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Ruler of Saturn
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011


Post by LadySaturn » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:09 pm

Poetry Familia 9

My god just when I thought, I’ve seen it all. I’m proven wrong once again. With Jay in heaven being taken care of, Zero took it upon himself to become the new ruler of Hell. But instead of waging war on earth or heaven for that matter. He focused his attention on Apollyon and the Abyss. Usually Apollyon would have had a standing chance to fight Zero but lately it seems Zero’s powers have mysteriously grown. So who does Apollyon turn to for help? Just take a wild guess. And if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking. Then, you’re right. Funny, how we turn to our enemies in time of need even if we go to them as a last resort. I got the surprise while working on my bike in the garage. I had left the garage door open while I worked. I always do just to have a little more light to see what I’m doing. Jordan came out of the house to find me. Which was fine because every time he’d come looking for me, usually in the garage, it was just to stand around and talk. This time however was different and I could sense it. I continued to work, totally ignoring the fact that he was standing a few feet away from my bike.
“You’re blocking my light.” I finally said, working on the engine.
“Saturn.... there’s someone.. You’ve just got to come see for yourself.” Jordan replied, feeling somewhat dumbfounded.
“Uh huh. I’ll be in, in a minute.” I continued to work, thinking nothing of it.
After all, I’ve seen and heard about anything and everything. Unlike Jordan.
“No Saturn, you don’t understand...”
“Look, what could possibly be so damn important that I need to...”
That’s when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I quickly stopped what I was doing and stood up, staring him down.
“Apollyon.” I growled, unsheathing my claws.
“Half-breed.” Apollyon deviously grinned in response.
Berls and Heinzs were both with Apollyon which puzzled me some but, knowing Apollyon it was probably one of his many tricks. Or so I had thought.
“What do you want?” I asked him, sneering. “And what are you doing with Berls and Pops?”
“We’re fine.” Berls tried to assure me.
“Still doesn’t answer why he’s here.”
“I need you’re help, half-breed.” Apollyon spoke up.
“Why the hell should I help you?” I growled.
“If you don’t, the Abyss will be unleashed on earth.” Apollyon calmly pointed out, crossing his arms.
“I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“I do but this won’t be caused by my hands.”
“Then who’s?”
“Wait, wait, wait,” I shook my head, confused. “How did Zero get a hold of the Abyss? How could he have possibly de-throne the supposed great Apollyon?”
“His power has grown.”
“Come on Apollyon, you don’t honestly expect me to....”
“He knows your father is alive.”
“Which means you do too.” I remarked, keeping my claws unsheathed.
“It’s not me you have to worry about right now, half-breed. I’m not the threat, Zero however is.”
“He’s right.” Michael appeared out of nowhere, folding his wings behind him.
“Michael....” I started to say.
“Saturn, look if we don’t help Apollyon we all will be in the grasp of death. Whatever happens on earth affects heaven, you know that. It’s a chain reaction.”
“But after what happened with your son and what about my father...” I argued.
“Saturn, we’ve got to bite the bullet on this one. God wants us to help Apollyon.” Michael
calmly answered.
“Well someone should remind Him that I don’t take orders.” I pointed out, clenching my fists. “Especially if it involves protecting someone who would rather see me dead than walking this earth.”
“You got it all wrong.” Apollyon spoke up. “I don’t want to see you dead, I just want your Seal. And the other six as well.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let that happen.” I growled.
“Well, if you let Zero run around it will be.”
I now raised an eyebrow.
“You’ve got no choice, half-breed.” Apollyon continued. “Either you protect me or Zero wins. And if he wins, you lose.”
“Screw you.” I grumbled, storming off.
I walked out of the garage, taking a walk away from the house. Jordan tried to follow but Michael stopped him.
“Let her go.”
I now took a cigar out of my jacket pocket and was about to reach for my lighter when someone offered a light from their gold plated lighter.
“Tom.” I said, not amused at the person standing before me.
“Saturn.” Tom replied, with a smile.
“What do you want?” I bluntly asked.
“Well, I overheard the conversation in the garage....”
“So are you going to protect Apollyon?”
“I have no choice. I have to.” I sneered, not liking the idea.
“You know some of the familia aren’t going to be too happy about this.”
“I know.”
“They’ll still support you though.”
“I know.”
“We care about you, Saturn. We know it’s sometimes not easy for you especially with some of the decisions you have to make. Like with what happened to Jay or with Lucifer.”
“What are you getting at?” I raised an eyebrow.
“All I’m saying is you shouldn’t ever feel like you’re alone. We’re here for you no matter what.” Tom answered with a smile.
I looked at him for a minute before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you.” I finally said, walking away.
Tom watched me shaking his head somewhat as he continued to smile.
“Lord, she’s definitely one of your creations.” He whispered under his breath.
“Tom, Tom, Tom!” Buttters ran up to him, trying to catch her breath as she stopped in front of him.
“Buttters my dear, what is it?” Tom asked.
“Isis is having her baby.” Buttters answered in between breaths.
“Then we better get her to the hospital. Where’s Thief?”
“With her. Where’s Saturn?”
Tom looked over at the path that I had walked.
Isis was in a great deal of pain as they rushed her to the hospital. She was about to pop, literally.
Seven hours later, after the pain and pushing, Athena came into the world kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs. I arrived shortly after at the hospital. I caught the news on the streets and rushed over to the hospital as fast as I could.
“So you’re a grandpa.” I said sarcastically to Thief, as I met up with and the others in the hall.
“Saturn, whatever you say just isn’t going to get to me right now.” Thief answered.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I had a shirt made up reading world’s number one grandpa?” I grinned.
“Shut up.”
“What? You could wear it when we visit you in the old folks home.”
“Fine. How’s Isis doing?”
“She’s okay. Sleeping right now, though.”
I looked around noticing Jordan was missing.
“He’s looking at the babies in the nursery.” Heinzs spoke up, reading my mind.
“I wasn’t thinking about him.” I replied.
“Sure, you weren’t.”
“Dammit Pops, stay out of my head.”
“Didn’t need to read your mind. Well, not fully.” Heinzs grinned.
“Whatever.” I grumbled, heading for the nursery.
Jordan was looking through the glass at the babies, when the nurses had put Athena’s crib right in front of the window. As soon as Athena saw Jordan she stopped crying and started to coo like babies do.
“Looks like someone likes you.” I said, standing next to Jordan.
“I wouldn’t mind having another one.” He responded, having that look on his face.
The same kind of look all men have when they want to settle down and have a family or in this case have another baby.
“Talk to your girl then.” I finally answered.
“I did.”
“She doesn’t want to. Not now anyway. She says I seem to be too busy as it is to even help with another baby.”
“Ouch. Well, she just has to understand that your music....”
“It wasn’t my career she was talking about.” He interrupted, looking out of the corner of his eye at me.
I didn’t say anything at first, just looked down at Athena.
“I better see how Isis is doing.” I now began to leave, turning around to walk away.
Wats now appeared before me, stopping me dead in my tracks.
“Dammit Wats, what do you want?” I growled, still remembering he was the reason I had to fix my bike.
“Aww, no kisses for me.” Wats responded in a sarcastic tone. “I’m hurt.”
Tom around this time showed up Doc and Dr. Watson right behind him.
“Tom, can’t you learn to control your other selves?” I snarled.
“Sorry my lady,” Tom apologized. “Something about hospitals gets them all riled up.”
“That’s not why I’m here though.” Wats spoke up with a wicked grin. “I found something out. Something evil. Something....”
I quickly slammed him up against a wall, unsheathing a set of claws inches away from his jugular.
“Ooh rough. I like that in my women.” Wats remarked, still grinning.
“Talk or else Tom is gonna have one less side to worry about.” I growled.
“Fine. Ruin all my fun....”
“Talk. NOW!”
“Erika is alive.”
“You’re lying. Nega killed her. There’s no way....”
“Who do you think is Athena’s muse.”
“But she’s a newborn, she can’t have one yet.” Jordan spoke up.
“Actually, yea she can.” I corrected him. “When someone is born into this world they are given one. How many they end up having is totally up to them later on in life.”
“Like you having two.” Jordan pointed out.
“Three actually.” I answered.
“What? Wait, you have three?”
“How come you never told me?”
“You never asked.”
“Uh, there’s more if anyone wants to hear it.” Wats interrupted.
“What could....”
Before I could finish a nurse ran by us screaming how a cat woman on fire was fighting a skeleton man.
“Damn it.” I swore under my breath, as I let go of Wats and headed in the direction of the fight.
Jordan and the others followed right behind me. Making sure to keep their distance from me. I quickly unsheathed my claws as I ran up to Erika, knocking her off of Nega who she had cornered. She got to her feet and turned to face me.
“Saturn, stay out of this.” Erika hissed in a warnful tone.
“I can’t do that.” I growled back. “We maybe familia but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna stand by while you kill another familia member.”
“HE KILLED ME!” Erika yelled, pointing at Nega.
“ I know but he wasn’t himself when he did so. We both know that. Erika, you can’t do this. You have to forgive him.” I now explained in a softer tone, sheathing my claws.
Ravyn now flew out of nowhere landing in front of Erika and looking up at her.
“If anything,” I continued, “Ravyn, Ellie, Jay and Q should be examples of how quickly we can lose family and how we need to forgive, no matter what the other one has done. You take Nega’s life and you’ll destroy this familia.”
“Like Nega hasn’t already by taken hers.” Thief argued.
“Drop it, T.” I warned.
“No, I won’t. Saturn, he’s just as much to blame for what he did.” T snapped back. “This crap about him being under Zero or Apollyon’s influence is b.s. and you know it.”
“T.” I now said again.
“I’m just speaking the truth. Everyone else in the familia is afraid to say something but not me. He should pay for what he did to her.”
“TERRY!” I roared at him.
Everyone began to quickly step away from Terry, seeing the anger on my face.
“What?” he asked, not phased by my temper.
“Need I remind you that you tried to kill me once.” I sneered. “Do I also need to remind you I have never once held that over you or faulted you for it but if you don’t shut it right now I will.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Don’t test me.”
“Um if I were you Terrance, I’d shut it.” Bags advised. “It’s not wise to argue with a hot-headed woman.”
“Fine, whatever.” Thief grumbled, walking away.
Erika now started to cry, feeling somewhat confused and frustrated as she transformed back into her normal form. Ravyn flew up and landed on her shoulder, watching her. I know knelt beside her trying to stop her from falling over.
“Saturn, I just.. I’m sorry.” Erika cried.
“Don’t be.” I comforted her. “It’s not your fault.”
“Saturn, maybe we should....” Ven started to say but I just held up my hand to stop her.
Jordan’s cell phone went off and he walked away somewhere to the other end of the hall to answer it. Taking a chance of getting busted by the nurses, considering cells aren’t allowed to be on in the hospital. I could tell by the look on his face that his girl was chewing him out big time.
“Leysa, can you take Erika home?” I asked her.
“Saturn....” Erika started to protest.
“We’ll talk later, I promise. Right now, you need to go home and rest.”
I now turned my attention to Nega as Leysa helped Erika to the exit. Nega who looked somewhat roughed up but not all that bad. That however didn’t stop me from worrying about him.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Fine. Just... I’m fine. I need to go for a walk.”
“Let Fox go with you.” I suggested.
“No, I need to be alone.” Nega headed towards the exit door.
I looked over at Berls who could tell I was worried but trying to hide it from the others.
“Fox, Jeannie follow Nega.” She ordered.
“But he said he wanted to be....” Fox began to reply.
“Just do it.”
I tried to look for Jordan but he was gone. I headed for the door, having a feeling where he went but not wanting to say anything to anyone else.
“Where are you going?” Preston asked.
“Out.” I answered.
“But....” Preston tried to say as I left.
“Let her go.” Heinzs said to him. “She needs to take care of something.”
“Yea, a Yankee.” Preston grumbled, crossing his arms.
A loud scream came out of the nursery and made it’s way through the halls. Getting anyone and everyone’s attention. The familia quickly ran down to the nursery only to see nurses frantically trying to calm down all the crying babies. While a nurse sat outside of the nursery, next to the door and on the floor. Rocking back and forth while speaking in tongues.
“Athena’s missing.” Spaz noticed.
Tom was now trying to talk to the nurse who kept on speaking in tongues.
“Tom, do you understand her?” Gilly asked.
“Somewhat. She’s speaking Aramaic. Some I know but not all.” Tom answered.
“Maybe I can help.” The Archangel Gabriel appeared within a flash of light, folding his wings behind him.
