Mystery of The Darkness - Part 1 BEGINNINGS

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Tom Watson
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Mystery of The Darkness - Part 1 BEGINNINGS

Post by Tom Watson » Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:37 am

Part I

Name: Dr. Daviid Dower/Dauer ( Tom Watson )
Race: claims Human
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Hair: long, grey
Eyes: green to gray
Height: 6'
Weight: 177
Hand: ambidextrous
Weapons: Words, Faith, unlisted
Physical traits: appears to be older and yet ageless

Name: Jeremiah (The Quiet Poet)
Race: angel
Gender: male
Age: ageless
Hair: long, golden blonde
Eyes: crystal blue
Height: varies
Weight: varies
Hand: both
Weapons: short sword/light of God
Physical traits: can appear large and imposing or normal at will; when angered, seems to give off a bright light
Character traits: a fallen angel of sorts; questioned god's decision to allow man to kill; was allowed to leave and attempt to make a change; a champion of good and righteousness; abhors violence of any kind, but will defend himself if necessary

Name: Draga (*daughter of the Moon*)
Race: unknown, for there are not many of them left in the world...
Gender: Female
Age: 100 human years
Hair: Short spiky black hair
Eyes: slanted Yellow eyes with Vertical pupils
Height: 6’8"
weight: 135
Other physical char.: Similar to a dragon, yet human shaped; very tall, thin, and lithe. Face is human, ears long and pointed. Great wings sprout from between shoulder blades and have a long whip like tail. Sharp ebony talons sprout from her finger tips and toes. Her skin is a dark bluish black, the webbing of her wings and her underbelly is a deep blue.
Hand: both
Weapons: herself
Char. traits: She is lonely and deadly. She lives on the edge of being either good or evil, her temper is as long as her memory. She is temperamental, though she can be good natured when befriended. She is hunted for her killings by humans. She is a magical creature and most of the magical world knows of her. A legend is linked to her...

Name: Lakia (source form for Draga)
Gender: Female
Race: elf, order of the phoenix, order of the dragon
Age: 1021 years (human years)
Hair: Black, streaked with red
Eyes: black with flecks of red
Hand: both
Weapons: Herself, her magic and her shifting forms
Char.: she is thin and lithe in build. She long since has abandoned her elfish way though she does still rule the Elvin nation of the woodland elves. She has overcome great barriers and has fought many dangerous battles against the evil darkness. Her quest is not over; it has only begun...She struggles with her inner forms close to her heart as well as with outside interference. Though she herself is lost too much in thought she still knows when to be serious and to help others.

Name: Ann Michaels (Duchess)
Race: Human
Gender: female
Age: 24
Hair: long and a mix of red and black
Eyes: greenish blue
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120
Hand: right
Weapons: kindness, the Bible, and my Faith
Physical traits: beautiful eyes and a charming smile
Note: She is a caring person, a missionary who travels but soon gets into trouble on her own...

Name: Bearrendosent (Barbathos )
Race: Hybrid (black dragon/human)
Gender: male
Age: 263
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: Grey(no glint)
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 182 lbs.
Physical char.: appears to be made out of obsidian at a distance, serpentine eyes, squarish snout, tail 3'4" long, wings with a span of 12', solid muscle mass.
Hand: Right
Weapons: Twin bladed war axe in the shape of a cross, acid etched, acid stream 90' long and 3" thick and acid spray in a 30 degree angle 60' long and various thickness, tail, claws and fangs.
Char. traits: Cannot be seen in shadows, highly misunderstood for his looks, he is a god fearing man in the prime of his life, prefers to live in swamps alone.

Name: Jessica Mendley (His Barbie Doll)
Race: Human/Shape shifter
Gender: female
Age: 25
Hair: long red hair
Eyes: ash grey
Height: 5'5
Weight: 126
Hand: right
Weapons: Her ability to turn into anything she pleases and have all the power and ability that creature can possibly have. (Example- If she became a bear she would have its full strength... if she became a rabbit she would have its stealth... etc. you get the picture...)
Physical traits: scar of a cross on her upper left cheek near her eye, intriguing eyes.

Name: Sarideas (Devoid.Of.Emotion )
Race: Elfish-Mage
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, but looks of 23-ish
Hair: Jet Black, Normal in back with very long bangs angled in front w/ vertex at nose and hair covering eyes
Eyes: Very Dark, Blackish
Height: 5'10
Weight: 149
Hand: Both
Weapons: Wields a very strange dagger on his right side in a silver sheath with very strange markings of a star on it and a dark wood longbow and quiver strapped to his back and maybe most importantly stealth
Physical traits: a very small star tattoo on his left hand in between his thumb and pointer finger Black nails a black tear tattoo under his right eye usually covered by his hair and numerous scars, but 2 in particular on his forearms.....2 X's
Bio: unknown....Sarideas woke one day many years ago with a dark wood arrow stuck in his thigh and one in his chest and bleeding heavily from his head....possible amnesia he seems very mysterious and is haunted by evil reign of terror which he had once created

Name: Felia (Reig.the.Lost)
Race: Spirit-Mirror/Elf
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Hair: White
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 113 lbs
Hand: Left
Weapons: A light mace with a cross for the head
Abilities: Can sense other magical creatures, his fate is intertwined with Sarideas' because he's his mirror. His breath is frosty to the touch. Can borrow other people’s strengths for a limited time.
Traits: Exact opposite of Sarideas, attitude-wise. He's an albino, white hair, white skin, and red eyes.


