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Ruler of Saturn
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011


Post by LadySaturn » Fri Oct 18, 2002 3:16 am

For MoonGem, because she requested it. Sorry it took so long to post been busy. If it looks funky, it's because I copied out of my microsofts program. Sorry.


“What the....?” I started to exclaim, as I read the latest reports on
the war.
I was in my room sitting behind my desk. My room consisted of a bed,
a closet and, my desk, which had a cross hanging on the wall behind it. It was
just a simple little room, which suited me fine.
“Kid, Kid.” Sarah said, running in to my room.

She has been a good friend of mine, since way back when.
We grew up together, and have gone through everything life has thrown at us,
from losing our families by the hands of the Devil, to going through Hell and,
back literally.
“What is it?” I asked, as I took a cigar and my lighter out of the top
desk drawer. I lit up the cigar, remembering how I never actually gave up the
habit of smoking, even when I crossed over in to the immortal world.
“Dena.... that is...., you’ve got to see this for yourself,” she answered.
So I followed her to Dena’s room, which was right across the hall.
There before me were five familiar faces I knew from the past. I had seen them on
T.V. and listen to them sing, but I never actually had the chance to meet them, until
now. They looked somewhat dazed and confused as to what was going on.
“What the....?” Joe started to ask. “Who the hell are you?”
“Watch your language.” I warned him. “Your in the House of God.”
They looked around, noticing that it was a church, after all. I mean
it’s pretty obvious with the stained-glass windows and paintings of Heaven,
angels and, God. All though my friends and I had did some remodeling, it still looked
like the church it was.
“I don’t mean to come across as rude but, I’d like to know what
the hell is going on exactly?” Jordan asked.
“Armageddon,” I answered flat out. “And the one causing it is the
Diavolo, himself.”
“The Devil.”
“Yea right, you honestly expect us to believe that?” Joe spoke up.
“No, I expect you to understand,” I said, calmly. “But being that
your all mortal, maybe I’m expecting a little to much.”
“So what, you work for the Devil?”
“If I was, I wouldn’t be living here. No, I work for a higher
“So your a soldier of God?”
“That and, I’m Vampire-Goddess, or so my business card says,”
I replied, with a smug look.

Dena started to laugh a little at that.
“Smart....” Krista began to state under her breath.
“Watch it.” I warned her.
“There’s no such thing as a Vampire-Goddess, let alone vampires,”
Jordan said.
“Wanna bet.”
That’s when my wings appeared. They were white and looked like
the kind of wings you would see on an angel in a painting. Jordan’s jaw, literally, hit
the floor while, the others could do nothing but stare. They’ve never seen a vampire
before but, to see a vampire with wings of an angel was by far unimaginable.
Or was it?
“You were saying?”
“How the.... that is....” Jordan couldn’t manage to get the words out,
he didn’t know what to say.
“Maybe I should explain.” As I made my wings disappear. “I don’t
like showing them off, anyway where were we? Oh yes, how I became
Vampire-Goddess. Well let’s see, there are two kinds of vampires, those who
work for God and, those who work for the Devil. I work for God. Back in
1927, I was given the chance to rule an entire world, a world of Immortals.
By doing so, I was also given wings of an angel and a title, Vampire-Goddess.
God wanted to see how a world would run if a woman was in charge rather than
a man, he also needed someone to stop the Devil from destroying all that was
innocent and pure and, since I had lost my family to the Devil’s wrath, I was the
prime candidate. Along with the job came four things expected of me. One, to
guard the Holy Grail, two, find the Vampire-King, three, protect the Immortal and
Mortal worlds including Heaven and Earth from the Devil and the Kingdom of Hell,
and finally, to fight for peace among the worlds during Armageddon. I have
accomplished only two out of the four to the best of my ability. I still need to
find the Vampire-King and, I’m still trying to make peace among the worlds,
which isn’t easy. Basically, I’m the underdog who has to get the dirty work done,
so God can do His job.”
“So what does the Devil want?” Jordan asked.

