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Ruler of Saturn
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Joined: Fri Jun 07, 2002 12:01 am
Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011


Post by LadySaturn » Fri May 30, 2008 7:35 pm


The last time I left you everything seemed okay between Jordan and I. Well, that changed pretty quickly. The feeling I had awhile back about his Seal came true. His Seal had turned evil and late one night while everyone else was sleeping, he took off. Not so much as leaving a clue behind as to where he could have gone. He did however take my bike. Again. Which to say the least made me anything but happy. But I had more concerned matters at hand and I was more worried about the safety of the other Seals and the rest of the Familia. With Jordan’s Seal turning evil that meant it affected him in the same way. Poisoning his mind so to speak. So in order to get everyone prepared to defend themselves for fighting a Seal, I had to train them. They couldn’t rely on their powers so much. Because truth be told, when it comes to fighting a Seal you have to have more than just powers. You have to have know how to be quick on your feet and knowledge of what you’re doing. If not, you’re good as dead. Training them brought back memories of the days I use to train in the Saturnite army along side my father. Those were good times. It also brought back the memories of the War on Saturn. To this day, it’s still something I can’t shake. Not fully. I was now training Phoenix, Preston, E.T. and, Ven deep within the woods behind the house. Phoenix had Preston in a headlock and literally flipped him a little too hard. As soon as the Texan hit the ground something cracked in his back.

“Son of a...!” Preston clenched his teeth in pain. “She broke my back!”
“No, she didn’t.” I replied, smoking a cigar. “She just cracked it. Get up and try again.”
“Can’t I use my Seal this time? Or at least some of my power?”
“No. You like the others can’t rely on your powers all the time. If you do then the enemy will always know what you’re doing. Now try again.”
“Fine. Sheesh, talk about someone who needs to....”

Before the Texan could finish his sentence, he found himself being lifted off the ground and held up by his throat. Not able to breath as the air to his lungs was cut off. I just snarled as I stared dead in his eyes.

“Saturn.” E.T. said, noticing Preston was turning blue.

I looked over at E.T. and then back at Preston.

“Consider yourself lucky.” I continued snarled, before tossing him a side like a rag doll.

I stormed off deep into the woods and away from everyone else. Punching a tree and knocking it down as I walked by it.

“Preston, Preston, Preston.” Ven shook her head as he got to his feet.
“What? What did I say?” He asked, trying to act innocent.

That’s when Phoenix smacked him in the back of his head.

“Ow woman!” Preston reacted in his southern accent.
“Idiot.” She responded.

I came across a creek and sat down on the edge of the bank. Tossing my cigar in the creek as I put my head in my hands.

“You know it’s not your fault.” I heard someone say.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Heinzs sitting next to me. Usually I’d hear someone approaching in the distance but my mind was so distracted with other things. I pretty much couldn’t sense anything.

“You didn’t know his Seal was going to....” Pops started to assure me.
“Yea, I did.” I interrupted him. “I just forgot even if he hadn’t sought revenge he’d still have anger inside of him. I should have known better.”
“Don’t do this to yourself. You’re not to blame for any of this. You didn’t kill his wife, Cain did.”
“I know but if only I had done something.”
“You did do something. You were there for him.”
“Yea, but I could have done more.”
“Saturn, please don’t do this to yourself.” Pops shook his head letting out a sigh. “Look, you’re doing everything you can now. You’ve got Michael, Azrael and, Jay looking for Jordan. You’re training the others to defend themselves without relying on their powers. You’re taking care of Jordan’s kids....”
“What are you getting at?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“How long have I know you?” Pops answered.
“Um, a while.”
“But how long?”
“I don’t know I’ve lost track. What does this have to do with...?”
“My point is for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve changed.” Pops explained in a matter of fact tone. “In the beginning, you were a loner and never truly cared about anyone else. But now, even though you don’t try to let anyone get too close, you still help others. You think about others before you think about yourself. You’ve grown, Saturn. But there’s one thing you always keep holding on to.”
“Don’t say it.” I warned him.
“Every time something happens you go and blame yourself.” Pops ignored my warning.
“And you say it anyway.” I sarcastically remarked, shaking my head.
“You can’t prevent everything from happening. You’re not a super hero.”
“But I’m the Seraphim of Death....”
“And you bleed like the rest of us. No one is going to blame you if something that is beyond your control happens.”
“Are you sure about that, Pops? The world can be so unforgiving.”
“Screw the world. Let them think what they want to. You’re not God. You can only handle so much like any other being.”
“I know. I know.”
“No, I don’t think you do. You’ve got a lot of people who care about you and hate to see you beat yourself up over and over again.” Pops pointed out. “The others won’t tell you but I will. We’ve recently been worried about you.”
“I don’t want you to.” I said flat out.
“It’s hard not to. You’re part of the Familia, you know that. We’d go to the edge of the world for you.”
“I wish you guys wouldn’t. I don’t want you risking your lives for me.”
“Saturn, you can’t fight all the battles alone. And you can’t protect us forever.”
“I can try my damndest though.”
“Yea, but like I said before you’re like the rest of us. You can only do so much.”