I had followed Jordan’s scent to his girl’s place. It was all too easy to pick up on the smell of cheap cologne and cigarettes. I now stood next to the living room window out in the blistering cold. Making sure to stay hidden in the shadows as I used my heightened sense of hearing to listen in on the conversation.
“I can’t do this anymore.” I heard her say to Jordan. “I can’t keep on pretending everything is all right when it isn’t.”
“What do you want me to do? I can’t exactly give my Seal back and say thanks but no thanks.”
“Why not?”
“You know why not.”
“Because of her.” She snapped at him.
“No, because of our son.” Jordan growled.
“Bull. I’ve seen the way you look at her. And for god’s sake, I heard you two shared a bed. I
mean honestly what do you expect me to think when I hear that?”
“All we did was sleep, that’s it. Besides, I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship.”
“Oh really, then why is her and her little friends still living with you?”
“I can’t kick them out on the streets.” Jordan tried to keep his cool but finding it difficult.
“Funny, it’s easier for you to live with strangers than your own family.” She pointed out.
“Their not strangers. And you’re the one who didn’t want to live with me.” Jordan replied.
“Well, I never. Don’t you dare turn this around on me.”
“Look, I’m not going to deal with this right now. I can’t.” Jordan started to head for the front door. “There’s just no point in talking to you right now.”
“So what? You’re just going to walk away?”
“I’m not walking away. We can talk later.”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I mean I don’t know. I have some things I need to take care of.”
“In other words, you’re chasing after her again.”
“It’s not like that.” Jordan lowered his head, shaking it somewhat as he felt a headache coming on.
“Bull. You’re obsessed with her. With who she is, where she came from, even her past. I can’t even be with you without you talking about her. And damn it, it’s getting on my last good nerve.”
“Hon...” Jordan tried to comfort her.
“Don’t. Just do what you have to.” She said, pushing him away. “And afterwards, we’ll talk. That’s if....”
“If what?”
“You know she was talking about you.” Michael appeared next to me, whispering.
“Really? I wouldn’t have guessed it.” I sarcastically responded. “So what brings you here?”
“Besides catching you play snoop?”
“Michael.” I warned in a low growl.
“It’s your father.”
“What about him?”
“I found out where he’s at.”
I looked at Michael.
“Where?” I asked.
“Saturn....” Michael hesitated to answer.
“Where?” I now demanded to know.
“Fine, I’ll show you.”
An hour later, Michael and I were at a cemetery standing in front of a gravestone.
“Michael?” I now looked over at him, somewhat confused.
“He’s here, Saturn.”
Without saying a word, Michael looked over at the grave in front of us, out of the corner of his eye. And that’s when I knew. I stood before the grave looking down at it.
“Saturn?” Michael said, breaking the silence.
“Who did this?” I questioned in a low growl, not sounding at all human.
“You can’t let.....”
“Who did this?!?” I demanded.
I walked away from the grave and Michael, unsheathing my claws. Michael just stood there afraid to stop me. He looked over at the gravestone, shaking his head a little.
“She definitely has your temper, old man.” He said letting out a sigh.
Apollyon was with everyone else back at Jordan’s place. Discussing what, I had no idea. My attention was focused on Apollyon. Not two seconds through the door and I had him held up against the wall with a set of glowing claws pointed at his jugular.
“Are you bloody mad?” Apollyon asked.
I let out a low non-human growl, literally foaming at the mouth.
“Oh sh....” Thief started to say.
Jordan walked in through the front door noticing what was going on.
“Saturn....” He stepped in, speaking up.
“Not now!” I snarled.
“Fine. I just thought we were suppose to protect him from Zero but if you don’t want to. That’s fine. I just wish you’d tell the rest of us.” Jordan sarcastically remarked, use to my temper. “Just promise me you won’t get blood on my carpet.”
“Look, she’s gone mad. Can someone please talk some sense into her.” Apollyon responded. “I feel like I’m being punished for something I didn’t do.”
“Well, you must have done something or else she wouldn’t want to kill you.” Leysa pointed out.
“I swear I did nothing.”
“You knew my father was dead and lied about it.” I snapped at him.
“I did no such thing.”
“Whoa.” Phoenix said, seeing the rage taking over in me.
“I didn’t kill your father.” Apollyon calmly replied.
“Then why is his blood on your hands?”
“It’s not.” He deviously grinned.
“YOU LIE!” As I went to stab him in his throat.
He vanished into thin air seconds before I made contact with his jugular. He reappeared behind me, trying to take me by surprise but the sound of something being unsheathed and the sight of something metallic being pointed at him made him think twice. I turned around and saw Jay standing there in his metallic form. His sword like hand pointed at Apollyon’s neck.
“Leave her alone.” Jay growled at him.
“Fine. Then I’ll just screw with your head again.” Apollyon remarked.
“No, you won’t.” Michael appeared out of nowhere. “You leave my boy alone. You did enough damage first time around.”
“Three against one. Is this really fair?” Apollyon pointed out.
“You tell me.” I growled, as my claws began to glow brighter.
“You kill me and I can’t help you find Athena.”
“What? Wait, what?”
“That’s right you haven’t been told yet. You probably would have if you hadn’t been so eager to break my neck.” Apollyon stated.
“What is he talking about?” Jordan asked, confused.
“Athena was kidnaped.” Tom spoke up.
“By who?”
“We don’t know exactly.” Tom explained. “But from what I got from the nurse, it’s a woman that looked very much like EE.”
“Wait, from what you got from the nurse? Was she speaking a foreign language or something?” Jay questioned.
“Aramaic actually.” Tom responded in a matter of fact tone.
I looked over at Thief, seeing if he was okay. After all him and EE did have some history together. And I do imagine hearing her name alone has to break him up from time to time.
“What?” He asked, noticing my stare.
“Nothing.” I said, turning my attention back on Apollyon.
“Okay why would someone want to kidnap Athena?” Jay asked, speaking up. “Does it have to do with Isis or what?”
That’s when a smile crept up out of the corner of Apollyon’s mouth. I quickly pounced on him, knocking him to the ground and having a set of claws pointed once again at his jugular.
“Saturn....” Berls started to say.
“He knows something,” I growled. “And he better start talking or else.”
“Why should I tell you anything?” Apollyon snapped at me.
“I’ll hand you over to Zero if you don’t.” I snarled.
Apollyon could sense I was in no mood for games and decided that it would be in his best interest if he started to talk.
“Athena carries the second half of the Seventh Seal.” Apollyon began to explain.
“What?” I responded, with a confused look on my face.
“Wait, I thought my son....” Jordan spoke up.
“He carries the first half of the Seventh Seal.” Apollyon interrupted. “God broke the Seventh Seal apart and gave it to two carriers as an extra precaution. That way if Lucifer or any other demon got a hold of one, they would still have to fight to get the other half in order to get into heaven.”
“Saturn, is this....” Ven tried to ask me.
“She wouldn’t know.” Apollyon replied. “There are only three people besides myself that would. God, the Archangel Gabriel and, well of course Saturn’s father.”
“Why would Saturn’s father....?”
“Who do you think was the original carrier of the first Seal.” Apollyon grinned.
“Hold up.” Jay said, shaking his head somewhat. “Saturn carrying the first Seal is punishment for the things she did for hell.”
“That’s only half of it, boy.” Apollyon remarked. “Actually, half of what you and Michael over there have been told. The other half is this, Saturn’s father was the original carrier of the first Seal.”
“You lie!” I growled.
“Do I? Then why else would He let a half-breed like yourself carry the first Seal? Granted, you are the writer but He could have found any writer. The fact that you’re father was the original carrier of the first Seal and the Archangel of...”
“Don’t you dare say it.”
“What? Afraid to face your fate. What you’ll one day become. Then again, I suppose that Seal you carry reminds you in one way or another. I bet it also won’t let you forget your past, where you came from. That’s why you have those flashbacks and nightmares. So I figure.”
“I don’t have nightmares,” I sneered.
“The point is as long as you carry the first Seal it won’t let you forget.”
“Why wasn’t I told any of this?” I questioned.
“That’s something you’ll have to ask God. Right Michael?” Apollyon deviously grinned.
“Go to hell.” Michael snarled.
The Archangel Gabriel now appeared within a flash of light with both an unconscious Jeannie and Fox in each arm.
“What happened to them?” Berls asked, sounding like a worried mother.
“A stranger jumped them. Knocking them out and kidnaping Nega.” Gabriel responded with a look of shock still present on his face.
“Gabs?” Michael said, noticing the shock.
“He had black wings, Mike.” Gabriel replied, remembering every detail of the stranger. “Like Saturn’s father....”
Gabriel stopped himself from continuing, realizing that I was in the room.
“Like Saturn’s father what?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Like your father had.”
“Are you saying...?”
“I don’t know. I did see EE with him, though. And she did mention to me she was the one who took Athena.”
“Didn’t say and I didn’t have time to ask. I was sort of knocked out.”
“You got your butt kicked, didn’t you?” Michael grinned somewhat.
“Heh, heh, heh.”
“Shut it.”
I now headed for the front door.
“Saturn.” Tom started to say.
I didn’t respond, just left. Jordan soon followed, catching up with me in the driveway.
“Saturn, wait.”
I stopped dead in my tracks. Not facing him.
“Go home.” I said.
“Saturn, um we’re already....”
“You know what I mean. She needs you. They both do. Go home to her and your son.”
“I can handle this mess without you. I am capable. Besides, it’s my mess not yours.”
“Dammit Saturn, I want to....”
“I’m not going to argue with you. Just go home.”
I started to walk away before he could even say another word. Preston who had been spying, saw his opportunity to follow me without feral boy to stop him. A sly grin quickly crossed his face.
“You know she’s just doing it cause she cares.” Michael spoke up, appearing next to Jordan.
“Yea, I know.” Jordan now watched as I disappeared around the corner. “I know.”
Gilly had decided to go check on Buttters seeing as she had gone to her room to lay down. What she walked in to shocked her. Jay and Buttters were literally making out on Buttters’s bed.
“What the..!” Gilly exclaimed.
Jay and Buttters quickly stopped, getting up off the bed. Buttters began to blush a brick red while Jay found a cigarette to light up trying to keep his cool. He is still after all a Westie even if he now works for heaven.
“Oh, I see the treatment in heaven did wonders for you.” Gilly pointed out to him. “Isn’t there a rule about you angels not having any physical relations with humans of the opposite gender.”
“Who told you that crap?” Jay raised an eyebrow.
“Your father.”
“Yea, the old man should talk. He couldn’t keep his paws off my mother.”
“Actually nephew.” Gabriel appeared, speaking up. “He was human at the time or did we forget that.”
“Kiss it.”
“Very mature.” Gabriel remarked, crossing his arms. “I suppose we can thank your father that you inherited his behavior. Then again, I guess being a Westie has something to do with it also.”
Berls and the rest of the familia were now discussing what to do. Zero right now didn’t seem no big threat and no one was really paying attention to Apollyon. They were more concerned about yours truly and also getting Nega and Athena back.
“I can find Athena.” Erika spoke up.
“How?” Phoenix raised an eyebrow.
“I still have my heightened senses, just one of my many powers I was able to keep. I can track her that way.” Erika explained.
Heinzs now got off his cell phone with a nurse at the hospital. It seems Isis was giving the staff hell so to speak.
“Well, we can’t keep the kidnaping of Athena from Isis much longer. She’s literally raising hell with the nurses, demanding to see her baby.” Heinzs said. “We better find Athena fast before Isis does find out.”
“What about Apollyon though?” Bags pointed out. “What do we do with him?”
“I say we do Saturn a favor.” Thief deviously grinned, as a ball of fire grew in his hand. “Take care of one problem for her.”
“I agree.” Drew spoke up, looking as devious as Thief.
“Thief. Drew.” Berls warned.
“But Berls....” Thief protested.
“Thief, don’t.”
“Damn it.” He grumbled, letting the fireball die out.
“Thank you, Berlie.” Apollyon said to her.
“Don’t thank me. I’m just not going to let Saturn’s chance of kicking your arse be robbed by Thief and Drew.” She hissed at him.
Apollyon took a step back seeing the anger on Berls’s face
“Hey, where’s Jordan?” Ven asked Michael, as he walked through the front door.
“Taking care of some business.” Michael answered. “By the way, surprised to see Apollyon still standing there. I thought for sure you’d be beating the tar out of him by now.”
“Berls doesn’t want us to rob Saturn of her chance.” Drew pouted.
“Well, I can understand why. He did kill the girl’s father.”
“Is no one willing to protect me from Zero?” Apollyon responded, not believing how fast everyone was turning on him.
“Not when you hurt one of our own.” Fox bluntly answered.
Apollyon now turned to Tom for support. Knowing what kind of man Tom is and how believes in doing what’s right.
“Tom, you’re a man of God. Talk some sense in to them.” Apollyon pleaded.
“Why not?”
“Because even though I am a man of God. You’re a demon. A demon who committed an act that goes against what I believe. I can not help you.”
“God will punish you if you....”
