THE WESTIES (Rated PG-13 for S.C., L, V, Drinking)

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

THE WESTIES (Rated PG-13 for S.C., L, V, Drinking)

Post by LadySaturn » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:15 am


Word from the Writer..:
Okay, I know this is way off from writing about the Poetry Familia but, I’ve been getting asked a lot about who the Westies are. So I’ve decided to write a story about them and let you the reader get to know them a little bit better... Now with that said on to the story...

The Westies are the bad boys of the Poetry familia. Their the kind of guys who you want on your side rather than against you. They of course kick ass and take names later. And they do have a tendency to swear, drink (sometimes a little too much), gamble, get into fights, get all the women and yes still have time for the familia. If you didn’t know them, you’d swear they were just ordinary guys who like to hang out and drink beer. Bags is the leader of the Westies. He also owns his own pub which the Westies hang out at but, I’m pretty sure you already knew that. Bags is kind of like the uncle everyone respects not because you want to but because you have no choice but to do so. He’s the guy you go to if you need a favor. After Bags, is Thief. If Bags isn’t around to run the Westies for a bit he leaves Thief in charge to do so. Thief is pretty much a guy you can joke around with. Just don’t piss him off or you’ll find yourself wondering how you ended up in a dirt grave. He’s insane as hell and believe me when I tell you, it would not phase him to do twenty-five to life for anything. Of course, the authorities have to catch him first. Which they haven’t been able to do. Kind of hard to do so when your squad car goes up in flames. Next we have Quiet Poet or as everyone calls him, Q. He’s the romantic Westie. Not much of a fighter but more of a lover. If one of the other Westies is having problems with their girl and need some romantic help to get them out of the doghouse so to speak, they usually end up running to Q. Q may not be a ladies man but he sure the hell knows how to get to a woman’s heart. Have him recite a few of his romantic poems within a room full of women and chances are they’ll listen for hours on end. Jay on the other hand, well he’s the ladies man. He’s the Pretty-Boy Westie that could charm the pants off of any woman. Out of all the Westies, he’s the only one that actually has groupies. Well hell him and Preston. But Preston is all together another story, someone who you will meet shortly. Jay’s groupies go so far as to break into the Poetry house just to get a glimpse of Jay or to steal something of his. I should know I’ve had to kick a couple out and I’m pretty sure Berls or Pops has had to as well. Man, you think Jay was a movie star or something the way these girls just fight over him. I personally get a kick out of watching it though. I mean it is kind of funny to hear girls actually call him an Adonis. Next up in line as far as Westies go is Preston. Now I don’t know how Preston became a Westie. I think the others keep him around however for comic relief but other than that.. Oh wait, I know now. Bags agreed to let him join if he could beat Bags at a game of pool. Who the hell knew a Texan could play pool. He did win as if you couldn’t tell already. No thanks to Bags however. He thought he could beat Preston while being totally hammered. Needless to say, Bags won’t be doing that again. Any pool bet he now takes he makes sure he’s sober enough to play. Anyway even though Preston isn’t that much of a fighter, he is good to have around for a laugh or two. Him and the other Westies are always taking cheap shots at each other. Once in a while they get together and try to gang up on me with the cheap shots. Which I don’t mind as long as they don’t cross the line. Once they do that I have to smack them back in to reality. It’s all fun and games boys until someone loses an eye. What else could I say about Preston? Well for awhile, he’s been trying to get in my bed but I won’t let him. Which drives him crazy. And ever since Jordan has entered the picture, Preston is on the verge of going insane. He doesn’t like competition one bit and that’s what Jordan is. Or that’s what Preston thinks in his mind anyway. I don’t understand it and I don’t try to. I figure let them tear each other apart, it could be entertainment for the rest of the familia. Moving on, there are three Westies in the group that are considered the Professionals. Meaning if none of the other Westies want to get their hands dirty or have anything traced back to them, they call the Professionals. They of course are Fox (who was introduced in story five), Sam (who is the cyborg if anyone remembers) and Nega. You already know Fox and Sam’s powers but Nega.. Nega I have yet to introduce to you kind folks. His power is well let’s just say Lucifer himself would be scared out of his mind if he saw what Nega could do. Nega’s real form is that of skeleton. No freaking lie. Whenever he’s in his skeleton form he smells to high heaven of boiling sulfur. There’s a reason for it though. He could take that smell and have it make your heart stop. Instant death. He could also make you terribly sick but that’s only if he doesn’t want to kill you. He’s also a family man, which is kind of weird. I mean I’m pretty sure his old lady isn’t too thrilled with the smell. Probably chases him around the house spraying frebreze or some other crap that smells like wannabe floral. Oh by the way, whatever you do don’t ever say he smells like rotten eggs. Preston did once and was sick for three weeks. He would of been healed sooner but Val was in Canada at the time visiting a friend. Not only that but no one wanted to go near Preston for fear that they might get sick as well. He was basically quarantined from the rest of the house. And by quarantined, I mean he spent a couple of weeks in the tool shed. Anyway, next are the pups of the Westies, Kindred, Drew, and Third Libra.. I call them pups because they have yet to get their feet wet. Their the younger members of not only the familia but of the Westies. Kindred is the sweetheart out of the three. Very well behaved and unlike the other Westies has at least some manners. Libra sometimes can be good but only when he wants to. And only on his terms. Drew on the other hand, let’s just say if Thief had a little brother Drew would be it. Drew is the mischievous one. His past time for entertainment is playing mind games with people. He also likes to cause trouble just to see how people will react. He’s pretty much insane just like Thief. He doesn’t really scare me though just sometimes gets on my last good nerve. Especially if a certain pup decides to go joyriding on your motorcycle while your napping on the couch. And then he gets himself busted by yours truly when he decides he’s going to drive through mud and not clean off the evidence when he does get back. Or when he decides to torture Barbs or one of the young female pups in the familia just for the hell of it. And because that’s what brothers do to sisters in a familia especially when their young pups. I don’t know how many times Berls or one of the adults in the household has yelled at him to leave Barbs or whoever alone or else. He never listens though. He just has this grin that you know he’s up to something but he tries to act sweet and innocent. Now those are the Westies. At least the ones I know. I’m sure there are more out there in this world, I just haven’t come across them quite yet.