Draga lives in a mountainside cave deep within the Rocky Mountains. She has survived for many years. Lonely she sits, full of anger at the world that had shunned her. She was born of a human mother and elfish father. A combo not foreseen by elves. As a result of that, Draga became one with a legend. It is not a good one but it is not bad either. It begins that she will kill and set out to destroy the human world, yet one will befriend her and lead her to the light and together they will snuff out the impending darkness. She has pondered this many dark nights. Who is the "friend?" She snorted, small flame escaping her nose. No one has talked to her for ages, why should she think the legend is real? Draga walked out and launched herself into the sky, hungry, looking for prey.
Jeremiah stood in the doorway of the Aspen coffee shop, warming himself after stepping from the cold, winter air. He walked slowly up to the counter, clearing his throat to get the attention of the hostess, who was chatting absentmindedly to a friend. She turned around quickly, shooting daggers at Jeremiah.
"Do you need something?" she said rudely.
Jeremiah smiled.
"Just a small cup of coffee to warm by bones," he said warmly.
The girl quickly poured him a cup and handed it to him.
"That will be $1.50," she said.
Jeremiah handed her two dollars.
"Thank you very much. Keep the change," he said.
"Oh, thanks a lot mister," the girl snorted.
Jeremiah walked to a far corner and sat down at a table by himself. Even in a lonely coffee shop there was hate. He remembered a time long ago when people welcomed strangers into their homes, and now they found hostility even in public places. He sighed deeply and sipped at his coffee. His long blonde hair fell in front of his face, hiding it from the other patrons. A tear rolled down his cheek. He sensed a deep sadness in the hearts of all those around him. They had forgotten the Lord's teachings. They had forsaken his most important rule: Love thy neighbor. And for that, Jeremiah wept. Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder.
"Excuse me, are you okay?" a sweet voice asked.
Jeremiah looked up. There stood a beautiful young girl with long, blonde hair. She had a cute, round face, and a silver cross hung from her neck.
"Yes, I am fine," he replied.
"I thought I heard you crying," she said, "Are you sure everything is all right?"
"Yes," said Jeremiah, "I was just thinking of an old friend."
"I'm sorry," she said, "How long ago did you lose him?"
"A long time ago," Jeremiah answered, "But it seems like only yesterday."
The girl smiled, rubbed Jeremiah's shoulder, and sat down in front of him.
"Would you like some company?" she asked.
Jeremiah smiled widely.
"Of course," he said.
Lightening flashed, spraying a moment of brilliance through the office windows, immediately followed by the roar of a thousand cannon, shaking the windows of the 13th floor offices of Dr. Daviid Dower.
He sat, facing the message of God as it flashed across his face, unblinking, expressionless. At the shout of affirmation, Daviid's eyes closed slowly, as he sank into the centuries long gone.
Sitting in his office, he wandered, in his mind through ancient woods, ruined castles and repeated failures, infrequent glories.
The sigh was long and lonely when it escaped and he rose from his chair at the window overlooking the new world, thinking how things never change. Walking over to the table in the middle of the sparsely furnished room, he absent mindedly pushed around the fragile ancient documents, searching for the one that had raised the storm of past memories.
"Why now?" he thought as he located it pushed up against the few relics of ancient weapons at the edge of the table. "After all of these years, nay, centuries, when the past had finally been escaping from my dreams, why must you appear to me now?!" He put his hands to his head as another message flashed through the window, followed by the affirming roar.
"Yes, I understand. It is about to begin again, with only two choices for an ending. I am just so tired. Can you guarantee the help you offer will be willing? I can't handle another let down, nor can the world."
Light flashed again, setting the entire room ablaze in an angry red glow, as the immediate affirmation sent cracks streaking across the windows.
"I know. I am sorry. I didn’t doubt, it's just that I am so tired." Daviid thought as he leaned against the far wall, his hand resting on the ancient curled scroll, tears of remorse for lost loves and lost friends, and the fear of more to come.
"So, are you from around here?" the kind voice asked.
Jeremiah brushed the hair from his voice. A tear hung in the corner of his eye, and he quickly wiped it away.
"No, I've just moved hear from the east," he replied, his voice quivering slightly.
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" she asked again, "You seem like something is bothering you."
Jeremiah shook his head.
"It's nothing that you could really understand," he said, "I don't mean to sound condescending."
The young woman took his hand.
"If you don't feel comfortable talking about it, then you don't have to," she said softly.
Jeremiah smiled. Perhaps the world was not in as bad of shape as he had thought. Suddenly, a man burst into the coffee house, brandishing a pistol.
"All right, everybody down on the ground, now!" he screamed.
The young girl shrieked, cowering under the table. Jeremiah ducked down as well.
"Never fear," he reassured her, "I will take care of this."
Jeremiah approached the man, and appeared to grow with anger. The man pointed his pistol at Jeremiah's head.
"Back off man, or I'll blow your fucking head off!" he threatened.
Jeremiah grabbed the man's wrist, snapping the bone. The man screamed, dropping his gun and falling to the ground, clutching his wrist. Jeremiah took the gun and pointed it at him. He turned to the manager.
"Call the police," he said.
The manager nodded, and quickly dialed 911. Within minutes, the police arrived and took the would-be-robber into custody. The next day, all local media outlets hailed Jeremiah as a local hero. The town's mayor even invited him to town hall to thank him personally. Jeremiah walked quietly into town hall that day, and stepped into the mayor's office.
"Thank you very much for inviting me here, sir," he said.
"No, it is I who must thank you," said the mayor, "You saved a lot of lives yesterday."
"It is what any good Christian would do," he replied.
The mayor smiled warmly.
"If only more Christians were like you sir," he beamed.
As Jeremiah walked back to his apartment later that day, the mayor's statement resonated in his head.
"If only," he thought.

Bearrendosent had decided to fly to the mountains for a vacation, to get away from the hassles of the people that never understood him or just never wanted to. He flew all the way from the Everglades of Florida to the Rocky Mountains. As he soared high into the sky, the wind whipping through his hair, he noticed an object moving straight at him. He dove to make sure that he didn’t have a confrontation with whatever it was and fly below the cloud level. The mountains came in to view and he smiled with joy, the first smile in years. He landed in the snow covered grounds and started to search a cave to his fitting.