“Do not preach to me, demon. You have no right.” Tom growled, as his hand began to glow. “You’re lucky I don’t do God and Saturn a favor and get rid of you myself.”
“Then who would Michael and I get to make fun of?” Gabriel interrupted, coming down the stairs with Jay, Buttters and, Gilly right behind him.
Michael noticed how Jay and Butters were acting towards each other and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. Especially when Jay whispered something in Buttters’s ear and she giggled a little in response.
“Nephew.” Gabriel coughed, warning Jay.
Jay quickly stopped and started to whistle, trying to act innocent. Around this time, the door bell rang. Everyone looked over at Thief who was closest to the door.
“What?” He asked.
“Get the door, Terrance.” Bags said.
“Keep calling me that, you old irish wind bag and I’ll....”
“ENOUGH!” Berls raised her voice. “I’m sick of you two fighting. It’s getting old real quick.”
“He started it.” Thief pointed out.
“I don’t care. Get the door.”
So Thief did, grumbling the whole way as a grin crossed Bags’s face. Thief opened the door and was surprised to see a very old man standing on the front porch. An old man that had been living his last days in Canada or so everyone thought. Even yours truly.
“E.T, what are you doing here?” Thief asked.
“Where’s Saturn? I need to talk to her.”
Jordan now walked through the front door of his girl’s place, only to find the place in disarray and his son and girl missing. A strange scent quickly filled his senses and he knew exactly who it belonged to. He let out a low growl and that’s when it hit him.
“Saturn.” He whispered under his breath.
He quickly left the house, trying to pick up on my scent. Cursing under his breath as he did so.
Nega meanwhile started to wake up to one hell of a headache. He could tell off the bat he was in an abandon house. Stumbling to his feet, he looked around and that’s when he noticed a shadowy hooded-figure standing in a corner of the room, spreading it’s black wings.
“You son of a.....” Nega went after the figure, turning in to his skeleton form and throwing his fist in mid-air.
He was inches away from connecting to the hooded figure’s face when the hooded figure held up his hand, blocking Nega’s punch but barely touching his fist. That however didn’t stop Nega from wincing in pain.
“How could you do this to her?” Nega clenched his teeth.
“I didn’t do a damn thing. She just didn’t need to know at the time. Besides, we both agreed on that. Do you remember Soul Stealer?” The hooded-figure snarled, letting go of Nega.
“I don’t do that anymore.” Nega replied, backing away and holding his hand still in pain somewhat.
“And it’s because of me, you don’t. Don’t you ever forget that. I saved your butt and you owe me. You need to keep her safe. Keep her away from the gates of hell.” The hooded figure responded, sounding non-human.
“What about Athena? When do you plan on returning her?”
“Not until I take care of what I need to in hell. Only then will I return Jordan’s son and Isis’s daughter.”
“Wait, you took Jordan’s kid. Why?”
“Because the boy has the first half of the Seventh Seal. He’s also....”
“Also what?”
“One of the two witnesses.”
“Lord, some people....” The hooded figure sighed. “The two Seventh Seal carriers are also the two witnesses. Their the ones that witness the end and the new beginning of everything. Their the ones that will lead Heaven’s army into Armageddon.”
“So why protect Saturn? Why not....”
“Because she’s the one that makes the way for the two witnesses. As a carrier of the first Seal, she is just not suppose to protect but, also pave the way for them.”
“What about the other carriers?”
“They’ll be part of the army. Fighting alongside the two witnesses and Yeshua.”
“I still don’t see why you can’t go to Jordan with this or any of the other Seal carriers.”
“Because they don’t know the ins and outs of hell like we do. They don’t know the secrets that it holds. The secrets it still has yet to reveal.”
Preston had now made sure to keep his distance so I couldn’t pick up on his scent. He thought he was at a safe distance, he thought wrong however. He could have never really hid his scent, no matter how much he wanted to. I could easily pick up the scent of moonshine and cheap southern cologne off of him from miles away.
“You want something?” I now asked loud enough so he could hear, as I stopped dead in my tracks.
Not a sound.
“Look, I don’t need to baby-sit. So go home.” I growled.
Still nothing.
“Fine, whatever. It’s your funeral.” I grumbled, walking away.
I entered the cemetery, figuring I could make a shortcut through there. That would soon turn out to be a bad decision on my part. Apollyon appeared before me in his demon form. I could tell something was wrong right off the bat by just the way he was looking at me.
“What is it?” I growled, still not at all to happy to see him.
“It’s Zero.” Apollyon answered, sounding scared. “He’s....he’s kidnaped the familia. We also found out that he does have Athena.”
“Where is he?”
“I’ll show you.”
Before we even got to take another step. Preston came out of nowhere. His hand glowing a green hue as he lunged at Apollyon, knocking him to the ground.
“Texan, what the hell....?” I started to ask, raising an eyebrow.
“He’s lying.” Preston growled, keeping his hand near Apollyon’s face as it continued to glow brighter.
“That’s absurd.” Apollyon argued.
“Is it? My hand started to glow when you spewed your lie to her.” Preston snarled.
“Saturn, you’re not going to....”
“Yea, I am.” I replied.
“Because his Seal wouldn’t lie seeing as it’s power is of judgement.”
“So it judged what you were saying and warned the Texan that you were lying.”
“What are you up to, Apollyon?” I bluntly asked. “I mean I’m starting to question wether or not to believe you, myself. Also, it’s kind of funny that Zero hasn’t made any attempt to show himself or try anything for that matter.”
“Nothing is going on.” Apollyon lied.
Preston’s hand now started to do pulsating glows of green.
“What the....?” Preston raised an eyebrow.
“It’s getting irritated with Apollyon’s lies.” I answered, reading the signs of his Seal.
That’s one thing my Seal allows me to do, is read the signs that the other Seals give off. And the Texan’s was getting very irritated with Apollyon.
“Tell one more lie and it’s gonna fry you.” I warned Apollyon.
“I don’t need this.” Apollyon argued. “You are just like your father. You know that.”
“So I’ve been told. Now what are you up to?”
“Naive half-breed, why should I tell you?”
I quickly unsheathed my claws as they began to glow a bright white.
“You nor this mortal can kill me.” Apollyon sneered. “I’m the Destroyer. The ruler of the Abyss.”
I just yawned in response.
“You little....”
“You bore me, Polly.” I remarked. “Besides, you’re not the only one with powers of destruction.”
My claws glowed even brighter as a devious grin crossed my face.
“I’ll be more than happy to show you, if need be.” I continued, in a low growl.
“Not wise, half-breed. I didn’t come alone.” Apollyon hissed, as demons surrounded us.
“Saturn....” Preston spoke up, letting go of Apollyon and looking around.
“Demons from the Abyss.” I answered, reading the Texan’s mind.
“What’s the difference?” He asked.
“Their more powerful and far worse than the ones from hell.”
“Oh, well that’s comforting.” Preston sarcastically remarked.
“Get out of here. I’ll take care of them.” I now went into feral mode.
“I’m not leaving.” Preston argued.
“Dammit Texan.”
“I’m not leaving you, Melissa.”
I looked over at Preston with a raised eyebrow. He stood there with a smile creeping up out of the corner of his mouth.
“The Yankee isn’t the only one who worries about you.” He pointed out.
“Fine. Do whatever you the hell you want.” I grumbled. “It’s your funeral anyway.”
I now turned my attention back on Apollyon who was laughing.
“What’s so damn funny?” I sneered.
“Nothing. It’s just amusing to see after all this time you still have men willing to die for you.” Apollyon replied. “Foolish but amusing none the same.”
Jordan now showed up, tossing a few demons in mid-air as he made his way towards us.
“The Yankee is here.” Preston sarcastically remarked. “Great.”
“APOLLYON!” Jordan roared, his claws gleaming in the moonlight.
“And another fool steps into the ring.” Apollyon retorted.
“Jordan?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Where are they?” He now demanded from Apollyon, ignoring Preston and I.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Apollyon brushed him off. “Don’t bother me with your nonsense, boy. I have better things to do with my time.”
“Your damn scent was all over my girl’s house. How the hell do you explain that?” Jordan growled.
“Wait....he was...” Preston started to say. “Uh oh.”
“He’s clearly lost his mind. I have no idea what he’s talking about.” Apollyon answered.
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Jordan lunged at Apollyon.
I quickly stood in his way before he could do any real damage to Apollyon.
“Saturn, move.” He snarled.
“Like hell.” I responded. “You want to kill Apollyon, you’ve got to kill me.”
“Why are you defending him?”
“Because you don’t need his blood on your hands.” I bluntly responded.
“I know what I’m talking about. Trust me.”
“Saturn, I just want to thank you...” Apollyon began to speak up.
Before he had the chance to finish, he found himself on the ground, holding his nose as blood ran out of it.
“You broke my nose!” He exclaimed, looking at me.
“You’re lucky that’s all I broke.” I snarled, staring him down. “Now where is Jordan’s family? And no b.s. or the next thing I break will be your neck.”
“I don’t know. You might want to ask EE or who she’s working for now. Because whoever it is, he took them.”
“He?” Preston said with a puzzled look.
“Yes, it seems our black-winged friend, the one who took Nega and Athena, now has Jordan’s family.” Apollyon explained. “How do I know? Oh that’s quite simple. I met our feathered friend while at that house. We had a disagreement and needless to say I lost the discussion.”
“In other words, you got your ass kicked.” I stated, crossing my arms. “What you have failed to answer is why where you at that house.”
“I was worried Zero might try something. Not to mention our feathered friend. I was trying to save Jordan’s family.”
“Bull. The only thing you know how to save is your sorry ass when it’s on the verge of being kicked and even then you can’t do that right.”
Preston started to snicker some. Jordan however was still in his mood.
“Saturn, just give me five minutes. I promise to keep him breathing somewhat. Just five minutes is all I’m asking.” Jordan snarled.
“Jordan.” I warned.
“Not now.” I glared directly at him.
“Something he so often hears.” Preston sarcastically remarked, with a grin.
“Do you want to fly?” I snapped at him.
“No ma’am.” Preston replied in his deep southern accent, remembering the many times before he found himself flying in mid-air after making a remark of some sort to yours truly.
“Then shut it.”
“Yes ma’am.”
I focused my attention back on Apollyon as one of his demons came up to him. Whispering something in his ear.
“Seems our friend Zero has finally made a move.” Apollyon said, as the demon made himself scarce.
“Why? What has he done?” Preston asked.
“He’s kidnaped your precious familia. And he’s willing to let them go if we hand over....”
“Athena and Dante.” Jordan growled, interrupting.
“Not only them but something else.”
That’s when Apollyon looked over at me.
“Oh hell no.” Jordan spoke up. “There is no way. I’m not giving up my son to that crazy bastard. He can also forget about getting Athena and if he even looks at Saturn...”
“We’ll kill him.” Preston bluntly said, interrupting.
“Guys...” I began to respond.
“No, I’m not going to have you hand yourself over to him.” Preston argued. “Damn it Saturn, you’ve got too many people who care about you. You hand your life over and.... you just can’t do it.”
I looked over at Jordan, who just stood there with his arms crossed.
“I agree with the Texan.” He said, in a matter of fact tone.
I just shook my head a little as a smile appeared out of the corner of my mouth.
“What?” Jordan asked.
“Nothing. It’s just amusing to see that the only thing you two can agree on is when something involves me.”
Michael, Jay and, Gabriel now appeared out of nowhere. All looking like they had been through hell.
“The familia....” Jay started to say.
“We know.” I answered, interrupting him.
“So what are we going to do?” Jordan asked.
“I’ll rescue the familia.” I explained. “While the rest of you except Apollyon, find Athena, Nega and Jordan’s family.”
“Why not Apollyon?” Gabriel questioned.
“Yea, why not me?” Apollyon was curious to know.
“Because as much as I hate to say it. Polly, I need you and your little Abyss of demons.” I responded, feeling sick to my stomach for even saying so.
“I knew it.” Apollyon deviously grinned. “I knew you couldn’t handle....”
“Don’t jump to conclusions, you ass. I need you and your pathetic little group of demons for bait.” I cut him off.
“I will not...” He started to protest.
Before Apollyon knew what hit him, he found himself being held up by his neck against a tree with a set of white glowing claws inches away from his jugular.
“I don’t give a damn what you will or will not do.” I snarled. “Right now, you have no say. Either you do what I tell you or I’ll make sure the Abyss has no ruler.”
“You can’t kill me.”
“Like hell I can’t. My father wasn’t the only one who knew your secrets.” I sneered.
Apollyon looked dead in to my eyes. Speechless. Knowing what I was talking about and also knowing I wasn’t bluffing. For a brief moment, I reminded him of my father. And my father always followed through with his threats.
“Fine. My army of demons and I will go.” He finally said, letting out a sigh. “Whatever you need me to do, I’ll be more than happy to oblige.”
“I’m going too.” Jordan spoke up.
“No. You’re going with the others to find your son, your family.” I replied, letting go of Apollyon.
“Dammit Saturn....”