“Souls. He loves to take lives and the souls that go with it but,
his ultimate love is to make people suffer. And by starting this war, he’s able
to take innocent people from their homes and, use them as slaves to build the
Kingdom of Hell in to an empire, in hopes of destroying all that is good, even
Heaven. So if you have friends and family members out there, chances are
they’ve already been taken.”
“Then how do we save them?” Jon asked.
“You don’t. You can’t just walk in there and, expect the Devil to
give in. If you do, your good as dead. Look, I’ll help you out....”
“Thanks but, I think we can manage,” Jordan interrupted. “Besides,
what help could you be of?”
“I know how the Devil thinks.” I argued. “I know how he acts in
certain situations and, what his game plan is ahead of time. I’m always one step
ahead of him and, if I ever fall behind I do my best to catch up. I’m the only
real chance you have to save your loved ones, let alone get in to Hell. Let me
help, I ask for nothing in return, just that you give God thanks after this is all
Jordan looked around the room at the others and, then at me.
“Okay,” he said. “On one condition.”
“What?” I asked.
“You let us stay here for awhile.”

Later that night, Saint Catherine came to see me, as I sat behind my
my desk, in my room. I was smoking a cigar and, reading a book when she
appeared. Now she isn’t the type to make a big entrance, no glowing light, no
halo, just her and her wings. She doesn’t dress to fancy either, just a simple
white long satin gown. Out of all the Saints, she’s the most simple yet at the
same time, the toughest one of them all.
“You know those things can kill you.” She spoke up.
“Yea, well being immortal, I don’t think I have to worry about
that,” I answered. “So what’s up?”
“God has given Gabriel the order.”
I knew what she meant. God had planned it ahead of time, before
Armageddon. It was the only thing that would let me know I was running out of
time. He had set it in stone that if by chance it looked as though the Devil was
starting to win the war, that Gabriel would then be commanded to blow his horn
seven times, one for each day. And as Vampire-Goddess it was up to me that
things got turned around before the last and final day, or else God would not only
destroy Hell but, earth and everything on it as well, just to stop the Devil.
“Kid, it’s time you complete the last two things expected from you.
Listen, those five men you met, one of them is the Vampire-King.”
“Holy mother....”
“You need to find out for yourself which one of them it is. I can’t tell
you, I’ve been ordered not to.”
“Wait a minute, their mortal.”
“So isn’t the Vampire-King immortal, I mean hello, he is a vampire.”
“Not in the beginning, he isn’t. As a matter of fact, I remember a
certain Vampire-Goddess who wasn’t at all immortal, let alone a vampire when
she was first chosen. Now why should the Vampire-King be any different?”
“He shouldn’t.”
“So who is it?”
“That’s something God wants you to find out on your own. I can tell
you this though, it’s one of the five you’d least expect but, that’s all I can say.”
By this time, Jordan was listening in on the conversation.
“Not to change the subject,” Saint Catherine spoke up, “but I think
we have a spy.”
“Mortals.” I whispered under my breath.
Saint Catherine laughed a little. I went over and, quickly opened
the door, letting Jordan fall flat on his face.
“Can we help you?” I snapped at him. “Or do you like sticking your
nose in where it doesn’t belong?”
He looked up to see Saint Catherine standing there, staring back.
His jaw hit the floor.
“Don’t be to hard on him, Kid,” she said. “He’s only human and, a
cute one I might add.”
“It’s not like that,” she interrupted. “All I’m saying is for a human,
he’s cute. Besides, God knows what I mean.”
“I’m sure He does.” I commented with a smug look.
“Anyway, I better be going, I ‘ve got to report back to God. Nice to
have met you, Jordan.”
“How did you....?” he started to ask.
“In Heaven, you know everyone’s’ name,” she answered.
And in a blink of an eye, she disappeared. I walked over behind my
my desk and, sat down in my chair. Pulling a cigar out of the top right drawer,
I lit it up with my trusty little lighter and, began to smoke.
“Those things can kill you,” Jordan said, trying to break the ice.
“So I’ve heard.” I answered, realizing what he was trying to do.
“I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t like it when people try to suck up to me,
especially after they’ve been caught spying.”
“I wasn’t spying, I wanted to ask you a few questions.” As he sat
down in a chair, in front of my desk.
“What sort of questions?”
“Like why were you chosen as Vampire-Goddess? And how can you
be a vampire and, still work for God? I thought vampires were nothing more than
“Some of them are, those who work for the Devil. Those who work
for God however, aren’t. The myth about vampires needing to kill for blood to