After a long search he found the cave he would use for his stay. The only problem was that it smelled of black bear, but he took his chances and made it his home for the time he was staying.
Ann walked down the streets on Aspen looking for the church she was to speak at that night when a small boy approached her.
"What's that?" he asked pointing to the bible she had in her hand.
"The Holy Bible," she answered with a bright smile, "Are you out alone?"

The boy nodded.
"Where are your parents?" Ann asked just then realizing the state of the boys clothing.
"They are in heaven," the boy said.
"What's your name?" Ann asked kneeling down in front of the boy.
"Adam," he answered, "What's your name?"
"My name is Ann," she answered, "Do you live around here?"
"I live in that ally over there," Adam answered, "I'm homeless,"
"Well your not anymore, you can come home with me," Ann said.
"I can?!" the boy asked his eyes lighting up.
"Yeah, you can," she answered holding out her hand for him to take, "Do you have any belongings you would like to get?"
The boy shook his head.
"Ok then, let's go to the store then we will go back to my loft and get something to eat," Ann said as the boy took her hand, "Would you like that?"
"Oh yes!" Adam answered eagerly.
Ann smiled and prayed for God to help her to find out exactly who this child was and to send her the help she needed to find the church she needed to find. She had not lived in Aspen long and didn't know where the church was, but she did know that someone had sent this child to her and he needed her help...she just prayed she would get it....

Jessica had been in cat form relaxing on a tree limb when she had noticed Ann, and what she had done.

"Hm... Interesting..." Jessica thought to herself as she jumped out the tree. When she hit the ground, feet first, she was in human form again "Now to find Ann and Adam," Jessica said aloud to herself as she began to go in the direction Ann and Adam had gone.

Jessica shifted into hawk form and took flight. It didn't take long for her to find Ann and Adam. They were headed into a small 'mom and pop' store.

Jessica swooped down into the alley next to the store, shifted back to human, and entered the store.

Adam already had his arms full of treats he wanted to try, and Ann, being the kind woman she was, agreed to buy him anything he wanted.

They took the goodies up to the counter and put them down.

"That be all for ya?" the cashier asked.

"Sure will," Ann said with a smile, then asked ” I was wondering if you knew where the Snowcap Nazarene church was."

"I'm sorry, no I don't," the cashier said shaking his head, "That'll be thirty-two dollars and eighty three cents ma'am."

"Uh oh," Ann said as she searched through her wallet, then her pockets, and then the rest of her purse, "I only have ten." Ann looked at Adam with a sad look, but before she could speak Jessica walked up next to her.

"Thirty two dollars," Jessica said handing the cashier a ten, a five, and a bunch of ones, then turning to Ann asked, "Got eighty three cents?"

Ann stood flabbergasted for a moment before Adam tugged on her shirt and snapped her out of it, "Oh! Uh... yeah..." Ann counted out eighty three cents and handed it to the cashier.

"By the way, the Snowcap Nazarene church is down the street on your right," Jessica said as she looked through a newspaper.

"Thank you and have a nice evening," the cashier said with a warm smile and a nod.

"You too," Ann said as she got the bags of food, still in shock. When she went to thank Jessica, she was gone.
The two attorneys from the World Trade Group stood outside the elevator watching the numbers drop from "P" to "20" and on down, each lost in their own thoughts, oblivious to the other, watching the number descend, waiting for the "14" that rested above the "12" to glow its arrival.
In a moment the bell announcing the cars arrival sounded, the doors opened to an empty box and they stepped in, and on each side of the doors, they simultaneously pushed "M". Doors swooshed silently as they closed. Neither noticed the shimmering air as they descended to floor 12 and beyond. Nor did they notice the sudden appearance of a third passenger. Daviid Dower stood in the back, quietly waiting to reach the "G' floor which was lit on the destination panel.
Even though the 13th floor never exists on the buildings of reality, the elevator remained a useful tool for its use.
Exiting into the garage, Daviid paused and listened to sounds only he and others of his nature could hear. A shudder passed through him.
"It has arrived in the mountains" he thought.
"So soon. Lakia?"
The name had come as a dream, not having been thought of for untold ages.
"Could she still be able to know of her nature? Even after all of these centuries of denying herself of its truth?" The last he had seen or heard from her she had assumed her second kindred form; that of a Dragon and had vanished into folklore. Never aging with the pureblood of Elf flowing in her, she had remained as an enigma, a legend throughout the ages.
Daviid worried that it may have been too long now and that she may have lost her true nature to the force of the dragon spirit. She had stated that she was ready to do battle again but it was too soon then. As it turned out, centuries too soon.

