Zombies Vs. Unicorns

A place to enjoy the interactive sport of Roleplay exercises, post your prose, short stories, story poems, prose poems and epics. This forum does not autoprune

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
Posts: 481
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Tag line: You Haunt My Soul
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Zombies Vs. Unicorns

Post by Black Star Shine » Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:03 pm

I couldn’t believe what was happening! Zeen was falling for the dark side! No one had ever done that! I knew someone else had to be the culprits. He would never do this on his own. Ever since the battle between the two races had begun, the Unicorns had been changing us Zombies into humans. How retched! I’ve watched some of those disgusting creatures at times, they eat with their hands and use toilet paper! I mean, really, what sane Zombie would even consider such madness?! And they are so ugly also. With that unnatural yellowish string on their heads and they have only two eyes! And talk about weird hands! Last time I checked, no one has ten fingers! I had to figure out a way to prevent Zeen from giving in to their torture of Lawn Mowers and *shudder* The Food Network… Zeen never showed up to one of our meetings about how we were to over throw the wretched unicorns with their sickening rainbows and joyous songs. I left the meeting early, right after we chewed on some garbage cans for refreshments, to find where Zeen was. And believe it or not, guess where he was! In the movies, seeing Twilight of all things! And of course, the unicorns being behind all this horrific insanity wouldn’t let me in to steal my brainwashed friend away from their clutches. A week later, after constantly fighting the urge to confront the unicorns and free my friend, we discovered a weapon of our own! I’m pretty sure I can save Zeen from the fluffy king size beds and toaster ovens. Us zombies, obviously being the rightful rulers of this land, are going to turn the unicorns… into ponies!

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