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:17 pm


“Can you guys excuse us for a minute. I want to talk to Jordan alone.” I said to the others.
“Sure. No problem.” Michael answered. “You heard her guys, let’s go.”
“Uh oh. Someone is in trouble.” Preston deviously grinned.
“Texan.” Michael warned. “Let’s go.”
“Well, I’m not going anywhere.” Apollyon said.
“Like hell you’re not.” Jay sneered. “You and your little army of demons are coming as well.”
“Or what?”
“I’ll make the fight you and my father had some thousand years ago look like a walk in the park.”
“Fine.” Apollyon waved his hand, dismissing his army of demons. “Happy now?”
“Why yes, thanks for asking.” Jay remarked, being a smartass.
Everyone soon left Jordan and I alone. I now found a cigar and my lighter in my jacket pocket. I lit the cigar up and began to smoke it, putting the lighter back in my pocket.
“Saturn....” Jordan started to say.
“Shut it.” I glared over at him, as I continued to smoke. “What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t possibly be so damn...”
“So what?”
“Nothing. Look, you have a chance to do something I never could with my own family. You have a chance to save yours. Don’t screw it up.”
“I can do both.” Jordan answered.
“Bull. No one can. I should know I’ve tired. You can’t be at two places at once. It’s impossible. You can’t save everyone.” I pointed out. “God, where did I hear that before? It really does come back to haunt you.”
“But what about you?” Jordan asked.
“What about me? Look Richie-Rich, I can take care of myself. Hell, I’ve been doing so long before you were born. I’m pretty sure I can handle whatever is thrown at me. You’ve got a little boy who needs you. Actually, they both do. Stop worrying about me and find them.” I now turned around to walk away. “Oh and if you follow me, I’ll kick your ass for being stupid.”
I left Jordan to stand there as it began to rain.
“So what did you two talk about?” Jay asked, as I joined up with him and the others.
“None of your damn business, smartass. Take the Texan, Gabriel and Michael and go help Richie-Rich find Nega, Athena and his family. Apollyon, you and your little army are coming with me.” I ordered. “We have a problem to go take care of.”
“God, she can be bossy sometimes.” Preston grumbled.
“Come again? Do you want to fly?”
“No ma’am.”
“Then shut it.”
“Ha ha, the Texan is in trouble.” Jay laughed.
“Keep it up and he won’t be the only one.” I pointed out.
“Hey, you have to lay off me. Remember because you feel guilty for shooting me with an arrow and what not.” Jay retorted.
“Oh, you wanna go there. That’s fine. I’ll just tell your father about that little secret you’ve been keeping. The one between buttters and you.” I deviously grinned. “I’m sure he’d be interested to hear what you two have been up to.”
“What secret?” Michael now looked over at Jay.
“Uh...um...uh.. We should get going.” Jay quickly changed the subject.
“Oh no, I think we’ve got time for this. Better yet, you can tell me on the way.” Michael replied, as they headed in the direction Jordan was.
Gabriel all the while just followed behind them, shaking his head and laughing a little. I looked over at the Texan who hadn’t made a move.
“I’m not leaving you.” Preston protested, seeing the look on my face. “Apollyon is still up to something and I don’t trust him to be alone with you.”
“I’m not up to anything.” Apollyon lied.
Preston’s hand started to glow.
“Wanna tell that to my hand?” Preston responded, letting his southern accent slip through.
“As a matter of fact....” Apollyon hissed. “I could tell you what you can do with that hand and where to go if you like.”
“ENOUGH!” I roared, shaking the earth beneath our feet.
“Whoa, what the hell was that?” Jay asked, feeling the earthquake.
“Saturn losing her temper.” Michael answered, shrugging his shoulders. “The Texan must have got on her last good nerve. Or maybe Apollyon did. Or probably both. Who knows.”
“Look, you want to come along. Fine.” I now said to Preston, trying to calm down. “Just behave.”
“I will as long as he does.” Preston pointed over his shoulder at Apollyon.
The familia were now locked up in a prison cell deep within the depths of hell.
“How do we end up in situations like this?” Fox asked, looking around the cell.
“Cause we think it’s fun.” Thief answered sarcastically.
“No, I’m serious. Why can’t things like this for once not happen. Why can’t everything just be normal. No demons, no fighting hell, no angels, no weirdness.”
“Bro, have you taken a good look at our familia. We’re anything but normal. I mean Tom is over there talking to himself....”
“Excuse you.” Dr. Watson replied, as him, Wats and, Doc made their presence known.
“My bad.” T said. “I thought Tom had finally lost it.”
“Maybe he has.” Wats deviously grinned.
“Hey, you screw with Tom’s head, that’s fine. Don’t mess with mine.” Thief warned.
“Ooh, someone is sensitive.” Wats hissed.
“Kiss my...”
“Hey, hey, hey.” Berls spoke up, shaking her head. “Don’t start. Either of you.”
Three demons dressed as guards had now entered the cell looking for someone.
“Can we help you?” Bags asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Out of our way, old man. We’re here to bring the Sixth Seal carrier to our boss.” The demon sneered, pushing Bags aside.
“I don’t think so.” Bags turned his hands into metal hammers.
The rest of the familia started to take a stand as well. As they powered up for a fight.
“You mess with my familia, you’re just asking for trouble.” Berls spoke up.
Tom’s hand began to glow a bright orange hue and the earth beneath their feet started to shake and split open. A pool of molten lava flowed up and out of the split, moving slowly towards the demons. The demons laughed at the sight of it.
“We’re immune to lava.” One of the demons retorted, still laughing. “See, I’ll show you.”
Now demons are usually immune to things like lava and fire, considering where they come from. But someone should have told this idiot, that this was no ordinary lava. Hey, but you live and learn, right? I mean Tom was just the Sixth Seal carrier, what damage could his Seal do really?
The only power it really possessed was that of geographical disasters. Meaning it could cause earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, lava flows, giant tsunamis that could wipe out an entire city, that sort of thing. As the demon was about to touch the lava with his foot, Ravyn flew out of nowhere letting out a caw as a force field was put up in front of the familia. Protecting and separating them from the lava and demons. The lava quickly consumed the demon who had now stepped his foot in. He sunk into the lava itself, letting out a horrid scream as the lava incinerated him in an instant. The other demons were soon handed the same fate. All the while, both Thief and Erika had noticed something about the lava before anyone else did.
“Did you see that?” Erika asked him.
“Yea, I did. Hell, I still do.” Thief answered, watching the lava as it now slowly receded in to the ground.
The others started to notice it as well. What they were seeing however, had made them speechless. Within the lava itself, it looked like millions of tiny fiery angels armed with swords and shields, ready to do battle at any moment.
“What the hell is this? Alice in freaking wonderland?” Drew shook his head, still not believing what he was seeing.
“Watch your language.” Berls warned him.
“This is messed up, you do realize this? I mean if you take a step back and think about it, it’s just freaking messed up.”
The lava was now gone and the ground had healed itself up. Ravyn let out another caw and the force field disappeared.
“Where’s Tom?” Ven asked, looking around. “You don’t think....”
Tom fell out of the shadows on his knees. Somewhat weak and in pain. Both Leysa and Val rushed to his aid.
“I’m fine.” He said, clenching his teeth.” Now I know how Saturn feels when she uses her Seal.”
“Wait, that was....” Phoenix began to ask.
“Yes.” Tom interrupted her. “It was me or my Seal rather.”
“Holy crap!” I.O. exclaimed. “Do you realize how cool that was? I mean those demons were all like blah, blah, blah but then the lava came and it was like.... That was so freaking cool! Do it again! Do it!”
“SHUT IT!” Drew yelled at him.
“Make me.” I.O. snapped back.
“Boys.” Heinzs spoke up.
They just ignored him and kept arguing with one another. A massive fireball flew in between them, causing both of them to quickly hit the ground.
“Thief!” Phoenix responded, crossing her arms and shaking her head.
“Hey, they stopped arguing.” Thief said, with a devious grin.
“You’re such an ass, sometimes. I swear.”
“You know you want me.”
“God, I swear....”
“That you do. And you do it so well. Just the way I like it.”
Phoenix walked away from Thief, grumbling.
“So how do we get out of here?” Kindred asked.
Everyone looked over at Shawna, who was minding her own business.
“What?” She asked.
“Could you like use your pyroclastic flow to blast the bars off?” Fox suggested.
“Oh, like I’m the only one here with powers. Give me a freaking break. Besides, you know I can’t use my powers in such tight areas. And this cell is one of those areas.” Shawna replied.
“Come on babe, do it for me.” Fox pleaded.
“Don’t start. You know I can’t. Not unless you wanna be a fried fox.”
“Uh, no thank you.”
“So does anybody else have any ideas?” Bags asked.
That’s when something blew up the bars to the cell. Everyone quickly ducked, avoiding any flying debris.
“What the...?” Bags said, getting to his feet and brushing the dust off of him.
“So what’s up?” Joe spoke up, acting rather mellow.
“How did you....that is.... how could you...?” Erika felt tongue tied.
“Someone told me you guys were in trouble.” Joe began to explain. “Even led me here. I figured I might as well save you guys, seeing as Saturn would probably have my ass if I didn’t.”
“Wait, who told you we were in trouble?” Gilly questioned.
That’s when Dena peeked her head out from behind Joe, giggling as she did so.
“What the...?” Bags raised an eyebrow. “Wait, how did you know we’d be here?”
“I have my connections.” Dena answered, as little light orbs floated around her.
“She’s been talking to the dead again.” Shawna shook her head, laughing a little. “Go figure.”
“Hi Drew.” Dena giggled, batting her lashes.
Drew felt his face become flush and he quickly tried to hide it from the familia but that attempt failed.
“What’s this? Little bro is blushing..could it be..” Thief started in. “Could little bro be in love.”
“Shut it.” Drew warned.
“Aww, little bro has a girlfriend.”
“You will die.”
Thief just grinned in response at Drew as he walked by him. Phoenix and a few of the other girls in the familia were now paying attention to Joe. Batting their eyelashes as they stared at Joe like he was an Adonis.