With the darkness of evil now residing in the mountains to the west, Daviid had to find a way to reach that part of the dragon nature that remained as Lakia, Elf Princess.
Pushing those concerns back for the moment, he jumped into his Hummer and started out of the garage. He needed to go to the Court house and quickly. An opportunity for good fortune was there, named Jeremiah.
At a stop light, he suddenly picked up the sensation that only a shape-shifter presents to him. Looking to the corner he spotted her/it following a young lady, about whom a strange aura of white seemed to flow, and a young boy.
"Strange. It seems the division between this reality and the magical dimension is failing. There is not time to be lost.
Some things never change." he thought, a furrow forming above his brows, as with increasing concern, he pulled into the parking area in front of the Court house steps, just as Jeremiah exited the building.
As Jeremiah walked slowly down the courthouse steps, he sensed a presence. He could not be certain, but it was certainly divinely-inspired; as if whoever he sensed had been touched by God himself. He turned his head to the left, spying an older man getting out of his car. This was the one he sensed. Yet, he could not make anything of him. He seemed fairly normal, nothing out of the ordinary. And yet, he emitted a vibe that was unmistakable. The last individual who carried such a presence was Christ himself. This man was not the Lord, and yet Jeremiah could feel the divine presence within him.
Perhaps this was the one that was spoken of so often in Heaven. Before Jeremiah had left, he had been under the command of Michael and Gabriel. Michael had often spoken of a man who would carry out God's will in the absence of Christ, one who would bear the weight of man's sin.
Jeremiah shuddered at the thought. Christ could bear such a burden because he was the son of God. But how could a mere man withstand the brunt of humanity's sins? Even if this was not that man, the divine presence was unmistakable nonetheless.
Jeremiah watched silently as Daviid entered the courthouse, unaware that the good doctor had sensed him as well.
As he stepped inside the building's atrium, he thought to himself.
"Who was that man?" he wondered, "He did not seem like a man at all, but rather, no that is not possible. Angels do not leave Heaven."
And yet, the idea remained in his mind. Try as he might, he could not shake the notion that perhaps an angel did walk among humans. Whoever the man was, Daviid knew that he was no ordinary individual. He sighed heavily as he walked down the corridor.
Ann took Adam back to her loft that she had just acquired only a few weeks earlier and let him take a bath.
Her sister Kiaria had left some clothes from when she and her son Brandon had helped her move in. Looking at them she figured they would be big enough for Adam and laid them on the toilet seat and left the room.
Looking around she spotted her messenger bag on the couch. Picking it up, she looked inside and took out her notebook. Sitting down at the table she opened it and began to write.

Dear Journal,
Today as I walked these cold streets I found a young boy of maybe 10 and brought him home. I felt something with him, he holds great power. I'm not sure what to do with him. Then there was this woman at the store who helped me buy the boy food. There is something strange about her too, I'll soon find out. Do you have any ideas? Well, hopefully you can give me guidance on what to do with this young child and this woman...

Ann closed the notebook and said a silent prayer then went to the bathroom to check on Adam. When they returned the notebook was gone and so was the messenger bag.

"I'm hungry," Adam said his hair was all wetted down across his face.

Someone knocked at the door before she could answer him.

"Adam, why don't you go over and find something in the fridge and I'll answer the door." Ann said as she ushered him into the other part of the loft and went to the door.

She was surprised and shocked to see the person on the other side.

“Hello stranger,” smiled Jessica as she stepped into the room, she kept her hands behind her back, “May I come in?”
“Uh… um… yeah,” Ann stuttered as Adam came up behind her eating a dill pickle.
“I realized I never told you my name at the store the other night,” Jessica said as she extended her right hand from behind her back, “My name is Jessica Mendley.”
Ann took Jessica’s hand and said, “Ann Michaels.”

“And I’m Adam,” Adam piped up cheerily with a big smile on his face, “Do you have a pet?”

Jessica laughed; many children had asked her that. She supposed they asked because they got a sense of the animal in her, and didn’t know any better than to think ‘pet’. “No dear boy, I do not have a pet.”
“Oh,” Adam said, looking a little sad about Jessica’s answer. Then looking at Ann said, “Can I get a puppy?”
“I don’t think so Adam,” Ann said shaking her head.
“You’re name’s Adam huh?” Jessica asked.
“Yep,” Adam nodded.
“Well did you know that the first man God created was named Adam?” Jessica asked with a grin.
“Really?” Adam asked skeptically.
“Yes sir-ree,” Jessica answered, “That is a very special name.” Jessica still had her left hand behind her back. She smiled widely as she leaned down to look Adam in the eye, “Close your eyes young one.”
Adam closed his eyes and Jessica pulled a brown and black, stuffed puppy from behind her and said, “Ok. Open ‘em.”
Adam cautiously opened his right eye first and upon seeing the dog squealed, “Cool! Thanks!”
With that Adam bounced off to the couch to play with his new stuffed friend.

“Wow!” Ann said, “You’re just full of gifts aren’t you?”
“That’s my specialty,” Jessica said as she looked to her right in the direction Adam had gone.
Ann noticed the scar of a cross on Jessica’s cheek but didn’t say anything.
“Well, I better get going,” Jessica said with a sigh and a nod as she stepped out the door quickly.
“But…” Ann began but when she looked out the door Jessica was gone, “What in the world?”
Jessica got onto the sidewalk and headed towards the courthouse. On the way she literally ran into a man. He seemed rather tall, and had long, golden hair, that seemed to shine in the sun.
“Excuse me,” Jessica said her embarrassment apparent on her face.
“It was nothing,” the man smiled as he continued to walk.

“Lord, you know, you really do enjoy making me bump into your people don’t you? You know they give me chills.” Jessica said as she looked at the sky, and then continued to walk.
Draga flew high and far over the mountain valley. She then spotted an expedition team, making their way up the mountain. Her stomach growled. She circled high above them, the cloudy sky hiding her, no shadow falling on the ground. Though she was not a true dragon she still had the uncanny ability to breathe fire. She also had another breath that would lure humans to sleep. She dove and before the team saw her they fell down into slumber. She landed next to one of them and looked him over. So young so healthy, blood pulsing strongly... She scratched the inside of the man's arm. Blood flowed thickly and Draga licked up the flow. Sweetness flooded her mouth. But something inside changed. She couldn't eat any part of him. She turned away and launched her self into the sky with a bloodcurdling scream that only a dragon could let loose. What ever changed, 'moved' inside her was clawing at her. She shook herself, falling a few feet. She regained altitude and flew off. Something was calling her and she didn't know what. She flew back to her mountainside cave and ran deep into the heart of the mountain. Something ancient flowed through her wanting to get out. An unknown power. For a day she sat in the dark. Then she flew out the next and flew out to again hunt. This time she found a human and left no remains...
"It would do well for you to leave and keep your mouth shut..." "We don't have the help you need..." "I can't find him! Won’t someone help me?"
Disturbing thoughts poured through Jessica's head as she was awakened from her restless sleep. "What is wrong with me?" Jessica said aloud as tears filled her eyes and she held her aching head.
The dream and words that had waked Jessica was terrible. She had seen a dragon or what seemed to be a dragon of some sort but looked human. She couldn't be sure.
Ann was awakened from a peaceful sleep by someone pounding on the door. She sat up and rubbed her eyes then went to the door, “Jessica?”
“I need your help,” Jessica said as she stood on the other side of the door. Her eyes were red and puffy and she was crying.
“Come in,” Ann said as she stepped back to let her in, “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. My head is killing me, and I had this horrible dream, and words. People talking, slamming doors in someone’s face. But I can’t tell who the person is…” Jessica was talking fast as she paced, and tears continued streams down her cheeks.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down,” Ann said putting her hands on Jessica’s shoulders, “Breathe.”
“I can’t!” Jessica said, crying harder, “My animal instincts are…” Jessica paused, realizing that, for one, she didn’t know Ann well enough to be barging in on her at three in the morning, and for two, she almost let out her secret. Nobody knew of her being a shape shifter.

