Wicked Fever (Caution...some language...)

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The Irish Rose
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Wicked Fever (Caution...some language...)

Post by Duchess » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:10 pm

(This is the first chapter from the book I am currently working on. All comments are much appreciated...if all goes over well I will continue to post the chapters up as I write them. I wouldnt post it if I didnt trust and love you guys! Thanks! :hearts: D)

Ven McCelt tucked her precious dagger into the side of her boot and straightened her weapons harness holding her sword against her back. Sure, she could carry a gun but personally she didn’t like them. Blades were more personal in her opinion. She smiled to herself as she walked downstairs, there was something in the air that told her tonight would be a good night. Her roommate and best friend Aimee Alexander was necking with her current boy toy, whose name currently escaped her, on the couch. An unopened French book lay on the coffee table.
“Good god, I’m blind.” Ven faked a shudder as she passed them, “Get a room!”
“You’re just jealous cause I’m getting laid and your not!” Aimee laughed, “What’s it been like a hundred years?”
“Seems like it.” Ven grinned, if Mr. Boy Toy only knew the truth in that statement.
“So where are you off to?” she asked.
“Figured I would hit up the downtown area then maybe the club.” Ven answered then tapped her wrist, “Don’t wait up.”
Aimee nodded.
“Bite hard sister.”
“Die hard.” Ven grinned.
She left the room and had to control her laughter when she overheard the guy ask why her roommate was wearing combat boots, going to a club and talking

about dying hard. Aimee’s explanation was that Ven used to date a medical examiner and it was a running joke about one of his recently deceased clients. It was the usual story. If anyone ever found out the truth, Ven AND Aimee would be locked up in the loony bin.
Since it was a warm night she opted to walk instead of drive. Usually she flashed anywhere she wanted to go but tonight she felt the need to stretch her legs. The air was thick and the darkness comforting as she walked out of the gates leading to her two story plantation style home. Even though it was after nine o’clock at night and pitch black she could see perfectly, like most people could in the daylight. The street lights blazed their usual muted orange glow and cast shadows into the empty street. She wasn’t even a mile from the gate when an all too familiar tingle went down her spine. Call it a sixth sense if you will.
“Well lookie here,” a male voice said from behind her, “A dinner date.”
“And she’s a pretty thang too.” another replied his southern accent heavy.
Ven turned around and found herself face to face with two tall blonde haired men. Both wore red shirts and had a black streak in their hair.
“Evenin’ boys.” she said her own southern twang showing through, “Little early for Halloween isn’t it? I mean come on you have the streak and you smell bad, so you must be skunks right?”
One of them growled and lunged at her. She stepped back as she kicked up and caught the vampire in the chest, he evaporated into dust at her feet. The stake automatically went back inside her boot as she grinned.
“That was my brother!” another lunged at her as two more came out of the shadows.
She sidestepped him and then did something that made the three vampire stop and stare. She laughed.
“Finally! A challenge!” she laughed again.
“You think you can take all of us on human?” one asked.
“I don’t think. I know.” she grinned letting her own set of canines show, “And for the record, I’m not human.”
Her eyes flashed from a beautiful emerald green to a dangerous ice blue that shined in the darkness. So as not to alert the locals she used her powers and blew the street lights throwing them into complete darkness. Her eyes glowed with dangerous intent as she drew her sword.
“it’s the Shifter!” one hissed, “Get her! Varez wants her alive!”
Nikoli watched from the shadows as the raven haired woman fought the vampires. Never in his life had he seen a human fight like this and live. But then there was something about this woman that wasn’t quite human too. She moved quicker than most and had quite a bit of knowledge of how to do battle with a sword. That in it of itself made him want to know more about her, even if he only gained a sparring partner. Most people now days only collected blades for display only. Or they owned guns and he hated guns. Bullets tended to sting when they hit immortal flesh. And they were just plain annoying when you had to dig them out yourself. He watched as she dusted two of them and stalked across the street after the third. She grabbed him by the throat and hauled him against the wall a good three feet off the ground. He couldn’t quite understand what they were saying but apparently she didn’t like his answer because he too became dust.
“Geez, they could have given me a challenge.” her annoyed voice seemed to float across the wind.
He chuckled, she definitely had to be an immortal to think something like that. But he had never met her, nor had he ever seen her before. Intrigued he put his previous plan on a back burner and did the one thing no normal person would do after what they just witnessed. He followed her.
Ven fixed the lights on the street but couldn’t shake the feeling something else was out there just past her line of sight. Glancing around she tried to find whatever was there. Maybe it was the Varez character they were talking about. She hoped so, maybe he would give her a challenge. But she doubted it, he was probably some half baked undead fruitcake who thought he was a god. She just kick his ass, take his name and move on. She frowned, she couldn’t get a lock on whatever was out there. She sniffed the air but only caught the scent of horny teenagers and someone making bread on the next street over. But instinctively she knew whatever it was, it was dangerous.