survive, is nothing more than a myth. Blood is a want for a vampire, not a need.
The only true reason for the fangs, is to defend ourselves, that’s it.”
“You didn’t answer my first question, why you?”
I just sat there, staring at him for a minute. I finally reached in the
bottom left-hand drawer and, pulled out a book.
It was a book that contained the unknown female mafias. A book
that had yet to be seen by the public.
“I can’t tell you why I was chosen because I don’t know but, in order to
understand how I got here, you have to know my past.” Handing him the book.
He took it and began to look through it. In it was a picture of the others and myself
except we were dressed in mafia-like suits.
“Can’t be.”
“It is,” I said. “That was taken in nineteen twenty-seven. I was
Godmother of the Bronx Mafia, still am. That same year, I had lost my family.
Both of my parents were killed and my sister was kidnapped, she was only
seventeen. It wasn’t long after, before I turned to God. Saint Catherine was the
first one to hear me cry and, the first one to answer. She took me under her
wing and, taught me everything I needed to know. I didn’t know it back then but,
God was having her train me to be the Vampire-Goddess.”
“Wasn’t there one already?”
“No. Just like there won’t be one after me. I’m the one and only.
Same goes with the Vampire-King who ever he is. I was given this job to help
heaven and earth fight off the Devil and the demons of Hell. I’m also suppose to
protect the innocent and, guard the Holy Grail, like I’ve mentioned before.
What you don’t know is that during my mortal years, I worked for the Devil.
As a matter of fact, I was the greatest soldier of Hell, unstoppable and unbeatable.
The day I worked for God, I left it all behind. Let me tell you this though, I’ve
seen Hell up close and personal, I know what it looks like even smells like.
And I don’t wish for anyone to see what I’ve seen.”
“Why? What’s it like?”
“Words couldn’t describe it but, I can say this the smell would drive
you insane, if not kill you. The scent of blood down there is ten times stronger, than
here. And unlike here, if you were to cut yourself, you’d have to cover it up or else
the demons could hunt you down for dinner.”
Jordan sat there, just listening to every word. Trying to get some sort
of picture in his mind as to what it was like in Hell.
“So did you find your sister?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah, eventually, but by the time I did, she was already working for
the Devil. And any good she had in her was erased completely.”
“Wasn’t there anything you could of done to get her back?”
“No, besides she was too far gone in her mind. It was to late to even
try. My sister you could say was dead to the world and, to everyone else.”
“What about you, did you think she was dead?”
I looked at him for a moment, not able to say it but, knowing I’d have
“Yeah.” I finally answered.
“What was her name?”
“Come again?”
“I just want to know. What was her name?” he asked.
“Sounds familiar.”
“It should, she was named after a famous hitman.”
Around this time, Dena came walking in, she had been spying behind
enemy lines and, was now coming back to give a report. She handed me a piece
of paper. I read it and, my jaw hit the floor.
“Maledire.” I said in Italian.
“Kid, what is it?” Jordan asked.
“Permesso.” I ordered Dena.
As soon as she left, Saint Catherine appeared.
“We’ve got trouble,” she spoke up.
“I know.” I replied.
“What?” Jordan asked, wanting to know.
“It’s nothing,” I answered, lying.
Truth was, it was something. The Devil put my sister in charge of his
slave camp, which meant she’d be at the front lines of the battle, meaning she’d be
in more danger than she knew. Jordan grabbed the piece of paper out of my hand
and, read it.
“Kid, I don’t know what to say.....”
“Don’t,” I interrupted him. “Just don’t.”
“So what are we going to do?” Saint Catherine asked.
Ariel, one of God’s angels appeared, wings and all. She made herself
knowing just by showing off her wings. She decided not to take human form only
appear as a spirit would.
“God wants to see both of you at once,” she said to Saint Catherine
and, I.
Jordan sat there staring at her, not believing what he was seeing.
Ariel noticed this and, just smiled.
“Saint Catherine was right about you,” she spoke up. “You are cute.”
“Ariel.” I warned.
“Fine, I’m going.” As she vanished.
“Sorry about that,” I apologized to Jordan. “I’m sure every female angel
up there doesn’t have a crush on you. Then again, knowing them up there....”
Jordan just smiled, somewhat.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go see someone.”
So Saint Catherine and I left.

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The Fat Cat
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Post by heinzs » Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:01 am

An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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