“Oh thank you so kindly for saving us.” Phoenix said in her southern accent and, basically throwing herself at Joe.
Thief couldn’t help but notice this and it quickly ruined his fun.
“Damn it woman, he’s married.” Thief interrupted.
“So it’s wrong to throw yourself at him like that.”
“Look, I’m not dead, so back off. Let me have my fun.”
Bags started to laugh some, knowing all to well why the women were after Joe.
“Bags?” E.T. asked.
“It’s an irish thing. You wouldn’t get it.” Bags replied. “Speaking of which, what is it you have to tell Saturn that you never told us?”
“I can’t say. Not until we find Saturn.”
“So let’s go find her.” Heinzs spoke up.
Jordan, Michael, Jay and Gabriel were now hot on the trail of finding Nega, Athena and, Jordan’s family. Or so they had thought. Halfway through a back alley, they ran in to Nega.
Who happened to be in his skeleton form.
“Jim?” Jay asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Where’s Saturn?” Nega asked.
“She’s going after Zero in hell. He kidnaped the familia. Um, speaking of which what the hell happened to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well aren’t you suppose to have been in trouble or something.”
“No. Look, it’s a long story. We have to stop Saturn.”
“What about Athena?” Jordan growled, now standing face to face with Nega. “Or my girl and son for that matter. We have to save them first.”
“No, you don’t.” Nega calmly answered. “I know who has them. Trust me, their safe.”
“But EE and....”
“Their on our side. Trust me. We have to find Saturn. If she goes through the gates of hell.... We just have to stop her before it’s too late.”
Preston, Apollyon and, I were now walking through the halls of the rebuilt kingdom of Hell. From the looks of it Zero had a lot of time on his hands since the last get together. Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t look one hundred percent just somewhat decent.
“What’s the plan?” Preston asked, in a whisper. “We can’t exactly rush in there and demand he hand the familia over.”
“You’ve got a point.” Apollyon responded, looking around. “I say we split up. That way one of us is bound to catch him off guard. Saturn, what do you think?”
“You must think I’m a damn fool if I’m going to let you out of my sight.” I growled at Apollyon.
“Saturn, be reasonable.” Preston spoke up. “Besides, if he does try anything, I’ll break his neck for ya.”
I looked at him and then at Apollyon. Realizing I really didn’t have a choice and knowing damn well the familia did needed to be saved. I clenched my fists and went along with the idea.
“Fine.” I finally responded. “However, you try anything Apollyon....”
“I won’t.” He interrupted.
“For your sake, you better not.”
So we had split up or at least I thought. The Texan had decided to follow me. Why? Lord only knows. Texan men are crazy, that and I think it has to do with that little supposed crush he has on me. Never quite sure about that though. I mean one minute he’s following me around like a lost puppy dog and the next he’s charming the pants off of some other girl. However, I think ever since he found out I’m immune to his power of charm, he’s made it in to some sort of challenge or game. Trying his hardest to charm me but needing to take a break every now and then to regain himself. I think that’s why he goes after other girls like Gilly. All though, ever since a certain incident, Gilly isn’t so fallen for his charm. In fact, she’s starting to become quite immune to it as well.
“I can take care of myself.” I said, not facing him.
“I know you can, doll. I just don’t want the Yankee to blame me if something does happen to you.”
“He won’t.”
“Wanna bet. Have you met him lately? He hasn’t been exactly Mr. Happy let alone talkative. And the only one he has been talking to lately is you. Speaking of which, what is going on with you two?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like this bond him and you seem to have. It’s hard to describe but it’s like if one of you isn’t around, then the other one is miserable.”
“Funny, I never noticed it. I guess it’s a feral thing.”
“Yea right,” Preston deviously grinned. “Chances are it’s something else...”
“Look Texan, nothing is going on. Period. So drop it.”
“Drop it.”
“I just wanna know why all the girls flock to him.” Preston sounded hurt. “I just wanted to hear what you as a woman would think.”
“What I would think?” I now looked over at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Well yea, as a woman why do you think.. I mean that is...” Preston tried to word it, so I wouldn’t get offended.
“Look, speaking as a woman and off the record.” I interrupted. “I think it has to do with the way he carries himself and his attitude and...”
“Blah, blah, blah.” Preston responded, rolling his eyes.
“Fine. I’ll put it another way for you. If I came home to that. I’d be one happy woman.” I answered bluntly. “Then again, I’d never leave the house. Hell, I’d have no reason to.”
“So it’s because he’s good-looking, that’s it?”
“That and his Boston accent.”
“Oh great, nice to know I have no chance in hell when going up against him for a lady’s affection.” Preston retorted.
“Actually, some women do prefer a southern gentlemen over a Yankee.” I said, walking over towards him.
“Yea right.” Preston grumbled, crossing his arms.
“It’s true because you have one thing that the Yankee doesn’t.”
“What’s that?”
“Southern charm.” I purred in his ear.
Preston started to feel a little flush as he blushed a brick red.
“It was pretty brave of you to stand up to Apollyon like you did.” I continued to purr. “However....”
“However what?” He asked with a sly grin, feeling like he was on cloud nine.
“If you ever do something that stupid again,” I now turned on him, “I’ll kick your ass and then break your neck!”
I began to walk away, only to stop a few feet from him.
“And Texan?”
“What?” Preston responded, feeling hurt.
Preston began to blush again, trying to hide it from me by playing cool but I could sense it. I walked away as a smile appeared out of the corner of my mouth. I now quickly picked up on Zero’s scent but there was something else. Something I couldn’t put my finger on but something that caused me to fall over in pain.
“Saturn?” Preston said, rushing to my side.
“I’m fine, Texan.” I replied, through clenched teeth.
“Like hell you are. I’m getting you out of here.” Preston picked me up and carried me in his arms.
“We need to save the familia. Put me down.”
“Dammit Texan....” I argued.
“Don’t. This is one argument I’m not letting you win. I’m getting you out of here and that’s final.” Preston interrupted, heading towards the door.
“You’re not going anywhere.” A voice spoke up from behind us.
The doorway became blocked with a group of demons. Preston turned around and was now staring directly at Zero.
“You son of a....” Preston growled.
“Hey now, is that any way to talk to your host. I open my door to you and let you in my home and this is how you show your appreciation. I must say it’s not very southernly of you.” Zero responded, calmly.
“Go to hell.”
“Look around. Where do you think you are, my boy?”
“Funny, I thought we were in Disney Land.” Preston sarcastically remarked.
I laughed a little, still in pain. Clenching my teeth as the pain grew.
“What did you do to her?” Preston demanded to know.
“Nothing.” Zero answered.
Around this time, the demons who were blocking the door had become air born, to say the least. Flying across the room and hitting the wall before falling to the ground. Jordan stood in the doorway with his claws unsheathed. Michael, Gabriel, Jay and, Nega were right behind him.
“What are you guys doing here?” Preston asked.
Jordan couldn’t help but notice Preston was holding me. He could also sense something was wrong with me.
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know.” Preston answered, looking down at me. “I really don’t know.”
“Where’s the familia?” Jay spoke up.
Just then the far left side of the wall exploded and Joe walked through with the familia behind him.
“The wall was in my way.” Joe remarked, with a sly grin.
“Could you people kindly act more civil than this.” Zero pointed out.
“This is as civil as we get. So deal with it.” Nega sneered.
E.T. noticed that Preston was carrying me. He also noticed how much pain I was in and that I was starting to cough up blood.
“Damn it, we have to get her out of here.” He said.
“”I’m on it.” Preston began to head for the door once again.
“NO ONE IS LEAVING!” Zero roared, as all the exits sealed up.
Jordan sniffed the air, realizing that something wasn’t quite right. There was a certain smell, an all too familiar smell. And that’s when it hit him.
“That isn’t Zero.” Jordan snarled.
“What?” Bags raised an eyebrow.
“Zero isn’t Zero.”
“Then who am I?” Zero deviously grinned. “Azazel? Q? Kris? Beburos? Lucifer? So many enemies to choose from.”
“Wrong. Only one, Apollyon.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold up, why would Apollyon go through all this? I mean what would he have to gain?” Fox asked.
“Her Seal.” E.T. answered.
“That’s absurd. She could easily kill him with her Seal.” Leysa pointed out.
“Not if her Seal is preparing her body for the next phase.” E.T. began to explain.
“How did you...?” Apollyon asked.
“Saturn’s father told me. He told me what Saturn’s fate will be in the Great War. What she’ll become but, the Seal has to prepare her body and soul first. Which will make her vulnerable and her Seal exposed to anyone and everyone. But you already knew that. That’s why you plotted all of this.” E.T. interrupted bluntly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“But you do. You know all too well. You also know you’re running out of time.”
I let out a roar, shivering in Preston’s arms.
“What the hell?” Thief raised an eyebrow.
Preston held me tighter, trying his best to comfort me.
“She’s cold.” He finally answered, feeling my skin. “Something’s....God, what is happening to her? Is this suppose to be happening?”
Just then something came out of my hand and floated in mid-air. Giving off a illuminating bright light.
“What the hell is that?” Jay asked.
“It’s her Seal.” Michael uttered, in shock to see it.
“Oh my god.” Phoenix remarked.
Apollyon tried to go after the Seal but found himself being confronted by more than a few people.
“You’ll have to get past us if you want her Seal.” Berls pointed out. “She’s familia and we don’t let anyone hurt our familia.”
“So be it.” Apollyon sneered, fighting each and every familia member including Michael, Gabriel and, Joe.
One by one, everyone found themselves either picking themselves up off the ground or trying to at least. The only ones truly left standing were Jordan, Apollyon and, Preston who was trying to keep both myself and my Seal away from Apollyon’s grasp.