“Hey Mick,” she said walking up to the bar in “Mickey’s”. The club catered to people of the nonhuman sort. It was even specialized for them. Light music played and the lights were dimmed so as not to hurt their sensitive eyes and ears. “Seen anyone unusual lately?”
“Las, look around,” the aging Scotsman gestured, “it’s the usual looking people I worry about.”
Ven laughed, he had a point.
“So what brings you in here?” he asked, “It’s a little early, even for you.”
“I wanted to see your handsome face.” she grinned, “Why else?”
“Now I know that’s a lie.” He chuckled.
“Aw,” she laughed, “Where’s Mark I need to talk to him.”
“Over that way somewhere,” he pointed before heading off to take care of another customer, “Can’t get rid of the pup.”
Looking around she spotted her friend talking to a human woman. She had her hand on his leg and was giving him some pretty steamy looks. Focusing in on them she eavesdropped in on their conversation. She choked on her beer when she overheard the woman call him a “handsome tiger”. Ven couldn’t decide which was funnier, the completely offended look on Markus’s face or the completely dumfounded look on the woman’s when he walked away. He appeared by her side a few minutes later.
“Hey Ven,” he said.
“Markus.” she tilted her head towards him, “Or is it tiger now?”
He growled at her but grinned.
“She really has no idea.” he laughed.
“That the ‘handsome tiger’ she was flirting with is really a thousand year old wolf?” Ven laughed too, “You pick the weirdest women to go after. Word of advice, stick to your own species bud.”
“Yeah, but humans are so much fun,” he grinned. “Done hunting tonight?”
“Yeah, the only thing I found was a bunch of newbie vamps with a god complex.” she shook her head and told him what happened, “They are getting younger all the time. And more stupid too.”
“Aint that about a bitch.” he laughed.
“Although have you heard of anyone named Varez?” she asked, “One of the them mentioned him. Whoever he is, he supposedly wants me and wants me alive.”
The wolf scrunched his face up while he thought.
“Nope. Never heard of him.” he said after a minute, “Are you sure he’s not a disgruntled lover wanting revenge?”
“No Mark. He’s not.” she rolled her eyes.
“Well in that case, I’ll do some checking and get back to you.” he frowned at her, “It would probably be a good idea if we patrolled together though. That way your not alone and someone you trust has your back.”
“Thanks but that’s not -” she paused as once again the same tingle went down her spine. Whatever followed her earlier was here.
Narrowing her eyes she scanned the room until her gaze fell on the stranger at the end of the bar. He was tall, dark, and oozed of sexual energy. His coal black hair was tied back and fell just past his shoulders. He took a drink of his beer and continued to stare at her. She sniffed. Not human. She growled low in her throat as he started for them. But before she could make a move Markus pounded him on the back and grinned.
“Nik! Man! I didn’t think you were gonna be here tonight!” he said.
“Hello Markus.” he replied still staring at her, “I wasn’t sure I was going to be here either, but I just felt drawn in.”
“Nik, this is Ven,” Markus introduced him, “Ven this is -”
“Nikoli.” he extended his hand, “The pleasure is all mine, my lady. Might I
say you handle a sword well. Better than most humans in this century.”
“News flash sparky,” she bared her teeth, “Not human! So you were following me. Don’t do it anymore. Ask Markus what happened the last time he followed me. I don’t like it and I wont tolerate it. Ever hear the phrase “Grab a tiger by the tail and your gonna get bit”? I‘m the reason they created that phrase.”
He ignored her temper and simply cocked his head at her.
“So it’s true then, you are a Shifter.” he smiled.
“You can talk telepathically, big whoop, me too.” she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Ok then, can you do this?” he closed his eyes and when he opened them his pretty blue eyes had been replaced with blood red ones.
“Not impressed.” she let her own eyes change.
This time his eyes shone flames and his face became hard and angry an instant before he went back to normal. Her instincts were right, he was dangerous. Ven physically took a step back.
“What are you?” she asked.
“Now Ven that’s not a nice thing to say to a friend,” Markus interjected.
“I’m not a nice person. You oughta know that by now.” she stated, “Now answer the question. And he isn’t my friend.”
Nikoli chuckled.
“It’s all right Mark,” he said, “She has every right to question me. Just as though I have every right to question her. An immortal, shifter or not, on my turf and no one tells me? Especially you my friend, come on, a woman as beautiful as this and you never told me she was here?”
“Well you never asked,” Markus said, “Besides she’s not your type. She bites. Hard.”
“Well, she certainly looks like my type.” Nikoli said, “I love the dress. Very Greek.”
“I am standing right - my what?” she looked down, her jeans, tank top and combat boots had been replaced by a white flowing dress gathered at the waist and her hair piled on top of her head. Just like a certain Greek goddess she knew.
“Oh this is so not cool,” Ven slammed her bottle down on the bar, “Damn it! We talked about this Afro!”
Growling she flashed her other clothes back on and made a mental note to ream a certain goddess when she got home.
“What might I ask was that about?” Nikoli grinned at her.
“Her boss likes to make her presentable to the male species when she knows Ven is attracted to them.” Markus supplied then winced when she hit him in the stomach.
“So your attracted to me then?” he asked with a smile.
“Oh stuff it up your bloody arse!” she snapped and walked away, “FYI heading home Mark. DO NOT FOLLOW ME! EITHER ONE OF YOU!”
“She said -” Markus began.
“I heard.” Nikoli replied.
“Well this turned out to be an interesting evening,” he went on, “A shifter whose clothing changes in the middle of the conversation. Very interesting.”
“She once had it happen in the middle of a fight.” Markus laughed, “That was so funny! One minute she’s kickin ass and takin names and the next she is trying to unwind her legs from the dress Afro put her in. God it was hilarious.”
“I can only imagine.” Nikoli watched her push her way from the bar and fight her way through the crowd of people.