I didn’t say a word because I knew he was right. I got up to walk away but, not before he grabbed my hand. I looked down over at him as he did so.

“We’re here for you no matter what and we’ll always will be.” Pops said, letting go of my hand. “You don’t have to go through this alone.”

I let out a sigh as I continued to walk away. Trying to hide my emotions for Pops. He knew though. I walked through the woods, heading back to the house when my senses went off. It was pretty much like an alarm going off in my head. I quickly turned around to come face to face with a wall of fire. I backed up a little trying not to get burn. I felt someone breathing down the back of my neck and I turned around to face Jordan. I could tell he wasn’t himself. There was this dark aura surrounding him and I knew the evil must be having a major influence on him. Because what he was doing as of now was anything but him.

“Richie-Ri...?” I started to say.

Before I could finish I found myself flying in mid-air through the flames. Landing a few yards away as I hit the ground with a thud. Phoenix, E.T., Preston and, Ven who were all still training nearby saw me take to the air and rushed to my aid.

“GET BACK!” I warned them, trying to get to my feet.

They looked over and saw Jordan. E.T. tried to approach him but Ven stopped E.T. from doing so. She was seeing the same thing in Jordan that I had saw a few minutes before.

“He’s not himself.” She explained while E.T. gave her a confused look. “It’s the evil of the Seal, not him.”
“We need to do something!” Phoenix spoke up. “Or he’ll kill Saturn.”

Jordan surrounded himself and I in a ring of fire so the others couldn’t interfere.

“Holy crap.” Preston remarked, seeing how high the flames were getting.
“I’m not fighting you!” I sneered at Jordan, still feeling the sting of being thrown.

A devious grin crossed his face as his eyes began to glow a bright red. The ring of fire slowly moved in. Edging me closer to Jordan.

“Come on, Richie-Rich.” I tried to joke. “You don’t want to kill little old me. We’re friends not enemies.”

The grin deepened across his face and I knew I was in major trouble.

“I’m not going to fight you.” I said again, standing my ground. “No matter what you do, I won’t.”
“Uh Saturn dear, usually I’d applaud you for what you’re doing right about now.” Ven responded. “But I don’t think you have a choice. There’s no doubt he wants to kill you.”
“I’m not going to, Ven. I can’t.”

As the ring of fire kept closing in, I kept trying to find a way out. A weak spot that I might have over looked. The Texan on the other hand had a different idea as he ran through the fire. Standing in front of me so Jordan couldn’t get to me.

“Are you stupid?” I asked him. “Wait, why didn’t you burn up?”
“Must have been my Seal.” Preston shrugged his shoulders. “Hold on, let me try something.”

He ran through the fire and back again. Laughing like an idiot as he did so.

“Cool!” He exclaimed.
“Are you done?” I asked him, losing my patience.
“Hold on.” He thought for a minute. “If I can run in and out and in, then you can....”
“No, I can’t.” I interrupted him. “Our Seals are different.”
“So different kind of powers. What works for one may not work for the other.”
“Oh. Then how about flying out?”
“If he can make a ring of fire shrink. He can also make it taller, genius.”
“Then I’ll protect you from him.” Preston replied, as his entire being began to glow a bright green hue.
“And what the hell are you going to do? Charm him to death?” I looked at the Texan like he had lost his mind.
“I can protect you with my Seal.”
“Yea. Cute but I don’t think so. Actually I know you can’t.”
“Bah, what can he possibly do?” Preston scoffed.

That’s when it hit him like a ton of bricks. He felt himself burning up on the inside. Falling over in pain as he continued to heat up. At the same time the ring of fire stopped closing in as Jordan concentrated on the Texan.