Lucky me, I have yet to meet more Westies. And I do know their out there. They just have to be found and knowing my luck..uh yeah..Don’t get me wrong, I love them like family they just uh yeah.. Anyhow, it was a late Friday night and every Westie except for Q was down at the Pub. The familia had decided to go on vacation to France and Jordan had been on the road touring and promoting his album. While I was out somewhere in the world looking for EE. Leaving the Westies home alone. Which Berls dreaded on doing considering she knows what kind of mayhem their capable of causing. Bags however reassured her that they would be on their best behavior.
“This sucks.” Preston spoke up, bored out of his mind. “There’s nothing to do.”
“Don’t complain to me,” Bags replied, standing behind the bar drinking a bottle of green beer. “You could have went with the familia if you wanted to.”
“I didn’t want to go with the familia.” Preston grumbled. “I wanted to go with Saturn.”
“You know she wouldn’t have let you,” Bags pointed out. “If she wouldn’t let Jordan there was no way in hell you had a chance. Besides, you know how she is.”
“Stubborn as a damn mule.”
Q now walked in casually as he started to whistle a tune.
“Someone is awful happy. So was she a blonde or brunette?” Jay asked, while waiting for his turn to play pool.
“Neither. I stole a bus.” Q answered.
“A bus?” Thief now looked up before taking a shot at the ball near the side pocket. “What sort of bus?”
“A tour bus.”
Kindred now looked out the window to see an actual tour bus parked next to the curb.
“Holy sh..” Kindred began to say. “That’s Jordan’s tour bus. How did you get it? You didn’t kill him did you?”
“Well..” Q started to respond.
“You know if you did, you have Saturn to answer to,” Bags interrupted. “And I’d hate to be you when she does gets a hold of you.”
“I didn’t kill him!” Q snapped at him. “Believe me, I wanted to kick his ass but I didn’t.”
“Cause you know Saturn would have your ass for that one too.” Bags calmly stated.
“Anyway, can I explain how I got the bus or are you going to keep interrupting?”
“Go ahead.”
“Jordan got home from touring a couple of hours ago. I waited until he fell asleep before I took the bus,” Q explained.
“But why?” Drew asked.
“I figured since everyone else is either gone or on vacation, that we take a vacation of our own. A Westies vacation.”
“You know if Saturn catches us..” Jay spoke up. “Well you know what will happen.”
“Saturn won’t catch us. She’s gone.” Q shrugged off the fact that he could get in trouble.
“What about Jordan? I’m pretty sure he’ll notice his tour bus is missing once he gets up.”
“He can kiss my ass,” Q responded, not giving a damn. “Ex-boy band punk. I could kick his ass with both of my hands tied behind my back.”
“You repeat that the next time Saturn is around. I’m sure she’d love to hear that,” Thief sarcastically remarked.
“Please, I’m not scared of her.”
“You can tell her that too. See if you walk away with your manhood still intact.”
“She’d break your balls.”
“No she wouldn’t.”
“Yes, she would. Just ask Preston, he keeps getting his broken.”
“HEY!” Preston exclaimed. “Not always. Just when I want her to.”
“Dude, seriously.” Jay spoke up, looking over at Preston. “Get over it.”
“Jealous soldier boy?”
“Why oh yes, I’m so jealous of a Texan who has a gun rack on the back of his truck and an eight track tape deck.” Jay sarcastically commented. “Whoo wee, you’re real popular with the ladies. Not.”
“Anyway, Q has a good idea,” Preston quickly changed the subject. “Why don’t we go on a Westie vacation. I mean hell nothing is going on around here.”
“Where do we go though?” Nega asked.
“I know a place.” Jay grinned some. “It has gambling, booze and women and it’s all legal.”
“Vegas.” Thief answered.
“Vegas.” Preston said, sounding somewhat disgusted. “Why not Texas?”
“Uh no.” Jay replied.
“Why afraid it might be too much for you?”
“No, I just don’t want to watch people pick corn from their teeth talking about how it should rain.”
“Kiss my ass.” Preston yelled at him.
Jay now set down the pool stick and walked over towards Preston standing face to face with him.
“I don’t kiss, I kick.” Jay growled. “Keep it up and I’ll kick yours.”
“Take your best shot, boy,” Preston replied, staring Jay down. “I’ll kick your ass back to the Pentagon.”
“I could easily break your neck.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Don’t need to try. I know I could.”
Both Jay and Preston looked over at Bags and saw the anger on Bags’s face. They both backed off from each other. Jay walking back over to the pool table, while Preston sat back down in his seat.
“So how are we gonna pay for Vegas?” Drew spoke up, asking.
Preston dug in his back pocket and pulled out three credit cards.
“We can use Saturn’s credit cards,” he suggested. “I’m sure she won’t mind.”
“She’s gonna kill you,” Thief said, trying to get the eight ball in the corner pocket.
“No, she won’t. I’ll just turn on my charm and she’ll forgive me. Maybe even fall in love with me.”
“Dead man.” Thief coughed.
“Hey, at least my wife didn’t go nuts.”
“At least I have a wife. What’s your excuse old man?” Thief snarled back.
“Can we please concentrate on the trip,” Bags interrupted, getting a headache from all the arguing. “Dammit, put dresses on you guys and I swear you’d remind me of some women I know. All this damn bickering. If your gonna fight fine but don’t freaking bicker.”
So they laid out the plans on the quickest way to Vegas. It only took an hour before they finally hit the road. They of course made sure to pack the bus with green beer before they left. Because after all green beer to a Westie is like part of his soul. Take it away and you might as well kill him. Q and Nega were playing a video game on the x-box while Preston took a nap. Drew, Libra and, Kindred were learning how to play black jack from Jay while Sam and Fox watched on. Bags drove and Thief just stared out the window. Too preoccupied within his own thoughts that he seemed to be slacking with his duty as navigator.
“Thief, you okay?” Bags asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Yeah, fine.” Thief kept staring out the window.
“No, your not. I know you too well, Thief. Something is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong. I’m fine.” Thief grumbled, silently wishing Bags would leave him alone.
“Look there are three people who know when your lying and I’m one of them. So don’t even try.” Bags replied. “Are you worried about EE?”
“Don’t be. Saturn is looking for her and if anyone can find her it would be Saturn I mean she does have that feral senses thing and what not. She can find EE by her scent or what ever the hell she picks up on.”
“I know she can” Thief said. “I’m just afraid in what condition EE will be in when Saturn does find her. If she’ll remember Isis or”
“She will, you’re her husband. No matter what Beburos has done to her. It’s pretty damn hard to forget those you love.” Bags tried to assure Thief.
Jay now went searching for some green beer while Kindred, Libra and, Drew practiced playing black jack. Jay opened a cupboard and discovered a bottle of a good brand of scotch.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” He said to himself. “He does have taste after all. Hey Jordan, can I have some scotch? While go ahead Jay, hell have the whole bottle. Don’t mind if I do.”
Q raised an eyebrow and looked over at Jay.
“You okay, man?”