“Stay away from her!” Jordan growled, getting ready to attack Apollyon.
Apollyon raised his hand, lifting Jordan off his feet and cutting off the air to his lungs.
“I could kill you so easily.” Apollyon snarled. “This isn’t your fight, boy. Stay out of it.”
An arrow flew out of nowhere and hit Apollyon directly in his left shoulder, glowing a golden light and then turning black. Causing Apollyon to loose his hold on Jordan.
“Can’t be.” Apollyon looked up in pain, noticing someone floating in the air, black wings stretched out while Ravyn sat on this person’s shoulder.
Ravyn let out a caw as the hooded stranger revealed himself. The others had now noticed him as well and no one could say a word. His presence along brought fear to any demon that was around including Apollyon. However, it also brought out a lot of respect from any angel that just happened to be around as well.
“Who is that?” Jeannie asked.
“The Archangel of Death. The King of Saturn and...”Gabriel answered.
“Saturn’s father.” Berls interrupted, seeing flashes of my childhood and my father.
“Wait, her daddy is the..” Gilly’s eyes got big. “Oh my god.”
“Well, that explains a hell of a lot.” Bags responded.
“You son of a...” Apollyon growled at my father. “You’re suppose to be dead.”
“You should know by now, Apollyon.” My father sneered. “You can’t kill an angel.”
The first Seal now began to rapidly flash.
“What the hell?” Jordan raised an eyebrow.
“Get my daughter out of here!” My father said to him.
“No, I’m staying. If something happens to you, she won’t forgive me.” Jordan pointed out.
“And do you think it’ll be easier for me if something happens to you? Either way, she won’t be forgiving one of us. I’d rather have her mourn me. You have too much to lose.” My father replied.
“But she’s been looking for you....”
“I know. Just...get her out of here.”
“I can’t. You’re her father, she needs you.”
“And your son needs you.”
“Point taken. I guess we’re both staying then.”
“It looks that way.”
Zero who had hid himself the whole time, finally snuck up on Apollyon. Attacking him from behind.
“What the...?” Bags said, scratching his head.
“He’s human.” Michael spoke up.
Jordan looked over at him, somewhat confused.
“You’re not the only one with feral senses, Richie-Rich.” Michael responded with a grin, not looking back at him.
“Don’t.” Jordan warned.
“What Saturn is only allowed to call you that? Aww, I’m hurt.”
“Now I know where your kid gets his mouth.” Jordan growled.
“Like father like son.” Michael continued to grin, being a smartass.
“So now you’re taking others’s immortality. What next Apollyon, stealing candy from children?” My father sarcastically remarked.
“Now why would I do that when I can steal Seals.” Apollyon deviously grinned, tossing Zero a side like a rag doll. “Especially your daughter’s.”
“You stay away from her.” Jordan let out a low growl, not sounding human at all.
“Boy, I told you this fight isn’t yours.”Apollyon sneered back. “If you value your mortal life, step down.”
“Can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“I have my reasons.” As Jordan’s hand began to glow a bright red hue.
“You better be careful who you start a war with, mortal. You might just end up with more than you can handle.” Apollyon advised, still sneering.
“You haven’t changed, Apollyon.” My father calmly said. “Still flexing muscle you don’t have.”
“I defeated you once.” Apollyon stated.
“That time that we...well, it was around that one era...the one with the humans... Damn it, I don’t remember. I just know for a fact I defeated you once. Hell, I just recently killed you. So it was more than once.”
“You didn’t kill me. I made you think you did cause I knew what you were up to.” My father answered, crossing his arms. “Face it Apollyon, you’re getting senile in your old age.”
“Now I know where your daughter got her uh attitude.” Apollyon pointed out. “You must be real proud of that half-breed.”
“But of course. Still am because she’s going to do something no angel has been able to accomplish.”
“And that is?”
“Kill you.” My father’s eyes now started to glow a bright white.
“How can she..she’s....”
That’s when Apollyon noticed that the first Seal and yours truly were missing.
“Where did she go?” Jay asked Preston, noticing how he was standing there with his face frozen in shock.
“They....they....they....” Preston tried to answer.
“Spit it out, Texan.” Nega hit him in the back of the head.
“Ow, damn it! Why did you do that?” Preston exclaimed, snapping out of it.
“You were stuttering.” Nega replied, shrugging his shoulders.
At that moment, Preston’s, Jordan’s, Joe’s, and Tom’s hands began to glow their Seals colors. Ravyn’s little wing was even glowing in sync with the rest of them.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” Joe asked, looking at his hand and then at the others. “Cause um it just went off by itself. Can it do that?”
The ground beneath began to shake and split open. Everyone looked over at Tom.
“It isn’t me.” He responded, having a feeling what they were thinking.
“It’s Saturn.” My father answered. “She’s waking up.”
“Oh, is that all. Thought it might be a freaking earthquake.” Thief sarcastically remarked.
“Why would she...?” Apollyon started to question.
“She told you, you weren’t the only one who could cause destruction.” My father replied. “You should have listened.”
“Wait, how did you...?”
“I was there when she told you.”
The ground began to shake even harder, causing the walls to crumble. The split in the middle of the room caved in, creating a hole which lead straight down into the Abyss.
“Damn, that’s a long way down.” Drew looked down the hole. “I wonder what’s at the bottom.”
“Why don’t you jump in and find out.” Thief remarked.
“Screw you.”
“Hey now, is that anyway to talk to your older Westie brother?”
“Who opened the gates to my Kingdom?” Apollyon demanded to know.
“Take a guess.” I now spoke up from behind Apollyon. “The Abyss is no longer yours. However, it shouldn’t stop you from dying in the place you once ruled.”
Apollyon turned around to come face to face with me. My claws unsheathed as little sparks of lightning run through them and off of them. I calmly stood there as my eyes glowed a bright white.
“You can’t take my kingdom from me.” Apollyon argued.
“I didn’t.” I grinned.
“Then who...?”
“You know who.”
“He can’t do that to me. I won’t allow it.” Apollyon went berserk. “I’ll kill Him.”
“Like hell you will.” I growled, slamming my claws into the ground causing another earthquake and Apollyon to fall flat on his butt.
I pulled my claws out of the ground, letting the earthquake stop as I walked over towards Apollyon.
“Get up.” I now looked down at him.
He stared up at me with fear in his eyes. Knowing that he was no match for me but not wanting to give up so easily.
“I won’t let you kill me.” He snarled, making a weak attempt to fight back.
“I’m not going to kill you.” I deviously grinned.
“But your father said....”
“I know. And he was right when he told you I was going to kill you but not the way you think.” I growled, in a non-human tone. “No, death is too good for you. I’m going to kill you another way. I’m going to take away the one thing you cherish.”
Apollyon thought about it for a minute before it hit him.
“You can’t do that.” He responded. “How can you....”
“Destruction can mean many things.” I calmly stated as my claws continued to glow.
Apollyon now got to his feet. Transforming into his true demon form and looking like a wolf with bat wings.
“Fine, you wanna play that game, little girl. So be it.” He snarled.
Another arrow flew out of nowhere, hitting Apollyon in the back.
“Stay out of this, old man.” He warned my father, using his telekinetic power to toss my father across the room.
Ven counter acted, using her power to safely land my father on the ground.
“You just made a big mistake.” I sneered at Apollyon, going after him.
Apollyon quickly grabbed me by my neck, lifting me off my feet.
“Damn half-breed,” Apollyon sneered. “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”
I now struggled to get free from his hold.
“What’s a matter, half-breed? Did your Seal quit on you?”
“Actually no.” I grinned, as I grabbed the arrow in his back, shoving it further into him as my whole arm began to glow along with my hand.
Apollyon let out a demon cry, sounding like a banshee. Everyone covered their ears from the deafening sound. Apollyon let me go as he stumbled away. His wings falling off and his skin turning from a demon’s in to that of a human. He was becoming human, literally.
“What have you done to me?!?” He yelled at me, demanding to know.
“I destroyed your immortality, your demon nature. And I turned you into the one thing you hate.” I glared at him. “Not bad for a half-breed with a Seal in her, wouldn’t you agree?”
“You made me....”
“But the first Seal....How can you.....”
“I borrowed some help from the other six Seals, you could say.”
“So that’s why....” Tom looked at his hand, noticing it had stopped glowing.
“Saturn, that’s dangerous. Not only that but you know you’re not allowed to do that unless....”Gabriel began to say.
“Not now, Gabs.” I growled, keeping my sight on Apollyon.
“But Saturn....”
“NOT NOW!” I roared at him.
Gabriel quickly backed away but he wasn’t the only one to do so.
“Damn, someone has PMS.” Jay remarked.
Everyone stepped away or at least made sure they were some distance away from Jay as I glared over at him.
“Did you say something?” I growled, as my eyes started to glow.
“Um...uh....um...no.” Jay finally managed to answer, trying to act innocent.
I turned my attention back on Apollyon as Jay whistled nervously to himself. Apollyon meanwhile was sweating with fear and I could sense it.
“Now where were we?” I asked with a grin, noticing Apollyon was near the hole.
Apollyon quickly caught on to what I was thinking and shook his head.
“You can’t send me to the Abyss like this. I’m human now, I’m defenseless.” Apollyon argued.
“Like I was when you locked me down there.” I pointed out.
“Whoa...what?” Nega asked.
“In my past life, I was locked in the Abyss by Apollyon for a short amount of time before my father and Mikey over there bailed me out.” I explained. “One of Apollyon’s many attempts to try to get rid of a half-breed. He tried to throw me to his wolves. What he didn’t realize is that the demons in the Abyss, his own army, has high respect for the Archangel of Death. For my father. And since I’m the daughter....”
“They helped you survive the unbearable conditions of the Abyss.” Berls continued.
“Ah, but if you send me to the Abyss, my loyal subjects will help me maybe even figure out a way to get my immortality back.” Apollyon deviously smiled.
“Wanna bet?”