Ann looked puzzled at Jessica’s last statement.
“Oh no!” Jessica said looking into Ann’s eyes, and realizing the person having the door slammed in her face was Ann, “I have to go!”
Jessica pushed passed Ann and went out the door.
Draga flew back to her cave, full stomach relieved. She licked the remaining blood off of her talons. The day was clear and the sun bright. It was high in the sky, midday. She set herself outside her cave and sunned herself on a rock. The heat settled in, refreshing her flame, glittering off of her beautiful diamond hard skin. Letting the sun warm her she curled her tail around her and folded up her wings, and she drifted off into a dragons sleep, with one eye open just in case.
"Ok Lord," Jessica said as she paced around her small, but decent cottage, "I understand you gave me this dream for a reason. Now what does it mean? Is there another dragon around? I mean, I know of Draga. She's been around for years. But this one didn’t look so much like her.”
Suddenly it struck her. Go find Draga, ask her. The worst that could happen is Draga would eat her. And the last thing Jessica was afraid of was death.
Jessica left her cottage and shifted to the form of a mountain lion.

It took her awhile to remember where Draga’s cave was, but she found it.

Draga awoke suddenly, right as Jessica came into view. Draga let out a bloodcurdling scream as she let out a blast of fire towards Jessica.
Jessica quickly shifted into a hawk and flew upward to avoid the flames.
“What do you want trespasser?” Draga growled loud and angrily when she finally gave up on making fried chicken of Jessica.

Jessica shifted back into human form and carefully approached Draga, “Draga, I come in peace. I just wish to ask you something.”
Draga let her defense down a little, but not much as she growled again, “What do you want to know?”
“Have you eaten lately?”
The hybrid known as Bearrendosent shifted his head as he flew from the river after bathing and eating fresh salmon. The smell that caught his attention was the smell of brimstone. He turned away from his course and flew to the east in great haste.
”Only one thing smells as strong as that brimstone. “ He thought. “Dragon fire. “
He with drew his axe from its sling and held it in his hands as he flew to the scent.
Ann sat on the couch thinking for the rest of the night. She couldn't go back to sleep, and so she got her notebook from her bag that had just appeared. Sitting down at the table she began to write.

Dear Journal,
It’s about 8:00 in the morning and Jessica gave me a very strange visit at about 3:00 this morning. She was frantic, she had been crying, and she mentioned something about animal instinct. What do you think is wrong with her, why did she say those things? She said she dreamed of things, people and voices then she got a fearful look on her face and ran. What is going on? Why did she act that way?
Adam on the other hand has adjusted quite nicely. He is sound asleep in my bed. Did you send me a son God? Is he the one you always told me I would have? He’s perfect in every way.
But that brings me back to Jessica, what is she? Who is she? I hope I can find out soon.

Ann closed her notebook and went over to the window. Looking into the clear sky she caught a glimpse of something flying.
“A bird?” she thought then narrowing her eyes she looked closer.
The creature flew into the moonlight and Ann saw that it was too big to be a bird. It’s see through wings shone in the moon light, then it swooped down into the trees and disappeared from sight.
“Was that a dragon?” she asked herself out loud then she let out a shaky laugh, “It couldn’t be, they died out long ago.”

Hugging herself she said a silent prayer then went back to the table and started writing again.

It wasn't long before Adam woke up at about 8:30.
“Ann?” he asked franticly.
“I’m here Adam, I’m right here,” Ann, answered going over and sitting down on the bed beside him.

“Ann, I had a bad dream,” he said his voice starting to crack, he had tears in his eyes.
“Well, its ok, nothing is going to get you as long as I’m here,” Ann said, “What did you dream about?”
Ann wasn’t prepared for what he said next.
Ann swallowed and remembered what she had seen last night then said, “Dragons aren’t real, Adam, don’t worry.”
“Really?” Adam asked.
“Yes, and besides, if they were, God will protect us.” Ann replied ruffling the boy’s hair.
“He will?”
“Yes he will,”
Then the boy’s eyes brightened and he suddenly changed the subject.
“Can we go walking in town today?”
Ann was taken aback by his sudden request.
“Sure,” she answered.
“Great! Can we go now?”
“Get dressed and we can go.” Ann replied.
Adam jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later he was ready to go and they left the loft.

Ann didn’t see anyone she knew or even recognized until they got to the nearest computer café for lunch.
When they arrived she and Adam sat down and ordered lunch. Adam ate his hungrily while Ann emailed her church in her homeland of Ohio for guidance.
As she pressed the send button, the bell above the door rang and in walked a good-looking man that Ann had never seen before. He smiled at her as he walked to the counter to place his order.

“Who is that?” Ann wondered as she looked back at the computer screen.

