee is down there.” she gripped his arm in the dark and even though she was speaking telepathically her voice became deadly, “None of them are making it out of here.”
He nodded, gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and disappeared into the darkness of the hallway. She waited a mere heartbeat before advancing towards the stairs. She stopped at the top and listened some more.
“Where is the Shifter?” an unknown male voice asked. His accent said he wasn’t from around here.
“You mean the shitter?” Aimee asked, “Well there is one in my living room right now the other is top of the stairs to the right.”
Ven stifled a laugh. Leave it to her extremely gutsy and extremely human friend to mouth off to a room full of blood sucking undead people. She heard skin hit skin and stifled another laugh as the guy, Robbie she suddenly remembered his name, screamed like a girl.
“Tell me or I kill him.” the vampire said.
“Kill him then because I will NEVER tell you where she is.” Aimee said defiantly.
Ven swelled with pride and love at that. They had known each a long time. Since Aimee was a young girl. Ven had found her as a child wandering the streets alone and for some reason had taken her in. They had been like sisters ever since. But the next words made her blood run cold.
“Well then, since you don’t care about your boyfriend, we’ll go ahead and kill him then have our fun with you. When the shifter comes home the only thing she will find is your blood.” she could hear the sneer coming from what she could tell as the leader, “I remember your mother little Aimee. She was so sweet and so tasty. I wonder if you’ll taste the same.”
When Ven had found her she had been covered in someone else’s blood and in total shock. After she had taken care of the girl, she had went back to investigate and found the remains of a woman who looked strikingly similar to the girl. Ven found pictures of the two of them on the mantle and cleaned up the mess. Amiee, whose name she had learned by reading the birth certificate something else she found in the apartment, was only four years old. So little to have witnessed what she did. It physically made Ven ill to picture what she had seen. So she made a deal with the Furies. Erase that part of her memory and Ven would raise her as she would her own. But what the Furies had failed to mention was that Aimee was a powerful sorceress with untapped powers that would astound the magical world and she had to stay good or she could single handedly destroy the world. So Ven had spent the last twenty years protecting and raising her. She wasn’t about to lose her sister because some idiot had invited the walking death in with one of which knew what happened to Aimee‘s mother. So she decided to crash the party.
“Well hello boys,” she flashed into the room making Robbie jump.
“Whoa! Where did you come from?” he asked from his position on the floor.
She ignored him and sized up the room. Two vampires flanked Robbie, three flanked Aimee like they knew what she could do and the sixth, Mr. Leader, stood in the center of the room watching the scene.
“Looks like the party started without me.” she went on, “Although I don’t recall inviting yellow bellied pricks.”
The two flanking Robbie growled.
“Easy boys,” the leader chuckled, “She’s only trying to provoke you.”
Sensing Nikoli was close Ven turned her back on them and stared down the one who just spoke.
“Well, you look like man who’s in charge.” she said, “What do you say to you sending your flunkies back to hell and let my people go. Then you and I can go out side and take care of this man to man. Shall we?”
He chuckled, he actually chuckled.
“I say no.”
“Well, then I guess I’ll just have to send you AND your flunkies back to hell.” she drew her sword as he drew his own.
“Ven there’s too many of them.” Aimee sent her a pleading look.
“The human is right,” he went on, “There are six of us and one of you. I don’t like those odds shifter.”
“And I don’t like your nasty face, but there’s nothing I can do about it.” she replied, “Well there is one thing I can do. Rearrange it!”
With that she lunged at him but stopped as soon as his blade came within centimeters of Aimee’s neck.
“Not so fast.” he said, “You and I need to chat.”
“Lemme guess, your Varez.” Ven stared him down.
“No. His second in command. Lucian.”
“Well Lucy. I’m not concerned with talking to you because frankly you bore me.” Ven said then immediately the hairs on her body stood up.
She could smell Aimee’s blood as the blade drew itself lightly over the girls skin. Aimee’s eyes bulged in pain.
Ven’s eyes changed from green to blue and her canines appeared as her temper flared. Two of them spontaneously burst into flames causing enough of a distraction for Ven to make her move. She went directly for Lucian. Snarling she tossed her sword on the couch and grabbed him with her bare hands.
“No one comes into my house and threatens my family. No one. I‘ll let your boss know that when I kill him.” she threw him up against the wall and continued to go after him.
“You’ll never find him!” Lucian wheezed.
She punched him hard in the stomach and hissed in pain as he backhanded her. Letting loose a feral scream she launched herself at him and landed on his chest feet braced on his legs and her hands wrapped around his neck. One of the others grabbed her from behind yanking her off him. Using his body as a springboard she flipped backwards landing in a crouched position and stared them down. Hissing she bared her teeth and pounced again. This time going after the one who pulled her off. Grabbing him by the shirt she picked him up and threw him across the room just as Nikoli joined the action. He grabbed the one she just threw and staked him. Breathing heavily she turned back to Lucian with a deadly gleam in her eyes. Whirling she threw the dagger she kept up her sleeve and caught remaining flunky in the heart. He too evaporated. Now it was just them and Lucian.
“Now, call me sarcastic but I love your odds.” she said her voice sounding a bit funny due to the fangs.
Growling she lunged at him again and caught him around the middle. He was ready for her though and threw his weight into her causing them both to crash through the glass coffee table onto the floor. Another feral scream escaped her lips as they rolled glass embedding itself in both their bodies. Ven’s blood stained her clothes and ran down her arms as she continued to tear at him. Straddling his waist she raised her arm to drive the splintered table leg into his chest but he sat up quick and shoved her onto her back.
“Now this is more like it,” he panted, “Although I like your previous position too.”
That pissed her off even more but she grinned and brought her knee up between his legs. Hard. Grunting he rolled off her and up to his knees. Grabbing a larger piece of wood she flipped onto her haunches and drove it into his chest. He laughed but didn’t dust.
“Stronger than normal kitten,” he grinned, yanked it out, and tossed it on the floor.
Thinking quick she rolled forward, grabbed a large piece of glass and slit his throat clean through. He looked at her in surprise before his head rolled from his shoulders and turned to dust before it hit the floor. Getting slowly to her feet she went over to Robbie and hauled him by the collar from his spot.
“YOU EVER COME NEAR THIS HOUSE OR MY SISTER AGAIN AND WHAT THEY WERE PLANNING ON DOING TO YOU WILL LOOK LIKE A DAY AT THE SPA COMPARED TO WHAT I WILL DO.” her voice was calm as she carried him to the door, willed it open and physically threw him out with a ferocious growl.
Turning around she walked back to Aimee and gathered her into her arms.
“Are you ok?” she asked, “Why did you let them in?”
“I didn’t. Robbie did. He said he had ordered pizza.” Aimee sobbed, “I was in the kitchen getting plates and…and…then they were in there holding him down.”
Ven smoothed her sisters hair down and shushed her.
“It’s over now. They’re gone. Your safe.” she said, “You know I would never let anything happen to you.”
“But what if you hadn’t been here?” Aimee wailed, “They would have killed us!”
“I will always be there,” Ven replied, “I always have been and I always will be.”
Aimee said something incoherent and held on tight. Looking at Nikoli over her shoulder she gave him a weak smile. She was still bleeding badly from the cuts on her back and arms. But she used the last of her physical strength to flash them to Aimee’s room. Easing her sister onto the bed she used her magic to cast a slumber spell on her. She instantly went to sleep. Satisfied after a few minutes of waiting nothing bad was going to happen again she stumbled from the room and somehow made it down the stairs. Nikoli was cleaning the living room.
“Is she ok?” he asked as he hurried over to her.
She reached out to him as he neared and fell into his arms.
“No she’s not.” she managed before she passed out.