“Fine. Just found Jordan’s stash.” Jay held up the bottle.
“I didn’t think he drank,” Q replied.
“Yeah, well.” Jay shrugged, unscrewing the cap and taking a drink. “Who cares. He’s got good taste in scotch and women. I mean hell the way he chases after Saturn.”
“Jay, don’t. Preston might wake up and hear you,” Bags warned, over hearing the conversation as he honked the horn at someone who tried to cut him off. “GET OFF THE ROAD, YOU DAMN JACKASS. OH, GO AHEAD AND FLASH YOUR LIGHTS. I’LL FLASH MORE THAN LIGHTS, YOU MORONIC PIECE OF SH...”
“Whoa, Bags.” Thief responded.
“What? The dude cut me off.” Bags snapped back at Thief.
“Anyway,” Jay continued, now getting drunk out of his mind. “Who here wouldn’t admit if they had a chance with Saturn they wouldn’t take it.”
“I wouldn’t.” Nega spoke up.
“Your married, you don’t count. Neither does Thief.” Jay replied, taking another drink of scotch.
“Hey, just because we’re married doesn’t mean we can’t look.” Thief pointed out. “Right Bags?”
“Leave me out of this one. I’m in trouble with the old lady as it is. Besides Jay, if Saturn heard you talking like that she’d break your neck.”
“No, she wouldn’t.” Jay mischievously grinned. “I’d just sweet talk my way out of trouble.”
“She’d still break your neck.” Bags bluntly responded.
“Well, you have to admit some of the women in the familia are pretty damn hot.” Jay continued on.
“I plead the fifth on that one.” Bags answered, looking for the car that had cut him off.
“Come on Bags, your old lady won’t know if you answered the question.”
“Wanna bet.”
Preston started to wake up, yawning and stretching a little.
“What are you guys talking about?” he asked.
“Nothing.” Bags said, not wanting to dealing with another fight between Preston and Jay.
“The women in the familia,” Jay responded, ignoring Bags.
“What about them?” Preston raised an eyebrow.
“We’re just talking about who’s the hottest and what not.”
“Oh, I could tell you who’s the hottest.” Preston smiled some, feeling like he was floating on cloud nine.
“I know she is considering I’ve already seen her naked.” Jay grinned deviously.
“WHAT!” Preston yelled. “YOU’VE WHAT!”
“You heard me.”
“Oh shit, not good.” Q dropped the game controller in his hand as he lowered his head and shook it.
“When have you seen her naked?” Preston now demanded to know as he stood face to face with Jay.
“Get out of my face,” Jay warned in a low snarl.
“No. I want to know. When have you seen her naked?”
“Fine if you must know. I watched her in the shower one night.” Jay answered.
“Watched her?”
“I accidentally walked in on her while she was taking a shower. I stayed to watch the show,” Jay grinned. “And what a show, let me tell ya. She’s got a body..whoo..”
“Wait a minute, how is that possible?” Q questioned. “She’s got that feral thing, she would of sensed you watching I’m pretty sure and I’m also sure she would of kicked your ass if she caught you.”
“Unless she wanted him to watch.” Thief began to laugh a little sounding somewhat devious.
“WHOA!” Kindred spoke up. “Should we be hearing all of this?”
“Who cares. Shut up, Kindred.” Drew hissed at him.
Preston now clenched his fists, rage running through his veins. Jay now put the bottle of scotch down on the table beside him.
“Go ahead, Texan. Take your best shot.” Jay now held his arms out in front of Preston, challenging him.
Preston swung his fist and Jay blocked the hit, swinging back and hitting Preston in the jaw, knocking him off his feet. Preston wiped the side of his mouth as some blood started to trickle down. Jay now began to turn his skin into a poisonous liquid metal as his hand turned into a metallic sword.
“Bring it on, tin man,” Preston mocked.
“Ouch.” Thief said. “Hitting below the belt.”
Bags now slammed on the breaks. Getting up from the driver’s seat, he headed to the back where the fight was.
“Either you two sit down and shut up.” He said both to Jay and Preston. “Or you’ll both be walking to Vegas.”
They both looked at Bags and knew he was serious. See that’s the thing with Bags, he loves his Westies but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna put up with any of their crap. And they know that if they give him lip, he has no quarrels about putting them in their place. He is after all the leader. Almost like a Godfather, if you think about it. Preston now sat down back in his seat and Jay returned to his normal form, sitting down at the table where the bottle of scotch was. Bags went back up front, getting back in the driver’s seat and getting back on the road. It was pretty much quiet after that until Jay’s cell phone went off. He answered it of course. Berls was on the line. She was checking in to see if everything was okay. She had yet to know what they had done.
“Everything is fine, Berl,” Jay lied through his teeth. “Yes, we’re being on our best behavior.”
Drew started to snicker.
“Yup... uh huh.. No. No. Uh huh. Okay bye.”
After Jay got off his phone, he went back to drinking the scotch.
“So does she know?” Sam asked.
“No,” Jay answered. “But it won’t be long before she does. Of course, we’ll be in Vegas by then.”
The Westies made pit stops here and there but other than that they were Vegas in no time. Bags parked the bus in front of a casino. They all had decided to find a men’s clothing store and get some nice threads before hitting the casinos. Using of course my credit card. A few hours later, they stepped through the casino doors dressed in suits and looking like men who not only meant business but had connections, if you get my drift. They walked around the casino checking things out. Bags and Preston found their way to the black jack table, taking Drew, Libra and, Kindred with them. Nega, Sam and, Fox headed for the roulette wheel while Q and Thief decided to try their hand at craps. Jay however just looked around, watching the buzz that was happening within the casino. It didn’t take him long before he started to notice this one girl. She was a brunette about five foot nine with hazel eyes, wearing a tight black dress which complimented her figure. Jay couldn’t help but stare as she stood a few feet away talking to one of her friends. She caught him staring and smiled a little, looking over at him out of the corner of her eye. Jay began to feel somewhat nervous, his hands sweating a little. She now stopped talking to her friend and walked over in Jay’s direction.
“Hi.” She said, standing before him.
“Uh.. uh..hi.” he answered back nervous.
Usually he isn’t nervous round girls but with her it was different for some strange reason.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“Uh..uh.. Viv.. I mean Jay.”
The girl giggled a little and a goofy smile appeared on Jay’s face.
“I’m Isabella.” She introduced herself with a sexy smile. “Look, I don’t normally do this but would you like to get a drink or something. I’ll buy.”
“Uh, yeah.” Jay answered, feeling like he was floating on air.
Preston looked over to see Jay leaving with a girl and he couldn’t help but let out a low growl.
“What’s the matter?” Bags asked him.
“Some guys get all the damn luck. Jay is not here more than fifteen minutes and he gets himself a chick.” Preston complained. “Women seem to flock to him all the time. Hell, what does he have that I don’t?”
“Thirty..maybe forty years less than you,” Bags replied. “And he’s also got you beat as far as that army thing goes. Women can’t resist men in uniform, even if their not wearing the uniform. The women can somehow still sniff them out.”
“Hey, I could join the army and get buff.” Preston argued.