Draga, angry that she was rudely awakened, said, "Yes I have eaten. Now what do you want?" the mysterious girl had shifted form. Interesting, it has been awhile since Draga had seen a shifter. The last time she saw one he ended up in her stomach. This one's scent was enticingly sweet.
"Do you know of another dragon in these parts?" asked the girl.
Draga thought a moment while she sharpened her talons on the rock, “Maybe, why?"
"I know this may sound silly, or you might not care but I have been having a dream and it involved a black dragon."
Something stirred inside Draga. She looked carefully at the girl, yellow eyes steady. "I have heard tell of another dragon human. Similar to me but also very different. I know not his name." she stopped, she heard the beating of wings on air and she stood tall and looked to the west. A dark form was coming. "Get in the cave!" she growled and she pushed the girl in. Draga took off to meet the dragon, at once she knew who he was. Her muscles tensed ready to fight. He had an axe in hand, she had her talons out and teeth bared. With her diamond hard skin she had no fear; with her needle-sharp talons she held death. Draga let out a battle cry and the two met in midair...

Jeremiah smiled at the young woman sitting in front of the nearest computer. A young boy sat at the table next to her, wolfing down a sandwich. Jeremiah felt a strong sense of goodwill and charity in this woman, and a deep sense of gratitude and contentment in the boy. He made sure not to stare, but peered out of the corner of his eye, watching the two as they chatted happily. He felt a deep swelling of contentment. The server cleared her throat. Jeremiah looked up, embarrassed.
"I'm sorry miss," he said, "I must have been daydreaming."
"What can I get for you?" she asked cheerily.
"A bowl of vegetarian chili and a peanut butter sandwich," he answered.
"And to drink?"
"Ginger ale, please."
Jeremiah waited as she ladled out the chili and wrapped his sandwich in plastic-wrap. She set them on a tray, and reached into a small refrigerator behind her, pulling out a bottle of Canada Dry. Jeremiah paid for his meal and sat down at the table next to Ann and Adam. Adam looked up from his sandwich.
"Hey mister!" he said.
Ann looked a bit embarrassed.
"Now do you know him, Adam?" she asked.
Adam shrunk down in his seat. Jeremiah, however, edged closer to their table.
"Don't scold the boy, miss," he said calmly, "The Lord taught that kindness towards strangers is a virtue, after all."
Ann beamed. She had not expected such a kind response.
"Yes, that is true," she replied, "Do you live around here?"
"For now," said Jeremiah, "But the Lord's will is ever-changing, and I must go where He wishes."
Ann was a bit taken aback by this frank statement.
"You know the Lord's will?" she asked incredulously, "Does He speak to you?"
Jeremiah hung his head and sighed.
"No, not anymore," he said.
"But He once did?"
"Yes, but then I left His presence, and I have regretted it ever since."
Ann looked at Jeremiah with fire in her eyes. This was almost blasphemy. This man claimed to have spoken to God and to have been in His presence.
"Who are you?" she asked. "And how do you dare claim to have been in the Lord's presence?"
Jeremiah stood up, and seemed to grow in size. His eyes flashed and he spoke to Ann in Aramaic:
"I was sent by Him who is called I Am."
Ann cowered, but heard the ancient words. She gasped, thoughts racing through her head. She leaned towards Jeremiah.
"Then you are not human?" she whispered.
He nodded his head slightly, and she fainted.

Ann quickly recovered and stared at Jeremiah curiously.
“Ann? Are you ok?” Adam asked as he hurried around the table to her.
“Yes, Adam, I’m fine, go back to your seat,” Ann said calmly patting Adam on the arm.
Jeremiah sat back down to finish his food, but was questioned by Ann.
“So you’re really not human?” she asked in a whisper.
Jeremiah shook his head and took a bite of his chili.
“Then, what are you?” she asked.
“An angel, I suppose,” he answered.

Ann nodded and looked back at her untouched sandwich then back at Jeremiah.
“Have you met Jesus?” she asked.
“Well, I do believe I did once,” Jeremiah replied.
Ann nodded.
“You have more questions you want to ask?” he asked his eyes burning into hers.
“I do, just not within the hearing of others,” Ann answered.
“You know what I just now realized,” Jeremiah said, “I don’t know your name.”
“My name is Ann Michaels, and this is Adam,” she replied, “What’s your name?”
“Jeremiah,” he answered with a smile as he took a bite of his sandwich.
Ann nodded and asked, “Would you mind coming back to my loft and talking to me?”
Jeremiah smiled, “Alright, that would be fine,”
Ann nodded and looked over at Adam, “Are you ready to go Adam?”
“Yeah, Zack is probably getting hungry,” he answered.
“Zack?” Jeremiah asked.
“His stuffed dog,” Ann explained then she stood, “Are we ready to go?”
Jeremiah and Adam stood as well and together they walked out the door.