Ven awoke the next “morning” to find her room full of people. Sitting up quietly she looked around. Nikoli was asleep in the chair closest to the bed, Markus was sprawled on the chaise lounge, and Aimee was curled up in the recliner. She stretched, nothing hurt, nothing was bleeding but she was bandaged up. In fact, something she discovered by looking down, she had different clothes on too. The large t-shirt she sometimes slept in covered her nude body. In fact she felt quite alert. So she flashed herself from the room instead of walking so as not to wake her sleeping friends. The living room had been cleaned up, nothing was out of place. The coffee table had even been replaced. In the kitchen the microwave read five in the evening. She had slept longer than she thought.
“You’re supposed to be resting in bed.” someone said from behind her, “If you wanted something all you had to do was ask.”
She turned around and found Nikoli leaning against the door.
“You looked too cute to wake up.” she smiled playfully at him then flexed, “Besides I’m fine. See?”
“You lost a lot of blood.” he went on, “What in this world prompted you to have a glass coffee table?”
“Martha Stewart.” Ven grinned, “She hates them. I hate her. Seemed like the right thing to do.”
“Spiteful.” he shook his head, “Still you should be resting.”
“I’m fine dad.” she rolled her eyes.
His hand shot out and a dagger lodged itself in the cabinet just inches from her head. She looked from the dead cabinet to him and back again.
“If your trying to prove something slick we can move this party to my workout room.” she said yanking the blade from the wood and threw it back, “I rather like my kitchen.”
"Our minds create our realities based on our perceptions and how we view our world..." "In crazy mans world, everyone else is insane and he is the only sane one"
Both said by My Georgia Muse

I miss my baby...R.I.P Chyna

I wish to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.

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Re: Wicked Fever Chapter 2

Post by LadySaturn » Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:22 pm

This so needs to be made into a movie. I think it's something the young adults would definitely eat up. :thumbsup:

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The Irish Rose
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Re: Wicked Fever Chapter 2

Post by Duchess » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:31 am

thanks :mrgreen:
"Our minds create our realities based on our perceptions and how we view our world..." "In crazy mans world, everyone else is insane and he is the only sane one"
Both said by My Georgia Muse

I miss my baby...R.I.P Chyna

I wish to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.

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