“SATURN!” Phoenix sounded scared.
“Damn.” I cursed under my breath as I went after Jordan.

The ring of fire quickly died out as I tackled Jordan to the ground. Causing him to lose his concentration on Preston. Which in turned stopped the Texan from burning up. Ven and Phoenix quickly ran to his aid as he collapsed to the ground.

“Is he...?” Phoenix asked.
“No, he’s alive.” Ven answered. “We need to get him to the house so Val can heal him.”
“She’s right.” I spoke up, still struggling with Jordan. “Get him out of here.”
“What about...?” E.T. started to question.

So they did. Leaving Jordan and I alone. I sat on top of him as he tried to get free. Which I wasn’t going to let happen. I got right in his face. Staring him dead in the eyes as I glowed a bright white hue.

“You need to snap out of this.” I said. “You need to get rid of the anger you feel. Or this will kill you.”
“Go to hell.” He replied, in a tone of voice that sent shivers down my spine.

The ring of fire appeared once again as I felt myself being thrown off of Jordan by some force. I ended up landing a few feet away. Only inches from getting my face burnt off by the flames. As quickly as I got to my feet Jordan did the same.

“I don’t want to fight you.” I tried to get it through his head.

A flame reached out and almost touched me. Before it could though, I backed away.

“SATURN!” I heard Nega shout as him and Bags ran through the woods towards us.
“What in the name of Bailey...?” Bags remarked, seeing the ring of fire.

Nega turned into his skeleton form as Bags turned his hands into hammers.

“Don’t!” I shook my head, stopping them from going after Jordan.
“But....” Bags began to dispute.
“Just trust me. The Texan got hurt by Richie-Rich over here. I don’t want the same to happen to you two.”
“Stay out of it.”
“Let me handle this.”
“And what’s your plan?” Nega asked.
“Don’t know. But I won’t fight him.” I answered.
“Aww, why not?” Jordan sarcastically remarked, sounding dark and evil. Almost demon like. “I was hoping to see what your Seal was made of.”
“No.” I shook my head.
“Well, I look at it this way. Either you use your Seal or I could burn you to death.”
“You can’t kill her. She’s the Seraphim of Death.” Bags pointed out.
“Actually, he can.” Nega replied. “A Seal can kill another no matter what. That’s why God never wanted the Seals fighting with one another.”

I was now literally inches away from Jordan as the ring of fire kept closing in. At this point, I had no choice.

“God, forgive me.” I whispered under my breath, as I started to glow an even brighter white hue.
“What the...?” Bags said, rubbing his eyes. “I’m blind.”
“Look away, you old irish fart.” Nega retorted, with his head turned away as he tried to cover his eyes.

The ring of fire blew out as the sky turned black and crystal clear lightning crackled. The ground beneath our feet shook, only to die out and be replaced with a white ring of fire that surrounded Jordan.

“Cute. I guess conquering means you can also use other Seals’s powers as well as your own.” He retorted, causing the flames to die out.
“Actually, you may want to look up.” I calmly answered.

So he did. At that moment a lightning bolt flew out of the sky and hit him dead on. He quickly fell to the ground as I lowered my head and let out a sigh. Bags crept up to take Jordan’s pulse.

“Is he?” Nega asked.
“No.” Bags replied, while the sky cleared up.

I turned around and began to walk away. Nega quickly stopped me dead in my tracks as he stood before me.

“Move.” I growled.
“Saturn....” He tried to say as sympathy showed on his face.
“Move.” I said again.

So he did. Not really wanting to but not wanting to fight with me either.

“Take Richie-Rich back to the house.” I ordered both Bags and Nega while I continued to walk away.

I went as far as I could in the woods before falling to my knees and slamming my fists in the ground. Tears running down my face as I did so. Michael and Azrael looked on from a distance. Both feeling the pain that I was feeling.

“Michael.” Azrael said.
“She doesn’t want to do it.” Michael responded. “And I don’t blame her.”
“What? Come on, it’s an order that if one of the Seals turns evil that the First Seal carrier has to destroy it. And by doing so they have to....” Azrael stopped himself from finishing. “God, I didn’t realize.”
“So now you know why she can’t.”
“Yea, but if she doesn’t you know God will send Uriel.”
“I know.”
“So what?” Michael crossed his arms as he leaned up against the tree.
“So what do we do?” Azrael questioned.
“We help Saturn any way we can.”
“Look Az, I’d risk everything for Saturn. Even my life if need be. She’s like a sister to me and I don’t want to see her get hurt again. She’s already lost so much as it is. Besides, you’ve seen how close her and Richie-Rich have been getting.”
“Yea, I’ve noticed.” Azrael thought about it. “You’re a good friend, Mike. She’s lucky to have someone like you looking out for her.”
“Hey, I’m not the only one. I know you Az, you’d do the same thing.” Michael stated.
“You’re right. I would.” Azrael shook his head a little as a smile crept out of the corner of his mouth.