As the three entered Ann's loft, Jeremiah looked around curiously. It was a very comfortable place, the kind that might be overlooked, but that would make most people quite happy. Jeremiah settled down on the sofa against the far wall. He smiled happily, and Ann looked at him, puzzled.
"What are you smiling about?" she asked in jest.
Jeremiah leaned back, getting comfortable.
"It is good to know that true Christian generosity still exists in this world," he answered, "It is, sadly, very rare these days."
Ann shook her head.
"Don't I know it," she said.
"Well, ask away," said Jeremiah.
Ann cleared her throat, and sat down on the couch next to him. She looked deep into his eyes. They seemed to swirl, as if she could see the sky within them.
"Are you truly who you say you are?" she asked.
"Did my outburst not convince you?" he replied.
"It was odd, I'll admit that," she said, "But it is possible that someone could know Aramaic."
"Then may I ask you, how do you know the tongue?" asked Jeremiah.
Ann was silent for a moment. She pondered the possible responses.
"I have studied in as part of my missionary work," she answered.
Jeremiah glanced at her sideways. The one thing that always gave a human away was that their eyes widened when they lied. It was not noticeable to them, but he could see it.
"There is something you are not telling me," he said.
"You still haven't proven you are who you say you are!" she shot back.
"Very well, you shall have your proof," he replied.
Jeremiah stood in front of her, and removed his shirt. Underneath, he wore a silver breastplate with ancient writing carved into it. Ann strained to make out the symbols, but they were indecipherable.
"What is that writing?" she asked.
"It is the ancient tongue of angels," Jeremiah answered, "You posses neither the mental capacity nor the physical capability to speak or read it."
"That's still not proof," she said, "You could have bought that from any custom silver-smith."
Jeremiah sighed, and stood back. A white light illuminated from his body, nearly blinding Ann, and magnificent white wings sprouted from his back. He spread them to their full span of ten feet. Ann gasped, nearly falling off the couch.
"Convinced?" Jeremiah asked.
Ann simply nodded.
Awakening inside of a tree, his black, ripped clothing hanging from his thin, but muscular body, he rises. Raising his hand in front of the sun to block the light from his dark gloomy eyes, he sits up pondering the strange dream he had the night before reminding him of an old companion or nemesis which he wasn't certain. He mildly remembered the setting of the dream though and was sure of where he could reach this place. He hopped out of the tree landing on one knee kneeling with his left hand on the ground, He quickly examines his surroundings. He began his journey pondering the name of this....acquaintance in his dreams a sort of...dragon type creature. After a number of miles he sensed a presence closing in on him...very vulgar and unaware of Sarideas presence. Sarideas hopped gracefully into the nearest tree using cover to block him out of vision, He stalled waiting as he heard the loud stomps of an approaching creature...some sort of hybrid type creature wielding a rather large axe was darting along trees in the direction which Sarideas was headed. Sarideas was eager to follow this creature so he began to hop from tree to tree silently and gracefully without making the slightest noise he continued to follow this hybrid creature, analyzing ever flaw within this beast. After a few hours at this grueling pace, Sarideas began to wonder “why is this hybrid in such a hurry?” He found it very strange for something of this size to be able to keep up this pace for over 6 hours straight until suddenly he seen Draga off in the distance he knew.....this hybrid was intent on reaching the Dragon-like creature as was Sarideas, but maybe not for the same reasons. Sarideas continued to follow this hybrid but stayed a bit away hoping not to be instantly involved in a conflict which the hybrid may bring. Sarideas releases the bow from his back holding it in his right hand just incase of any present danger.

"Draga, how did I know it was you when I smelled the brimstone in the air?"

"One of these days I will kill you Bearrendosent. Mark my words I will kill you!" She seemed to scream the last words as she charged him.

He folded his wings about his body and dropped to avoid the attack.

"I do not wish to fight you on the holy day." he said as he dodged another attack and smacked the back of her head with the broad side of his axe, knocking her out and sending he to the ground.

He put his axe on his back and dived down to save her from hitting the ground. He caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her, then spreading his wings coming to a stop. He then flew over to the rock she was on and placed her on it. Then a new scent caught his attention, a human scent.

"I know your there," He shouted, “come out for I mean no harm."

Slowly a large bear lumbered out of a near by cave then looked around seeing him it reared up on its hind legs and released a massive roar.

"You don’t scare me shifter, and by the word of God I will not bring any harm to you." He said.

The bear stopped then studied Bearrendosent and, then reverted into its human form. What Bearrendosent saw stunned him. Before him stood the loveliest girl he had ever seen in his long life.

Sarideas followed the hybrid closer, hiding behind a large bolder and peeks around. He arms his longbow and hold still in case of harm for he’s not sure on what the hybrid plans were....after he saw him knock the Draga to the ground his suspicion began to grow. His arrow aimed at the hybrid's head, he held silent and still, waiting for him to attack ready to mark up another kill.
"Something’s not right" Daviid thought as he slowed his approach toward the elevators. "That had to have been him. But where did he go?"
He stood among the crowd, trying to sense that which passed him a moment ago. "Lord, what is happening here? There is more here than an Angel. The wall between this world and that of the magic is torn. I sense the creatures of magic beginning to find there way into this world"
The ground under Daviid's feet began to tremble, causing him to hold a marble column nearby. The many passersby’s continued on their business, unaware of the message received. "Yes Lord, I understand, but how will these people ever survive the horrors that approach?" Again the ground trembled under Daviid's feet while the people, unaware of the doom approaching or the ground movement, continued going about their self-centered lives.
Daviid bowed his head, nodding once, and turned back to the street, in search of the angel he knew now to be Jeremiah.