Ven slammed the door so hard when she entered the house that it shook the walls. Stomping her way to her workout room and slammed that door too. Since the walls had been sound proofed she screamed at the top of her lungs and stamped her foot. She hated when Aphrodite did that to her! And so what if she was attracted to Nikoli? She paced the room, no, she couldn’t be attracted to another guy. Not after the last time. And besides he had followed her all night! How creepy was that? She growled then hauled off and hit the punching bag and kept hitting it until someone cleared their throat behind her. Whirling around she was poised to fight but when she spotted Aimee she relaxed her stance.
“Bad night?” she asked leaning against the doorframe.
“Oh yeah,” Ven replied.
“Well, its going to get worse my friend,” Aimee said.
“Your favorite goddess is waiting in the living room, where she popped in a split second after Robbie left. If I hadn’t “tripped” and pushed him out the front door he would have seen her highness show up in all her glory.” Aimee frowned, “Does that woman even own clothing?”
“Oh, she owns it, she just has too much fun putting it on me to wear it herself.” Ven rolled her eyes and stalked to the living room.
She narrowed her eyes and flashed clothing on the blonde sitting on the couch.
“Come now Venus,” she said, “I like the way I was dressed.”
“I don’t Afro,” Ven replied, “I have friends that come over and seeing a naked woman stretched out on my couch gives them the wrong impression of me. And don’t call me Venus.”
“Venus.” Aphrodite shook her head ignoring everything she just heard, “Why didn’t you leave the dress on? It looked so pretty on you.”
“Because I can’t look evil and mean in a dress!” Ven stamped her foot, “We talked about this!”
“You said that I couldn’t do it to you in battle,” she replied, “You never said anything about any other time.”
“Gotta love the loop holes.” Amiee said from the door, “Hello Aphrodite. How are you?”
“I am just wonderful Aimee.” she replied, “I seen that handsome man you had here.”
Instantly Aimee’s clothing changed to a dress similar to the one Ven had earlier complete with gold sandals. Ven groaned when her friend grinned.
“Anytime.” Aphrodite waved her hand, “Now as for you Venus. I have a message for you.”
“From who?” she crossed her arms, “And since when does the goddess of love herself deliver messages?”
A pained look crossed the woman’s face.
“Since when I care about you Venus. Your like the daughter I never had.” Aphrodite said quietly, “And as far as the message goes my wonderful cousins said to tell you there is an evil growing in this town. It wants blood. It wants to hurt people. It wants you.”
Ven studied the look on her old friends face. She genuinely looked scared.
“I’ll watch my back ok. I heard about a man named Varez tonight. Who is he?”
Aphrodite shook her head.
“I don’t know him personally. I know he works for Ares. But that’s all I know.” she answered.
Ven nodded.
“What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.
“I hate it when you do that!” Aphrodite snapped, “I’m telling you what I am allowed to tell you.”
“So there is more.” Ven smirked.
“All I can tell you is you need an open heart and mind to defeat your enemies. And you wont be able to do it alone.” Aphrodite disappeared before Ven could ask her anything more.
“I hate it when she does that!” Ven stamped her foot again, “I really do! She gives me the cliff notes of a book, and expects me to know the whole story!”
Aimee clasped a hand on her shoulder and shook her head.
“Are you sure she’s not your mother? But anyway that’s what you get for dealing with the gods. Lots and Lots of vague answers and loopholes. You would think after a fifteen hundred years you would be used to it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ven grinned and looked down, “the dress does look nice though.”
“The perks of being in the service of a goddess! Better than Versace!” Aimee twirled around and laughed.