Meanwhile back at the house, Val was using her power of healing on Preston as he laid on the couch. Phoenix, E.T. and, Ven were in the middle of telling everyone what happened when Bags and Nega came through the front door. Both dragging Richie-Rich into the house.

“Boy, could stand to lose some weight.” Bags remarked.
“Hey, you’re no damn light weight yourself, Bagsy boy.” Nega retorted. “Maybe if you learned to work out once in awhile.”
“Bite me, skeleton man.”
“Don’t go through, you irish windbag.”

Berls looked at Nega and then at Bags. She stood there with her arms folded and not the least bit surprised that these two would be fighting.

“What happened?” She asked.
“He got hit by lightning.” Nega answered, as him and Bags let go of Richie-Rich. “He’s fine though.”
“What the...?” Jay began to sarcastically say. “If that isn’t some.... Oh, he got hit by lightning but he’s fine. Maybe a little fried in the head but he should be okay. Come on.”
“Jay.” Pops warned as Berls gave the look.

Jay quickly backed down. Knowing better than to push any buttons when Berls gives the look. The last thing he wanted was to get on her bad side.

“Where’s Saturn? Did she get hit too?” Berls continued to question Nega.
“Um.... No.”
“Then what....?”
“That’s the thing. The lightning that hit Richie-Rich over there Saturn caused it.” Bags spoke up.
“What?!?” Drew exclaimed, as his eyes got big. “No way!”
“Yes way. Look, we’ll explain everything. We promise. But first, we should find some way of restraining Richie-Rich over here. Because I have a feeling once he wakes up he’s going to be pissed.”

An hour later, I arrived home to silence and stares. And it wasn’t because I had just been out drinking either. Bags and Nega were the only ones who weren’t giving me the silent treatment.
Which made me start to wonder.

“What’s going on?” I asked Nega, as I stopped him in the hallway.
“Bags told everyone how you used your Seal against Jordan.” Nega answered.
“So their afraid of you. Their scared you might snap and use your Seal on them.”
“You know me. I wouldn’t....”
“I know but still.”
“So what? They wanted me to stand by and let Richie-Rich kill me or worse them.” I now raised my voice in anger. “Because once he got rid of me he would have went after the rest of the Seals and the Familia. I had no choice. He had already hurt the Texan. I couldn’t let him....”
“I know, doll.” Nega calmly responded.
“Speaking of which, how is the Texan doing?”
“Fine. He’s resting now though.”
“And Richie-Rich?”
“Maybe you should take a look for yourself.” Nega headed towards Jordan’s bedroom as I followed.

Nega opened the door as we both stepped into the room. Jordan was still unconscious and tied down to his bed with chains.

“Bags and I figured he’d burn through rope. So we used chains instead. Granted, he might cut through them but at least they’d last a little bit longer than the rope.” Nega explained.
“Uh huh.” I replied, looking the chains over and knowing they wouldn’t hold him.
“So what do you plan on doing?”
“Well, I can’t kill him.”
“Wait, kill him? Why would you want to kill him?”
“I don’t but I have orders to.”
“Orders? Saturn, I don’t understand.” Nega looked confused.
“When the Seals were created God ordered that if any of the Seals besides the First Seal turned evil they needed to be destroyed by the First Seal carrier.” I said, feeling a headache coming on. “And in order to destroy the Seal I’d have to kill the carrier it belongs to.”
“Wait, what happens if your Seal turns evil?” Nega questioned, somewhat curious.
“Well, seeing that it’s a part of God if it turns evil...”
“We’re screwed.”
“Oh, that’s lovely.”
“That won’t happen though.” I assured Nega.
“How do you know that?”
“Trust me, I just know.”
“So if your not going to kill Jordan. Then what?” Nega asked.
“I’m going to have to find a way to take the evil out of the Seal. Without hurting him or damaging the Seal.” I answered, thinking it over. “I’m also going to have to make sure Uriel doesn’t kill Richie-Rich.”
“Wait, Uriel? You don’t mean the Seraphim that carries out tasks other angels can’t or won’t do?”
“Yea, how do you know about him?” I looked puzzled.
“We’ve met. We had a disagreement a long time ago which lead in to an all out fight.” Nega shook his head a bit as he remembered. “Neither of us did win. God interfered before we could tear each other apart.”
“And where was I when this was all happening?”
“On the other side of the world traveling with Michael as I recall.”
“I see. Well then Nega, I need to ask you a favor.”
“What sort of favor?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I need you to keep Uriel away from Richie-Rich.”
“And how the hell am I suppose to do that?”
“I don’t know. But you know I wouldn’t ask unless it was important.”
“Uh-huh.” Nega sighed, not liking the idea. “Fine, I’ll do it. But you owe me big, Saturnite.”