The bright blue sky, playing peek-a-boo between the skyscrapers did little to cheer his heart as he purposefully strode down the busy sidewalk, for in his mind's eye he saw/sensed the tinge of grey that was beginning to lightly streak the visible blue. A feeling of foreboding lay as a shadow blanket across his heart and he hurried his pace.
Soon he arrived at the computer cafe where he knew Jeremiah often ate his lunch. A strong sense of his presence emanated from the cafe and Daviid stepped inside, straining to sense or see him.
He was not there. Walking to the cashier, he asked her "Good afternoon my dear lady. Could you possibly help an old gentleman? I have misplaced a dear friend and I am afraid He might be out looking for me.
Do you recall seeing him possibly? Tall, wearing a long overcoat, and with long blonde hair?"
She looked up, with a dreamy look in her eyes. "Oh yes, I did see him. Um-m-m what a hunk! Such a nice smile. He left here about 5 minutes ago. Actually I did notice something else; he left here with a lady and young boy, heading north." As Daviid thanked her and started for the door, she grabbed a hold of his arm, "Mister, would you do me a favor if you catch up to him? Would you hand him this?" She then shoved a folded piece of paper at him.
“I know he will find this interesting, it’s my phone number and address. Please tell him I would appreciate it if he would call me and stop by to see me. I just need to talk to him." Daviid accepted the paper and put it in his coat pocket, advising her he would do what he could, and then walked out again into the busy sidewalk.
As he turned to head north, he saw that where the tall buildings had ended, the Mountains showed there impressive snowcaps, and he stopped.
"Lakia!" The sudden thought jumped into his mind and he stared at the sky above the closer peaks.
Draga quickly regained consciousness and growled. "What do you want Bearrendosent?" She asked, tensed ready to pounce, then she sensed something, a scent on the wind. She raised her face and sniffed. Elf scent was faint on the wind, the pulse of its blood stronger. She took off and went to the scent. She landed atop of the boulder he was behind. His bow was raised, marking Bearrendosent, he looked at her.
Draga, sensing familiarity, cocked her head to the side and slowly looked him over. He has been through the mill. "What do you want? It seems like everyone has the intent of bothering me today...make your reason quickly. I am getting hungry. Your blood calls to me yet for some reason I don't want to eat you. Still I am not friendly when hungry and my nerves grow thin." She puts a talon lightly under his chin and raises his face to hers and she looks deep into his eyes. "You are a dark elf mage. I do not know how I know but I feel the magic. What do you want here? Speak!" she growled and slammed her tail against the rock causing bits of rock to fly from when she cracked it. Her stomach was growling...
Ann was shocked, standing before her was an angel, a living, breathing angel. She was speechless. She couldn’t even think.
By the time she regained her composure Jeremiah’s wings were gone, his shirt was back on, and he was once again sitting beside her.

“Are you ok?” he asked smiling.

“Uh, yeah, you just took me by surprise is all,” Ann answered, “I wasn’t expecting the whole…things…and…” she became at a loss for words.
Jeremiah laughed, his voice flowed over her as water would and it sounded as sweet as it felt.
“You are the first I have showed myself to here in this town,” he said, “You must promise me you will not tell a soul.”
“I promise, I won’t tell anyone,” Ann said then suddenly remembered Adam, “Did Adam see?”
Jeremiah looked across the room to the small bed, and said, “I don’t think so, he’s asleep.”
“Good,” Ann answered then relaxed and sat back into the couch.
“What is his story?” Jeremiah asked.
“I found him on the street, he said his parents are dead and he was homeless, he looked it too,” Ann replied.
“So, you brought him home, bathed him, fed him, and gave him a home?” Jeremiah asked curiously.
“Yes, I did,” Ann, replied, “I believe God sent him to me, because he knew I wanted a son and Adam needed a mother.”
“Maybe so,” Jeremiah said, “There are not very many people like you here on this earth Ann.”
“Thank you,” Ann replied blushing a little bit, many people had told her this, but it was the first time it had made her blush.
“So, I revealed who I was, now it’s your turn,” Jeremiah said linking his hands on his lap, “What are you?”
Ann was quiet as she thought of what she should tell him.
“Well,” Ann began, “I’m not sure what I am, I just know I have certain powers. I know different languages that I never studied, and can speak them fluently. I can quote Bible verses, and I’ve never been able to read the bible the entire way through. I can speak in tongue, like you did. And other strange things have happened since I became a missionary.”
Jeremiah seemed intrigued.
“What kinds of things?” he asked.
Ann proceeded to tell him the strange things that have happened to her over the course of her life, right up to the Dragon incident last night.
“So there you have it,” she said after she finished.
“Very interesting,” Jeremiah replied.
“You think so,” Ann said dryly.
Jeremiah laughed, “Yes, it is,”
Ann laughed as well.
“You have a gift Ann,” Jeremiah said then stood, “I’m not sure what it is right now, but I’ll find out.”
“When you do, will you tell me?” Ann asked standing as well.
“I most certainly will do that,” Jeremiah answered, “Would you mind escorting me to the door; I have some errands I need to take care of.”
Ann nodded and walked beside him to the door.
“I had a wonderful time Ann,” he said then clasped both of her hands, “I hope I will see you again sometime.”
“Why don’t you come over for supper tonight?” Ann asked her hands felt small inside his large ones.
“I’d like that,” he said then looked over at Adam, tell the young boy I will see him tonight,”

“I will,” Ann answered.
Jeremiah released her hands and walked out the door then looked back to say, “Farewell, until tonight.”
“7:00!” Ann called.

Jeremiah smiled and nodded then disappeared into the elevator.
"Whispers of Love" a book of poetry expressing love of the heart and spirit is released worldwide on August 11, 2009. Visit my home page at
Books From Grace for more information or

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Post by Debbie » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:19 pm

:hello: Well Tom I sure enjoyed this part...I like the way you are leading up the great adventure I am soon to read about....
Amazing..I think you should be do the Harry Potter thing...and this should start off as a book and then movies....from what I've read it is awesome...look forward to part 2

love your Sis..Deb :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Slow Down And Look around
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Post by Asher » Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:33 pm

is this by chance taking place in Colorado?

I dunno.. scanning through I saw rocky mountains (?) and Aspen.. I haven't read the whole thing "yet" but plan too. it looks like it could be something.
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Post by Tom Watson » Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:09 pm

Thanks Debbie...hope you enjoy it....we had fun putting it together.

Asher, yes it does. in the Rockies and below...hope you find time to enjoy it.

"Whispers of Love" a book of poetry expressing love of the heart and spirit is released worldwide on August 11, 2009. Visit my home page at
Books From Grace for more information or

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Clearwater Poet
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Post by Asher » Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:23 am

awesome! I live and have lived in CO for years now.. may make the story more appealing.
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Tom Watson
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Re: Mystery of The Darkness - Part 1 BEGINNINGS

Post by Tom Watson » Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:10 am

"Whispers of Love" a book of poetry expressing love of the heart and spirit is released worldwide on August 11, 2009. Visit my home page at
Books From Grace for more information or

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