“Maybe in your next lifetime you could.” Bags said being a smartass. “Right now however..uh no.”
“Why not?”
“Your not exactly a spring chicken.”
“Hey, I can beat anyone up in here.”
“And somehow Saturn is still able to kick your ass.” Bags pointed out.
“For the love of..Did I say I could fight Saturn?”
“Thank you.”
“Because you know she could have you eating dirt.”
Drew, Kindred and, Libra busted out laughing. Preston just sat there grumbling.
“Screw you, Bags.”
“Watch yourself, Texan.” Bags warned.
Joe who was taking some time off from doing his acting thing and had decided to take a trip to Vegas. He was now of course in the same casino as the Westies. He also received word that Jordan’s tour bus was missing. It didn’t take him long to put two and two together when he saw the Westies. Considering all the stories I’ve told Jordan about the Westies, I’m pretty sure he has turned around and told Joe. Joe now spotted Preston, Bags, Kindred, Libra and, Drew. He started to walk towards the black jack table, looking around to see the other Westies spread out through out the casino. Gambling to their hearts content. Joe sat down next to Bags, waiting to be noticed.
“Crap, is Saturn around?” Kindred asked Drew, being the first to recognize Joe.
Bags looked over at Joe and so did the other Westies.
“So what brings you to Vegas my fellow Irishmen?” Bags asked, as the others trembled in fear looking around for yours truly.
“Vacation.” Joe answered. “A long overdue vacation. By the way, you wouldn’t know anything about a missing tour bus, would you?”
“No.” Bags lied. “Why?”
“Funny thing. Got a call from Jordan recently. It seems someone stole his tour bus. Probably while he was sleeping. He even called the cops to report it.”
“Really.” Bags calmly responded.
Preston tried to keep his cool while the others began to sweat bullets.
“Yeah, the cops think the thieves are here in Vegas. Can you believe that?” Joe continued, noticing the fear from the younger Westies. “What’s wrong with them?”
“It’s their first time to Vegas, their nervous.” Bags answered, shrugging some as he continued to play the game. “You know it’s gonna take a lot of luck to catch those thieves. I mean after all thieves are sneaky little bastards.”
“True. Well, gotta go. Need to go gamble a bit.” Joe got up to leave, walking away and whistling an old irish tune.
Bags recognized the tune. It was one about an Irish man catching another one in a lie. Bags knew right there that he was officially screwed. Thing is if your irish you can never lie to one of your own just for the simple fact they know how to lie like you do. And it just doesn’t go for the Irish. Hell, you could be Sicilian, German, even Canadian and still be caught in one of your lies by someone who has the same nationality as you. It’s like a natural born instinct.
“Get the others and tell them to meet us outside,” Bags ordered Preston.
Preston did as he was told. As soon as the Westies left, Joe got on his cell phone.
“Yeah, their heading your way.”
“Okay Bags, where the hell did you park it?” Thief asked, looking around from the missing tour bus.
“I parked it right here.” Bags said, pointing to the spot that he had.
“Look, a tour bus can’t just get up and walk away. It has to be somewhere. Maybe Jay took it to impress the chick he left with,” Q suggested. “So let’s just find Jay. Can’t be too hard to do.”
The Westies cut through an alley and headed towards the back of the casino. Where they found the tour bus and someone standing in front of it with her arms crossed and smoking a cigar.
“Oh shit.” Fox began to say.
“Saturn, what a lovely surprise.” Bags tried to greet me.
I let out a low growl and he quickly shut up. See that’s one thing about the Westies. They can fight any man but never a woman. Especially one with a temper and claws.
“Hey, I thought you were looking for EE,” Preston spoke up.
“I was until I got a phone call from Jordan.” I answered, putting my cigar out on the ground. “At first, I told him I had no idea who could have stolen his tour bus but then I thought about it. So to make sure what I thought was absolutely absurd I called Berls because, after all the Westies had to be on vacation with the rest of the familia. They couldn’t be so damn stupid as to steal a tour bus. Not the Westies I know. Do you know what Berls said?”
“That we are perfect little angels.” Thief smiled.
“No. She said that you guys had decided to stay home. Which would give you the opportunity to steal the bus not to mention my credit cards from the looks of it.” Pointing out the suits they were wearing. “I had a feeling you guys would come to Vegas, after all you are Westies. So I had Joe track you guys down.”
“So what are you going to do?” Drew asked, afraid to.
“Nothing, yet. Jordan is sending someone to get the bus. As for the credit cards..” That’s when I held my hand out in front of Preston.
He handed over the cards, grumbling as he did so.
“You gentlemen will be of course paying me back for everything you charged.” I continued, pocketing the cards. “And no need to worry about the cops. I talked Jordan out of calling them. So who’s little idea was this?”
Everyone now stepped away from Q. I walked over in his direction, unsheathing my claws.
“Saturn, come on us boys were just having some fun,” Q tried to talk his way out of trouble.
I now slammed Q up against a wall, holding him up by his neck with one hand.
“You ever pull a stunt like this again,” I growled in a low tone. “You better pray I don’t find you.”
I let him go as he fell to the ground, coughing and trying to breath again.
“Damn Saturn, you don’t have to be that hard on him,” Libra spoke up.
I now shot Libra a look that would have made kings before him back down in fear. Libra started to sweat bullets, scared I might snap on him.
“I have to continue looking for EE.” I said, still staring Libra down. “Just stay out of trouble. All of you.”
“How are we suppose to get home?” Drew replied.
“Walk.” I now began to leave.
“Saturn..” Thief started to say.
I stopped but didn’t look in his direction. I held up my hand, stopping him from finishing. I knew he was going to ask about her.
“She’s here.” I said, looking over in his direction. “It’s just hard to find her.”
“How come?”
“Her scent has altered.”
“Look, I gotta go.” As I began to walk away, disappearing in the shadows of the night.
“Why won’t she tell me?” Thief couldn’t help but start to cry in frustration.
“Maybe she’s trying to protect you,” Bags responded in a comforting tone, putting his hand on Thief’s shoulder.
“From what?” Thief now looked over at him
“The truth.”
Meanwhile Jay and Isabella were back at her place, getting to know one another a little better, so to speak. A lot can happen when two strangers meet. Which Jay found out in no time. He was laying up in Isabella’s bed with just a bed sheet covering the lower half of his body. Isabella was sleeping next to him as he watched the lights from outside shine through the window and dance on the ceiling. It didn’t take him long to see someone standing by the window, smoking a cigar.
“Saturn!” He said, quickly trying to cover himself up.
I just lowered my head shaking it.
“What brings you here?” he quickly asked.
“Well, it’s not to see you naked cause that doesn’t phase me one bit,” I calmly answered, still smoking my cigar.
“Why not?”
“Let’s just say I’ve seen a lot of naked men in my time. After awhile, I just get use to it. I mean if you seen one pickle, you’ve seen them all. Anyway, just so you know I busted your partners in crime. I came to find you to tell you that your going to have to find another alternative to get home because taking the tour bus isn’t an option.”