“What’s your problem tonight?” Markus asked coming up to her.
It had been three nights since she had been attacked and she was still no closer to finding out who Varez was. The only thing she had accomplished was ridding the world of a few suckers and thinking about Nikoli. The latter of which pissed her off. Yes, he was cute. Yes, he had manners. Yes, he thought she was hot. But he was all wrong for her. Any man was.
“Ok, I see all you want to do is sulk in your beer.” he sat down beside her, “What’s on your mind?”
“I cant seem to get a hold on this,” she growled, “Usually by now I have at least a lead! I don’t even have the hint of a lead!”
“Your not the only one who doesn’t have a lead. I’ve been grilling my sources trying to get information and its just not there.” he replied, “When I say grilling, I mean that in a literal sense. My source with the vampires tasted good.”
“Ew!” she gave him a disgusted look, “That’s nasty. You don’t know what they have!”
“Well, when someone’s messing with my little sister I have to take drastic measures!” he defended himself.
“Well said my friend.” Nikoli said from behind them, “Hey Markus. Hello Ven.”
“Ya know what, I think I left the stove on the kitchen. Gotta go.” Markus made a hasty exit and left them alone.
Nikoli chuckled and took the seat their friend had just vacated.
“How are you this evening?” he asked.
“Frustrated. Tired. Restless. Among other things.” she allowed herself a look at him but instantly regretted it.
He was dressed to the nines in black Armani suit and his hair fell around his shoulders instead of being tied back. He looked amazing.
“Just come from a party slick?” she asked.
“Actually yes. A colleague of mine at the college had an engagement party and since I am the best man, my presence was required.” he grinned, “and I wanted to impress you.”
“How did you know I was here?”
“I had a strong feeling,” he took a drink of the beer that was placed in front of him, “And your friend Aimee said to check here.”
“Remind me to kill her later.” Ven flagged Mick down, “Three shots of my usual and keep them comin’ after that.”
Nikoli watched as Mick sat three shot glasses filled with a dark liquid in front of her. She downed all three shots without flinching.
“Beer not enough tonight?” he asked.
“Nope. The only thing I don’t like about being immortal is that I can’t get drunk, no matter how much I drink or what I drink.” she replied, “But at least this stuff dulls my mind a little.”
“You don’t need your mind dulled right now unless you are in the safety of your own home and not going out for the evening.” Nikoli said taking the next shot that was set in front of her.
She cast him a scathing sideways glance.
“What are you my dad?”
“No, but I care about what happens to you,” he answered honestly. He had no idea why though. “Besides, if something happens to you. Markus will go nuts and go on a wild killing spree and I don’t feel like running after him and cleaning up the mess.”
That made her chuckle.
“Now, see I got you laughing.” he grinned, “I know a good one about a three nuns.”
“Please don’t say it,” she laughed, “Listen I’m sorry about the other night. I was on edge.”
“No worries.” he replied, “Maybe you could take me to dinner to make up for it.”
“Is that your way of asking me out?” she actually stared at him.
“I guess so.” he shrugged, “Pick me up at seven?”
“Look bud, you are great. Nice. Handsome, oh hell, your just plain sexy.” she said, “But my dates have a bad habit of ending up dead. So I don’t date. I don’t have boyfriends. I don’t have sex. None of that.”
“You don’t have sex?” he asked wide eyed.
“Not usually no. Other shifters and some elite vampires can pick up my scent on them. The last time I had a boyfriend he ended up in pieces on my front lawn.” she answered, “So no I don’t.”
“Well I can promise you that I wont end up in pieces on your lawn.” he said, “And all I am asking is dinner. I’ll even pay. Pick you up at seven tomorrow night? And we can go patrolling after just as a special present for you. It will be a break for both of us.”
For some strange reason, she believed him. But she couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth next.
“Alright. Pick me up at seven and I pick the restaurant.” she answered.
“Fine by me.” Nikoli replied with a genuine smile.

