SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

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SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

Post by Altawell » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:06 am


Part Three

The teacher's silence was broken by the shattering of a glass as a grey ball came through one of the classroom windows and landed at the boy's feet.

The children were screaming, apart from the boy. Even the teacher was close to a panicked state, as she was calling in a fearful nervous voice for all the children to leave the classroom at once.

The children managed to leave the classroom safely, however, the boy refused to move from his seat, despite the teacher's demands to do so.

"Miss, it's only a ball, it's OK" The boy said.

The teacher simply held tightly to the boy's hand and took him outside the classroom, without paying any attention to what he said.

Hearing the noise and the bang, Mrs. Smith was quickly on the scene, followed shortly by the headmistress.

"What happened? I do hope all the children are OK?" The headmistress said to the teacher with obvious anxiety in her voice.

"Mrs. Smith, please go inside and check the condition of the classroom. Don't forget to remove the broken glass" the headmistress said.

Mrs. Smith had no sooner entered the classroom than she came out running and screaming with fear.

The teacher and the headmistress were puzzled and worried when they saw Mrs. Smith behaving in this strange way. After all, all the staff at the school knew very well how hardworking and brave Mrs. Smith was when it comes to dealing with difficult situations!

"Mrs. Smith! Calm down right now! You must not behave in this way in front of the children" The headmistress said with an angry voice, then told the teacher to take all the children to an empty classroom on the first floor, at once.

Mrs. Smith tried hard to tell the headmistress that there were strange things moving inside the classroom but the headmistress simply would not listen to her until Mrs. Smith pointed her finger at the broken glass window where smoke had started coming out!

"For God sake, call the Fire Brigade, right now" The headmistress shouted at Mrs. Smith.

Mrs. Smith rushed to the nearest phone. The headmistress decided to go inside the classroom and see what had happened.

As the headmistress entered the classroom, she saw no fire and no smoke neither were there any strange things moving, as Mrs. Smith had claimed. Mrs. Smith must have imagined all these things in a moment of panic, the headmistress thought.

Calling on Mrs. Smith, the headmistress asked her not to make the call to the Fire Brigade, but Mrs. Smith replied from the other end of the hall that she had already called them and they were on their way right now!

"Well, call them back and cancel, there is no fire or smoke anywhere!" the headmistress replied sharply.

Just as the headmistress finished her words, the siren of the fire engine was already being heard by everyone, including the headmistress.

"I am really sorry to bother you and waste your time, one of the staff thought mistakenly there was a fire, and I asked her to call you believing that was the case" The headmistress said to one of the officers of the fire brigade team.

"No problem, it is better to be safe than to be sorry, after all, the children's safety must always come first. We will check the building before we leave just to make sure that everything is OK here" The officer said in a relaxed and confident voice.

Two officers went inside the classroom but quickly came out; one of them said to the headmistress while smiling "there is no damage or anything serious apart from the broken glass, which my other colleague will remove as soon as we decide what to do about the animals in the classroom!"

"Animals? What animals?" The headmistress asked with astonishment showing on her face. "I have been inside the classroom just before you arrived, and saw no animals, are you really sure?" "Miss! There are bats inside the classroom, maybe you should call the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals so that they can check them properly before releasing them back to their natural habitat" the officer replied while still smiling. "You said bats - are there lots of them?" "There are six of them, all hanging on the main cable light" he replied.

The headmistress was still not convinced so she decided to go inside the classroom again and check for herself what the officer had just told her.

"I cannot see any bats anywhere in the classroom!" The headmistress shouted from inside the classroom.

The two officers looked at each other, shaking their heads in a sarcastic fashion in response to what the headmistress was saying about the missing bats!

"Why don't you go inside the classroom and show her where the bats are!" one of the officers said to his colleague. The officer did go in the classroom where the headmistress was.

"Aren't you going to show me where these mysterious bats are?!" she said.

"Well, they were over there when we came in, near the light - they must have flown outside, possibly via the broken window!

While talking to the officer, the headmistress heard the teacher's voice saying that the boy was very upset and that she needed to call his parents so that they could come immediately to collect him.

"Did you find out why he is upset?" the headmistress responded in a loud voice.

"I really do not know, as he is not talking, just crying hysterically" the teacher replied while shaking her head.

Just as the teacher finished her words, six bats flew low over the heads of the officer and the headmistress; they carried on flying through the classroom door and rose high, flying toward the first floor.

The boy in the first floor classroom, walked towards the door where the six bats had landed.

It was a perfect time to cover up what was happening, as the school bell rang for the lesson break and all the children walked out of their classrooms. Just when there was something very special and unique taking place!

A few seconds later, a prince was walking down the stairs, surrounded by six bodyguards. Strangely enough, a small dog was also there, trying hard to be close to the new prince among the crowd of children.

No one knew what had happened, neither about the magical transformation that had taken place in a flash of time, in the midst of playing children, who simply smiled at what they had witnessed then forgot all about it, completely. The total forgetfulness occurred as soon as the six guards, the dog and the young prince were no longer visible to the children!


© Altawell 2008

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Re: SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

Post by heinzs » Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:28 pm

catching up...

An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Re: SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

Post by Altawell » Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:38 pm

heinzs wrote:catching up...


Hi heinzs,

Thank you for writing :grin:

Well, Seven Bats is a children book - the three parts I have published on the web are from section one - there are few more sections (or chapters) which complete the main story.

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Re: SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

Post by Black Star Shine » Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:26 pm

I always thought this loked interesting and when i finally got around to reading it i discovered taht i was right! it was VERY interesting and clever! loved it!

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Re: SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

Post by Altawell » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:55 am

Black Star Shine wrote:I always thought this loked interesting and when i finally got around to reading it i discovered taht i was right! it was VERY interesting and clever! loved it!

Thank you "Black Star Shine" - I am glad you liked this part of the story (i.e. the three parts), hope one day you will be able to read the whole book :hello:

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Re: SEVEN BATS (Part Three)

Post by Black Star Shine » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:27 pm

i did read the first two parts, but figured to comment on them all here XD

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