“Fine. Anything else?” He now sounded irritated that I was ruining the time he was getting to spend with this girl.
“Yeah. Payback.”
“Payback? What?”
“You saw mine. Now I got to see yours.” I grinned in a devious manner.
“I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Watching me take a shower, does that ring a bell?”
“Not really.”
“Uh huh. Well I gotta go. Stay out of trouble, will ya.”
“I’ll try.”
I left within the darkness of the night, leaving the wind to play with the curtains hanging in front of the window. Jay went back to staring up at the ceiling.
“Who was that?” Isabella asked, rolling over to face Jay.
“That girl that was here.”
“Oh, that’s Saturn. She’s just a friend.”
“Some friend. She scares me.”
“Why?” Jay now raised an eyebrow, looking over at her.
“I don’t know there’s something about her that just does.”
“There’s nothing to be scared about. Saturn is really just a harmless kitten once you get to know her.” Jay explained. “All though, you couldn’t tell by the way she acts but, deep, deep, very deep down inside her she’s nothing but a kitten. A kitten with claws but a kitten nonetheless.”
“It’s a long story.”
Bags and the other Westies had now went back to their hotel rooms to get some sleep. Thief and Bags weren’t able to get any shut eye, so they headed down to the lounge for a could of drinks using the money they had won earlier to pay for it of course. They now sat at the bar, watching a Europe football game on the T.V. that hung in a corner over the bar. Thief’s mind was too preoccupied to even concentrate on the game. He was thinking about EE and Bags knew it.
“You keep drinking like that,” Bags spoke up, noticing how fast Thief was swallowing down each drink. “And your liver is gonna rot.”
Thief just grumbled under his breath.
“Still worried about EE?” Bags asked.
“What do you think?” Thief snarled back.
“Hey, it’s okay, man.” Bags said, leaning away a little from Thief. “I was just asking.”
“Sorry.” Thief grumbled, taking another drink. “Anyway, I need to go drain the hose. Watch my seat.”
While Thief went to the bathroom, Bags went back to watching the game. Signaling the bartender for another drink. A few minutes later, Thief came out of the restroom noticing something across the room. He wasn’t quite sure if what he was seeing was real.
“Ellie?” He managed to utter.
The girl was leaving the bar and Thief decided to follow her. Bags continued to watch the game, not even noticing that Thief had left. All the while in Preston’s room, yours truly had decided to make a visit. Preston was crashed out on his bed, watching T.V. A gust of wind blew through the open window playing with the curtains and blowing the scent of cigar smoke through out the room. The T.V. shut off by itself as a ring of cigar smoke blew by it. Preston quickly sat up in bed and looked over at the window. A orange faint glow from a cigar lit up the dark corner near the window.
I put my cigar out and walked over toward the bed. Pushing Preston back down as I crawled on top of him, making sure to pin him down.
“I take it we got sick of playing with boys,” Preston grinned some. “I wondered when you’d come to your senses and get with a real man.”
I now began to kiss Preston, nipping a little at the bottom of his lip playfully while purring like a kitten.When I finally pulled away from the kiss, Preston had this goofy look on his face like he had died and went to heaven. It was soon replaced however with a look of pain, as he felt a burning sensation go through his chest. He began to find it hard to breath and soon found himself slipping in to unconsciousness. The supposed me got of off him and turned into a female demon as Lucifer and EE appeared from within the shadows of the room.
“Is he..” EE started to ask.
“No, far from it. He’s just resting.” Lucifer smiled in response. “Their all resting.”
Bags was now in Q’s room trying to explain to Q and the other Westies that Thief was missing.
“He can’t just go missing,” Q pointed out. “He’s probably passed out somewhere drunk out of his mind.”
“Highly doubt it.” They heard someone say from behind them.
They all turned around to see Slayer standing there. She looked like an amazon with her warrior outfit on and Q couldn’t help but notice. He actually began to drool somewhat.
“Down boy,” Nega said to him.
“What are you doing here?” Bags asked her.
“I was helping Saturn find EE.” Slayer answered. “That was until I ran into a problem.”
“Look about the tour bus..” Q began to say.
“Not about that. All though, I did laugh a little bit when Saturn told me what you guys did.”
“Okay, so what is the problem?” Fox raised an eyebrow.
“Saturn has gone missing. I stopped by her hotel room and it looked like a war had happened through out her room.”
“She probably got upset about something, tore up her room and afterwards decided to take a walk.” Sam suggested.
“She didn’t take her cigars with her,” Slayer bluntly responded, crossing her arms.
Everyone stood there speechless. You see if there’s one thing I have on me, it’s always my cigars. And as long as the Westies along with the rest of familia have known me. They know I go no where without my cigars.
“Maybe she’s trying to quit smoking.” Kindred said, thinking of possibilities.
“Kindred, come on. Seriously.” Bags retorted. “Saturn giving up her cigars is like a Westie giving up green beer. It isn’t going to happen.”
“She’s not the only one missing,” Slayer continued. “Joe is as well. So is Jay.”
“Wait, Jay is with that girl.” Nega remembered.
“Not anymore. I can’t find Jay nor the girl he was with.”
“This isn’t good.” Bags shook his head a little. “You don’t think there’s a connection, do you?”
“Might be,” Slayer answered.
“We need to get Preston. He needs to know what is going on. Drew, go get him.”
So Drew did. Only to return a few minutes later without Preston.
“Where is he?” Bags asked, raising an eyebrow.
“He isn’t in his room.” Drew answered.
“Maybe he went out.” Libra replied.
“Without his pants.” Drew now held up the pair of pants Preston had worn earlier.
“Whoa, not a pretty picture.” Q shook his head a little. “To think a Texan running around Vegas in his underwear.”
“At least he’ll fit in with the rest of the city.” Sam sarcastically remarked.
“So what do we do?” Kindred asked.
“We find them.” Bags responded, trying not to picture Preston running around Vegas in his underwear.
“What if their not in trouble?”
“Saturn doesn’t forgot her cigars.”
“But what if..”
“She doesn’t forgot her cigars. Ever.”
“I see your point.”
Everyone had now noticed Slayer was gone. She had snuck out while everyone was talking.
“Where did she go to?” Q asked. “I needed to ask her something.”
“What if she likes you.” Drew grinned being a smartass.
“Not now.” Q warned.
“So where do we look?” Kindred spoke up. “I mean Vegas is a big city.”
That’s when they heard a knock at the front door. Q went to answer it only to return with Isabella following right behind him.
“Where’s Jay?” Drew demanded to know, not letting her get a word out.
Isabella put her face in her hands and began to cry.
“Way to go, Drew.” Fox smacked him in the back of his head. “Making a girl cry, what the hell is wrong with you?”
Bags held out a box of tissues and Isabella grabbed one wiping her eyes with it.
“Pay no mind to the boy. He’s still wet behind the ears.” Bags tried to console her. “So do you know where Jay is?”