Just then, Apollyon felt himself being pulled towards the hole. He looked down, noticing the evil aura that had a hold of them. At the same time, the laughter of demons could be heard throughout the room.
“GOD!” Apollyon yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Now you have the nerve to call for him. After all, He tried to do for you. Even after you helped Lucy try to kill Him, He still forgave you but you....You....Damn you for trying to call on Him now. Damn you for thinking He’d even help.”
Apollyon looked at me now not with fear in his eyes but remorse. Honest to god remorse. For all he had done to anyone he’s ever hurt. For any destruction he may have caused. For any lives he had took. I didn’t see the demon he was anymore. I no longer sensed the evil in his heart.
“Damn it.” I grumbled, running over to help him get loose from the evil aura.
“What is she doing?” Bags raised an eyebrow.
The evil aura tried to turn on me but got the taste of what a Seal can do and quickly retreated back into the hole, making a whimpering sound as it did so.
“Saturn, why didn’t you....”Ven began to ask.
“Everyone deserves a second chance.” I answered. “Anyway, if I let him banish into the Abyss it would be because of my revenge and I can’t do that. No one deserves that no matter who they are or what they’ve done. And if I did do it, I’d be no better than him. I refuse to sink to that level.”
“Saturn....” Michael spoke up.
“Don’t get me wrong.” I continued. “He’s not getting his immortality back, he just doesn’t deserve.... His punishment will be that he has to live the rest of his life on earth as a human. If God has a problem with it, He can come see me.”
“But Saturn....”
Gabriel looked around for my father, hoping he could talk some sense into me. Only to notice however that he was gone. Zero now tried to attack Apollyon again but I stopped him dead in his tracks.
“No.” I said to Zero. “He’s harmless now, there’s no point.”
“But he stole my immortality.” Zero argued.
“So you’ll live the rest of your life like he does.” I responded calmly.
“It’s a losing battle, Zero. So don’t even try.” I warned, as my claws began to glow once more.
Zero stared at me for a minute while clenching his fists. He finally lowered his head, letting out a sigh.
“You win.” He said, laughing somewhat. “It’s true after all.”
“What is?” I raised an eyebrow.
“That God’s greatest weapon happens to be a woman.” Zero smiled a little, bowing. “When the time comes, I’ll see you on the battlefield, my Lady.”
“Whoa... what the...?” Fox spoke up.
Zero turned around, walking away to leave. Walking right past Apollyon. Climbing over a crumbled wall as he left.
“Saturn, thank....” Apollyon tried to say.
“Save it.” I interrupted, turning on him. “This is the only chance I’m giving you. Mess it up in any way and I’ll hunt you down.”
Apollyon’s eyes got big, his heart beating a mile a minute in fear.
“Now get out of my face.” I growled. “Before I change my mind.”
Apollyon slowly backed away, finding his own way out of the room. I raised my hand over the hole in the middle of the room, causing another earthquake to seal it up.
“Saturn, are you okay?” Heinzs asked.
“Let’s go home.” I answered, not facing anyone.
Everyone looked at each other not sure what to say. Meanwhile, Isis received a visit in the hospital from the last person she ever expected to see.
“Huh? Who’s there?” She asked, waking up from her slumber.
EE walked out of the shadows with Athena in her arms.
“Mom?” Isis couldn’t believe her eyes.
“She’s beautiful, Isis.” EE responded as Athena slept. “She’s also special.”
“I know.” Isis answered. “Considering the family she comes from....”
“That’s not what I’m talking about, Isis.” EE interrupted. “Granted, she does have a very interesting family. However, she’s special in her own way with her own little gift.”
“You’ll see when she gets older. Just make sure.... make sure you’re there for her when she needs you.”
“Also know that you’ve got a group of people. Your familia. That will be there for you no matter what. You just gotta let them help.”
“Mom, I know.”
EE now handed Athena over to Isis as she sat in the chair next to the bed. She watched Isis holding Athena and a smile crept out of the corner of her mouth. Remembering when she use to hold Isis the same way.
“Mom, are you okay?” Isis asked.
“Huh...I was just.... yea, I’m fine.”
At that same time, somewhere in the cemetery, Michael found my father standing before his supposed grave.
“How is she?” My father asked.
“She’s resting.” Michael answered. “She wondered why you took off without saying anything to her.”
“It wasn’t my battle. Besides, I knew she could handle it.”
“She needs her father, though.” Michael pointed out. “Maybe not to fight her battles for her but, to be there for her.”
“Michael, I....”
“Damn it, she needs you. The only family she has left is you and Dena.”
“She has a familia.”
“You’re her father. You’re the only one who has the answers to her questions. You’re her blood.”
“I can’t. Not now anyway. It still isn’t safe.”
“But Apollyon....”
“There are other demons who are fighting with one another as we speak to take over where Apollyon left off. You and I both know that.” My father responded in a matter of fact tone.
“Michael, the Abyss and Hell are combining forces. The next ruler that they will have will start the Great War. Now is not the time, it’s too dangerous.”
“So when? When are you going to finally fill her in on what her fate is. What she’ll become.”
“Yea, well I just hope you know what you’re doing. For at least your daughter’s sake.”
I was sitting on top of the roof of Jordan’s house, smoking a cigar and trying to figure some things out. Until I noticed someone trying to climb the side of the house. It took him about five maybe ten minutes before he finally got on the roof and sat down next to me.
“Okay, how the hell did you get up here?” Jordan asked. “Cause I’m not doing that again.”
“Old age getting the best of you.” I remarked. “Better be careful might break a hip.”
“Do you really wanna go there about age?”
“No, guess not. So how’s your girl and son?” I asked.
“Their okay. What about you?” Jordan replied.
“What about me?”
“Saturn, come on. You let Apollyon walk. Which knowing you, wasn’t easy to do.”
“I didn’t let him walk.” I growled, glaring over at Jordan out of the corner of my eye.
“You know what I mean. You had the opportunity to get rid of Apollyon and instead.....”
“I saved his life.” I interrupted.
“Well, yea. I thought for sure you’d.... It’s just you surprise me sometimes.”
“Hon, I surprise myself. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to but, I saw something in Apollyon’s eyes that....” I stopped myself from finishing. “I’m getting too damn soft.”
“No, you’ve just a heart. You care about others and somehow always manage to do what’s right.”
“God, now you’re making me sound like a goody two shoes.”
Preston was now standing on the lawn, looking up at Jordan and I, raising an eyebrow somewhat.
“Hey, how did you guys get up there?” He hollered.
“Magic.” I hollered back, being sarcastic.
“Yea, well I need to talk to you. Alone.”
“I’ll be down in a minute.”
“I said I will be down in a minute!”
“Fine, whatever. Bite my damn head off.” Preston went inside, grumbling under his breath.
“So have you seen your dad?” Jordan asked.
“No. Michael is out there looking for him but well you know the old man. Always likes to make himself scarce. Would be nice to be able to talk to him, though.” I answered, thinking about it.
“Well, I better go see what the Texan wants.” I now got to my feet.
“Don’t worry about me, Richie-Rich. I’ll be fine. Besides, you’ve got a family of your own who needs you. Go spend some time with them.”
He looked up at me as I stood there, not looking at him. Just smoking my cigar.
“I’ll be fine.” I reassured him, knowing what he was thinking.
I now jumped off the roof, landing on my feet like a cat.
“Um okay, now how the hell am I suppose to get down?” Jordan yelled down at me.
“Jump.” I bluntly responded, walking away. “Just don’t break a hip.”
“Funny.” Jordan retorted.
A sly grin crept up on my face as I went inside. I went straight to Preston’s room. Making sure to knock on the door before entering, considering he’s been known in the past to entertain many women. When I didn’t get an answer, I just held my breath and went in. His room was lit up with candles and soft music was playing on a radio nearby. I knew right there and then something was up. The door slowly closed behind me and I could feel someone’s breath on the back of my neck. I turned around to come face to face with the Texan.
“Have you lost your mind?” I bluntly asked him.
“I just thought I’d make it easier for you and make the first move considering I did save your life.” Preston smiled a little.
“You’re delusional.”
“No, just under a spell.” He now grabbed me by my waist, pulling me closer to him.
“Well, I think I now how to break that.” I purred with a devious grin.
Bags and Gilly were walking down the hall when they noticed a certain Texan flying in mid-air over their heads and across the hall. Landing with a thud.
“He tried to get in Saturn’s pants again, didn’t he?” Gilly asked.
“Yup.” Bags replied.
Gilly walked over to Preston, staring directly at him as she crossed her arms and shook her head.
“What?” Preston responded, in a grumpy mood.
“Did you leave her up in a tree too?” Gilly grinned.
“Shut up.” Preston grumbled.
The next day, Jordan found an envelope addressed to him on his desk.
“She’s gone.” Michael spoke up, hiding within the shadows of the room.
“Why?” Jordan questioned.
“She needed time away. To think about things. I mean with all that has happened... She just needed time alone.”
“So when is she coming back?”
“Don’t know. She didn’t say.”
“Did you find her father?”
“He can’t see Saturn right now.”
“Why not? He’s her father, he should at least call her. He does owe her that.”
“Look Jordan, there’s just a lot going on right now. Some of it I don’t even understand. Not all of it anyway. Just be prepared because whatever will happen next will make fighting Apollyon look like a day in the park.” Michael explained. “And Saturn is gonna need all the help she can get.”
Meanwhile in Israel, a group of hooded figures gathered in a candle lit room somewhere. Each of them gathered for one reason. To discuss yours truly.
“So has she done it yet?” The one sitting at the head of the table asked.
“She has.” One of the others spoke up.
“Do we have the evidence we need then?”
“We do.”
“So when will she arrive?”
“Two hours and forty minutes from now. We’ll have a few of our people meet her at the airport.”
“Excellent. Finally, we’ll have the half-breed in our grasp.” The one sitting at the head of the table began to laugh. “Finally, we’ll have justice.”