Aphrodite stared into her looking glass and smiled. Things were progressing quite nicely.
“There you are lover,” a deep male voice said from behind her, “What are you looking at with those pretty brown eyes?”
He encircled her from behind and laid his head on her shoulder.
“Nothing,” she waved the image away, “Now my sweet Ares, why don’t I finish what you started earlier.”
"Our minds create our realities based on our perceptions and how we view our world..." "In crazy mans world, everyone else is insane and he is the only sane one"
Both said by My Georgia Muse

I miss my baby...R.I.P Chyna

I wish to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.

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Re: Wicked Fever (Caution...some language...)

Post by LadySaturn » Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:42 pm

Holy shit, I could totally see this as a big screen movie eventually made into a t.v. series. This has some very cool imagery and very smooth dialogue amongst characters. This would definitely be popular that's for sure. You've told me that I'm a talented writer well Duch, I'm not the only one. You my dear little sis, rank right up there with me. Your story oozes with talent and creativity. I love it. :thumbsup:

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The Irish Rose
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Location: Beech Island, SC/Augusta, GA

Re: Wicked Fever (Caution...some language...)

Post by Duchess » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:04 pm

Thank you so much. I feel so loved :hearts:

I will post chapter 2 soon.

:hearts: D
"Our minds create our realities based on our perceptions and how we view our world..." "In crazy mans world, everyone else is insane and he is the only sane one"
Both said by My Georgia Muse

I miss my baby...R.I.P Chyna

I wish to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.

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