“Lucifer has him.” Isabella replied, sniffling. “He didn’t even tell me if Jay was alive or dead.”
“Wait a minute, am I missing something?”
Isabella now lowered her head, ashamed.
“I made a deal with Lucifer a while back. The only way I could pay him back is if I gave him Jay,” she began to explain.
Some of the other Westies began to let out low growls sounding like a pack of wolves. If Bags hadn’t motioned them with his hand to stay put, there is no doubt in my mind they would have ripped Isabella a new one, so to speak. You see that’s the thing with the Westies. You mess with one of them, your just asking to get your ass kicked by the rest of them. Granted they might fight with one another but they still have each other’s back no matter what. It’s sort of like a brotherhood with them. If any outsider messes with one of them, the others come running to their brother’s aid. Whatever the situation may be.
“Why does he want Jay?” Bags asked Isabella.
“I don’t know,”she sobbed. “I don’t know.”
“Do you know where Lucifer is then?”
“Under the city,” she answered.
“Back in the days when the Mafia owned and ran Vegas, they had built tunnels and underground rooms. To either move large sums of money, have supposed “business” meetings, or to avoid their enemies out in public.” Isabella said, explaining. “Lucifer is down there. He’s rebuilt as his own little home away from home. Everyone in Vegas knows it but no one talks about it because everyone in some way or another owes him.”
“So you mean to tell me Lucifer owns Vegas?” Q looked at Isabella like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Just the underworld part of it. He’s trying to gain control of all of it however. I think your friend Saturn was starting to find that out to before she disappeared.”
“So how do we get underground?” Libra questioned.
“There’s a entrance through the back of one of the casinos. I can take you there.”
“Then let’s go.” Bags interrupted, heading for the door. “We’ve got a demon to take care of.”
Meanwhile underground in one of the rooms, that looked the size of a ballroom. Preston, Jay, Joe and, Thief were tied up against the wall by chains drilled into the wall. Everyone was up except Preston who was just starting to open his eyes.
“Morning sunshine,” Jay greeted him. “Nice Batman boxers.”
Preston looked over at Jay still sleepy eyed.
“What happened?” Preston asked.
“You got tricked, just like I did.” Jay answered. “Seduced by a pretty face I would imagine.”
“It was Saturn. She wanted me.” Preston said with a goofy grin.
“Damn man, whatever Lucifer gave you must have affected your mind or something,” Thief spoke up. “Saturn’s been kidnaped like the rest of us. She wasn’t with you, she was here.”
“So in other words?” Preston seemed confused.
“You were having yourself some demon loving.” Jay couldn’t help but laugh some.
“Damn it!” Preston started to curse, showing his true Texan self.
“Hey, where is Saturn?” Thief asked, looking around.
“Don’t know.” Joe answered. “Tried to ask him before you guys were brought here but he wouldn’t say.”
“She’s fine.” They heard someone speak up from a dark corner of the room.
Lucifer stepped out of the shadows dressed like a pimp.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Jay remarked, raising an eyebrow.
“Unlike you I have class.” Lucifer calmly replied.
“Class? What damn class do you have?” Jay argued. “Looks like you got that crap from Pimps ’R’ Us.”
“Jay, man don’t piss him off.” Thief whispered to him.
“Please. I can break these chains.” Jay said, trying to transform his skin into poisonous liquid metal.
As soon as he did, he found himself being shocked a little with electricity. Enough to cause pain.
Lucifer just laughed.
“I had a feeling you would try to use your powers. So I had each chain specially made, so all of you couldn’t.”
Jay let out a roar, trying to fight off the pain.
“Hurts like hell, I know.” Lucifer continued with a grin.
“Where’s Saturn?” Joe asked.
“If you must know.” Lucifer rolled his eyes, getting disgusted with being asked that question. “My dear wife please bring out Saturn.”
“Wife?” Preston raised an eyebrow.
Ellie stepped out of the shadows dressed in a long black flowing dress. Her eyes were nothing but black, no pupils to them what so ever. It’s like her soul was missing.
“Ellie.” Thief whispered, as tears formed in his eyes.
She looked at him like she had no idea who he was.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?” Thief yelled at Lucifer.
“Nothing yet. We can’t get married until we get rid of you and of course your pest of a daughter. Shouldn’t be no problem though, once I get rid of Saturn. But of course I need something from Saturn first.”
“The Seventh Seal.”
“You son of a bitch.” Thief growled.
Lucifer just laughed.
“Oh yes, I was gonna show you what has become of Saturn so far. EE, be a dear and drop the curtain.”
In the middle of the room was a curtain hiding something underneath it. EE pulled a cord and the curtain dropped to reveal yours truly hanging on a wooden cross. My arms were stretched out to both sides and tied up with rope, while my feet were tied up at the bottom. Blood was trickling down my forehead and it look like I had been put through hell.
“What the..?” Preston said, not knowing what to think.
“Fitting for one of His followers.” Lucifer commented, pointing up to the sky. “Die the same way His Son did. Unless of course she tells me who carries the Seventh Seal.”
“Go to hell,” I grumbled, moaning in pain.
“E, you know what to do.”
EE went up to the cross with spikes and a hammer in hand, ready to do damage.
“Your healing factor can’t save you from everything.” Lucifer pointed out. “Tell me and I’ll save you, Saturn. I’ll even let your friends go.”
“Go screw yourself.” I began to chuckle, still in pain.
EE took one spike and hammered it into my left wrist. I howled in pain, as the blood started to drip on the ground.
“TELL ME!” Lucifer now demanded.
“No.” I said through clenched teeth.
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” Joe yelled.
EE was about to put another spike into my right wrist when Slayer came out of nowhere and knocked EE to the ground. Slayer got to her feet and now tried to go after Lucifer but using his telekinesis, he had her fly across the room and pinned to a wall.
“The Westies will defeat you,” she snarled.
Lucifer busted out laughing.
“The Westies are a joke, just like their Poetry Familia.”
That’s when the door blew off and the Westies emerged from the smoke and dust with rage in their eyes.
“We’re here.” Drew announced, looking around. “Damn, this place looks like hell.”
Bags was the first to notice yours truly hanging on a cross.
“What the hell? What have you done to her?”
“Well, if isn’t the Westie losers.” Lucifer calmly responded, rolling his eyes. “Were is your precious familia?”
“On vacation but don’t worry we can handle you all by ourselves.” Q deviously grinned.
“You think so?”
“We know so.”
As the Westies went after Lucifer, Isabella took cover while Libra tried to figure out how to free Thief, Jay, Joe and, Preston.
“Damn, this is gonna be difficult.” Libra said, looking at the chains. “Let me try something.”
Using his power that he would normally use to control a piece of electronic, he used it on the chains instead. And it worked. The chains came undone and Thief, Preston, Joe and, Jay were free. Each Westie turned his powers on, taking turns beating the tar out of Lucifer. Lucifer tried to fend them off but soon found them too over-powering.