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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:34 pm


1. Simple Plan- "Untitled" (Accoustic Version)
2. U2- "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own"
3. Natalie Merchant- "Building a Levee"
4. Sia- "Breathe Me"
5. ShineDown- "Some Day", "Heroes"
6. Goo Goo Dolls- "We'll Be Here"
7. Foo Fighters- "Halo"
8. AudioSlave- "Set It Off"
9. Fiona Apple- "Get Him Back"

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Post by bags123 » Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:38 am

Cool,.... the Bags character needs some fleshing out,.... but other than that,.....cool. :thumbsup:
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Post by Friend_forever » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:25 am

Great story... action... Great scenes, dialogues...

Let me know when you make this a movie... will be extremely interesting with the visuals you have created!!

:bow: :bow: :bow:
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:02 pm

Thank you peeps.. And sheesh for everyone harping on my ass to get it down they sure are taking their sweet ass time reading it.. :shrug:

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Post by shawn2005 » Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:57 pm

awsome as it is always :bow:
ok i read it. you're really great at these. thanks for putting
me in . as far as that goes the characters are just that
they are yours to craft into objects of your muses choosing.
though these stories always have a grain of truth mixed in
as their foundation. and are sometimes bizarely prophetic.

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:27 pm

Thanks zero.. By the way, I'm far from done with your character.. I have ideas for Familia Ten.. heh heh

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Post by preston » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:08 am

oh great ... ever since i read this, i've been afraid to use my hand :shock:

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:55 pm

Sorry doll.. but how else are you having any chance of getting close to my character if your not a seal carrier.. :shrug: And it's not that dangerous, not as long as you learn how to control it... tee hee tee hee

By the way, I have big plans for you in Familia Ten.. very big.. heh heh :devil:

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Post by Phoenix J. Star » Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:57 am

:bow: :bow:

Why Lady Saturn, that was just such a wonderful story, I do declare!!!! :mrgreen:
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Post by preston » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:15 pm

LadySaturn wrote:By the way, I have big plans for you in Familia Ten.. very big.. heh heh :devil:
not so big that i won't be able to get my hand around it ... i hope ?

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Post by Phoenix J. Star » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:03 pm

"The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future."
Oscar Wilde

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Post by Phoenix J. Star » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:04 pm

wait....are you sure that's something you'd want your hand around? You don't know where its been :shock:
"The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future."
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:54 pm

It's safe enough for him, Phoenix.. If it wasn't, I wouldn't put him through it.. actually it is dangerous, it just isn't harmful.. and OMG.. thanks now I've got my mind in the gutter..

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