“EE hon, I could use your help.” Lucifer started to back away from the Westies, looking around for EE.
“Your on your own,” she responded. “By the way, don’t call me. We’re through.”
EE disappeared into thin air before anyone could stop her. Thief ran after her as soon as she disappeared, cursing under his breath.
“One more step and I’ll finish Saturn.” Lucifer threatened, standing right by the cross.
“Don’t think so.” Preston now jumped after Lucifer, sending him to the ground.
Preston’s hand began to glow as he held it inches away from Lucifer’s throat.
“It ends here.” Preston growled, rage filling his eyes.
“Your right it does. For now at least.” As Lucifer disappeared in thin air, leaving Preston to roar out in anger.
Slayer fell to the ground with a thud and shook her head a little, trying to get her senses together.
Thief now pulled the spike out of my wrist while Jay tried to untie my ropes. I was hardly breathing let alone conscious. I collapsed in Jay’s arms and he picked me up off my feet, carrying me as he headed for the doorway.
“Is she..?” Bags began to ask.
“I don’t know.” Jay answered, letting out a growl when he saw Isabella hiding.
“We should get her to a hospital.” Drew spoke up.
“Why, so they can experiment on her like a lab rat. How do you think they’ll react when they see her claws? Thief pointed out. “If anything we need to get her back to the hotel.”
“But we don’t know anything about medical attention. What are we suppose to do?” Libra asked.
“We pray.” Bags answered. “We pray.”
Joe quick got on his cell phone to make a few calls to get a hold of not only the familia but Jordan as well. They needed to know what was going on especially if I ended up dying.
An hour later, I was laying in Preston’s bed. Not by choice however. How could I, I was unconscious. The others were waiting downstairs for Jordan to arrive. He had decided to take a flight earlier to Vegas and his plane was about to land soon. Berls and the rest of the familia were informed of what had happened and got on the next plane to Vegas.
“Where’s Thief?” Q asked Bags, noticing Thief was missing.
“He went after EE.” Bags replied, sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby.
“He’s gone to find her.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Because he loves her.”
Jay now entered Preston’s room. Preston had been sitting in a chair next to the bed the whole time, not leaving my side for anything. He even wrapped up my wrist in bandages, which is a shocker if you think about it. Considering how the Texan can be.
“What do you want?” Preston growled.
“Hey, I just came to tell you Jordan’s plane should be landing soon.” Jay replied walking over to my other bed side. “Joe is going to meet him at the airport and fill him in, since he couldn’t get a hold of him before then. So how is she doing?”
“The same.” Preston answered, letting out a sigh.
“You don’t mind if I sit here with you, do you?” Jay asked, pulling up a chair.
“You know something has been bothering me ever since we left that place.” Jay began to say, trying to still figure it out in his own mind. “I know why Lucifer would want you and Joe, you both carry Seals and Thief is EE’s husband. What I don’t understand is why would he want me? Do I by chance carry a Seal?”
“Highly doubt it. Your not a lawyer like the Seventh Seal carrier is suppose to be.” Preston responded.
“Well, whatever it is. I’m sure Saturn knows.” Jay said, now watching me rest. “And she can probably tell me, if she doesn’t..”
“Don’t say it,” Preston interrupted. “She will survive this. She has that healing factor.”
“Yeah but you heard Lucifer, Preston. Her healing factor can’t protect her from everything.” Jay bluntly pointed out. “And that’s a scary thought, considering the other ones who do carry the Seals don’t have a healing factor. I mean if he can do this to Saturn, what the hell is to stop him from doing it to one of the other carriers or one of the familia members for that matter.”
“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” Preston said, not wanting to think about it.
“Fine. I’ll be downstairs with the others if you need me.” Jay got up to leave.
After Jay left, Preston quickly fell asleep. Fifteen minutes later, I awoke still in pain somewhat. I slowly climbed out of bed, noticing my wrist was wrapped up in bandage and noticing Preston sleeping in a chair next to the bed. I walked over to where he was, bent over and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thanks Texan.” I whispered in his ear.
A smile appeared on his face as he continued to sleep. I began to head for the window when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see Jay standing there. He had snuck in the room when I wasn’t looking.
“Saturn..” He started to say.
I knew what he was going to ask and right now I couldn’t find myself to answer him.
“Jay, I can’t.” I replied.
“I want to know.” He demanded, getting frustrated with trying to figure it out.
“I know you do but I can’t tell you. Not yet. Not until.. I have to go find EE.” I now turned around to face the window again.
“Thief has gone after her.”
“I know. I’ve gotta stop him from getting killed.”
“Saturn, what the hell is going on?”
I didn’t respond, just left within the shadows of the night. Jay left the room, running into Isabella in the hallway. She was with a different guy, which didn’t surprise Jay after he heard what she had done. Hell, if she was willing to hand over innocent lives to Lucifer to save her arse from frying, she would of course break a man’s heart.
“Jay, I.. That is..” She felt like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Don’t.” He held up his hand, walking right past her.
A few days later, the Westies, the Familia, Joe and, Jordan got on a plane heading home. The Westies of course had to hear it from Berls all the way home. And I do mean all the way home. You know that thing that Westies fear nothing except an angry woman with claws. Well, let’s just say if you thought fearing me was bad, you haven’t seen Berls’s temper. I have a feeling if she wanted to, she can make the Westies cry. I especially felt sorry for Bags because not only did he get it from Berls but, when he got home his old lady really let him have it. Same with Nega.
“Thank god, I’m not married.” Q shook his head, as he watched Bags get torn a new one by his old lady.
“Same here.” Drew shook his head, trying not to laugh.
Jay stayed in his room, drinking scotch and hopefully some memories away. While Preston tried to remember how he got lipstick on his cheek. As for the rest of the Westies, they did what they always do on a Monday night. Head down to the Pub for drinks. However, Q would be serving the drinks for awhile. Running the pub while Bags tried his best to get on his old lady’s good side once again. If there’s one thing a Westie can’t stand it’s having their woman be mad at them for something they did. So these are my Westies. My boys. The ones who don’t take crap from no one..uh well. almost no one. Some would probably still be asking who they really are. Truth be told, their just average guys who saved my life and for that I am grateful. Of course now, I’m going to keep hearing how I owe them for the rest of my life every time I call the house but I don’t mind. Because for once, they got to be real heroes. They got to save the day. They made a decision and proved who they really were and no one can take that away from them. To my Westies, love ya, guys. Next round is on me.

The End.
Last edited by LadySaturn on Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:05 am

Movie soundtrack for Westies:

1. DMX- "Who We Be"
2. Pillar- "FrontLine"
3. SuperTramp- "Crime of the Century"
4. Maroon 5- "Harder to Breathe"
5. Saliva- "Always"
6. Staind- "Outside"
7. Kansas- "Dust in the Wind"
8. BraveHearts- "Quick to Back Down"
9. Jay-Z "Excuse Me Miss"
10. Nelly- "Na-Nana-Na"
11. 50 Cent- "Wanksta"
12. Rolling Stones- "Smpathy for the Devil"
13. Fuel- "Falls on Me"
14. Velvet Revolver- "Fall To Pieces"

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Post by thief of dreams » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:48 am

too cool Saturn...
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Post by preston » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:48 am

hmmm ... kisses and nibbles - nice visual ... very nice

uhh ... excuse me, I gotta go walk the dog ... be back later :arrow:

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Post by LadySaturn » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:16 am

Thank you, Thief..

And Preston, stop looking in my bedroom window.. geez.. and oh yeah, uh if you thought that was nice wait until poetry familia 6 comes out.. Good god, I'm probably gonna get a R rating from the studio for that "movie". I've already written a scene were.. uh yeah. :oops:

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Post by Ellie » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:26 am

YOU ROCK...hehehe Ima baaaad girl...hmmm I think I like favorite part from this story is "You see one pickle you've seen um all" LMAO Saturn your soo funny..hope your working on the next one...
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Post by bags123 » Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:40 am

Brilliant!! Astounding!! Stands head to shoulders with the other classics of Sicilian literature. Bravissimo!! Braciola!! Linguini!! Brushetta!! Joe Colombo would be proud! Westies are wonderful. The Characterization of Preston in particular is spot on perfect! Call Steven Speilberg immediatly for the movie rights. (you might want to run it thru the spell checker a couple times) :mrgreen:
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Post by the quiet poet » Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:41 am

:twisted: Grand theft kinda activity. :mrgreen:

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Post by LadySaturn » Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:16 am

E, working on familia six right now as we speak.. still need to talk to the suits in the studio for a bigger budget to make the "movie" however..

Bags. S.S. is so nineties.. I'm giving Bryan Singer a ring though...

And Q, I know.. :twisted: That's why I had YOU steal the bus in the story because I thought well hell, it would fit YOU to a tee if YOU did..

And another thing, why is it everyone is fasinated with the pickle thing.. :shock: I mean if there's one thing everyone remembers out of this "movie" it's the pickle thing. :shock:

By the way, A Westies 2 is being talked about.. but if it happens that too will probably recieve a R rating.. oh boy, some of the ideas for Westies 2.. oh boy.. I want to get Familia six done first though..

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Post by VivaldiFall » Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:03 pm

My pickle does not look like everyone else's. And am I the poetry pages prostitute??? I feel offended.


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Post by preston » Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:54 pm

bags123 wrote: Preston in particular is spot on perfect!
Yeah, I know ... she's so hot for me she can hardly stand it.
Don't tell anyone, but her pet name for me is Big Dill.


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Post by Blaze » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:53 pm


Cheers :mrgreen: good work LadyS
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Post by LadySaturn » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:25 pm

Jay, omg man.. I didn't try to make you into a prostitute.. I was trying to make you into a playa.. a ladie's man.. come on now.. don't make me feel bad. :cry: Look, I'll make it up to you since you got me feeling so bad.. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it..

And Preston.. :roll: Don't lie Bubba nick named you Big Dill..
And hot for you.. shit.. you just wait until poetry familia six, your gonna wish you hadn't said that..
And Blaze thank you..

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Post by BrightMindDarkHeart » Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:01 am

:cool: Bravo Lady S.
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Post by LadySaturn » Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:57 pm

Thanks Bright.. :mrgreen:

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