A smile appeared out of the corner of my mouth as he walked out of the room grumbling. I sat in a chair across the room and in front of the bed. I lit up a cigar and began to smoke. Waiting for Richie-Rich to wake up, I looked over and out the window as it began to snow. My mind drifting off in various directions as I tried to come up with a plan.

“You know once he wakes up he’s going to want to kill you.” Michael spoke up, appearing out of nowhere.
“I know.” I calmly responded, still smoking.
“Then I have this to say. You’re either brave or really stupid.”
“And which one do you think I am?”
“I haven’t decided yet. Ask me after Richie-Rich wakes up.”
“Smart ass.”
“Who me?” Michael tried to act innocent. “I’m the Seraphim of War. I’d never....”
“Uh-huh.” I interrupted him, shaking my head. “I can see where Jay gets it from.”
“I told his mother not to teach him those bad habits.”
“I’m not talking about his mother, Mikey.” I stated in a matter of fact tone.

Michael just grinned in response. I lowered my head as I let out a sigh. Trying not to laugh a little.

“Saturn?” Tom said, as he peaked his head into the room.
“What?” I asked, looking up.
“Joe brought over a visitor.” He replied.
“So. He’s a grown man. He can bring over whoever he wants.”
“No, Saturn. You need to see who it is.”
“Why who is it?”
“Just go see.”

I looked over at Michael. And he knew what I was thinking without me having to say it.

“I’ll stay with Richie-Rich.” Michael assured me. “Go.”
“If he wakes up....”
“I’ll get you. Now go.”

So I left. Heading downstairs to meet the visitor Joe had brought over. Tom followed right behind me. There was an argument going on between the stranger and Berls, that much I could hear. And as I casually came into the room I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the sound of Berls raising her voice.

“It’s too dangerous.” Berl shook her head, explaining to the stranger.
“He’s my brother!” The stranger argued . “I have a right to see him!”

Before Berls could say another word I stepped in.

“Look Johnny-Boy, right now seeing your brother is out of the question. So don’t push it.” I remarked, still smoking my cigar.
“Who the hell are you?” He questioned me.
“I’m someone you don’t wanna screw with. Ask Joe.”

Jon looked over at Joe and Joe nodded his head in response.

“So you’re the one that my brother talks about.” Jon turned his attention back on to me. “Funny, I always pictured the Angel of Death to be something totally different. Maybe, I don’t know a cute little blonde.”

A few of the Westie boys started to laugh a little until Berls gave them the look. They quickly got quiet after that.

“Uh huh.” I said, not sounding the least bit amused. “Actually the Angel of Death is a cute little blonde as you put it. I’m the Seraphim of Death.”
“What’s the difference?” Jon shrugged his shoulders.
“Difference is she can have you drop dead if she wanted to.” Azrael responded, appearing out of nowhere. “So if you wanna keep on making jokes, be my guest. It’s your funeral.”
“And who are you?”
“He’s the Archangel of Death.” I calmly stated. “And someone else you wouldn’t want to screw with. Any more questions or would you like to know what’s wrong with your brother?”
“Joe already told me.” Jon said, noticing Azrael staring him down.
“Huh. And you thought by coming over here you could help how?” I remarked.
“I can talk to him. I know my brother he’ll listen.”
“Exactly what did you tell him, Joe?” I now crossed my arms with a puzzled look.
“He told me Jordan had a minor breakdown.” Jon replied.
“Huh.” I lowered my head a little as I closed my eyes, feeling a headache coming on.
“What? What is it?”
“Your brother didn’t have a minor breakdown. The Seal he carries has been infested with evil and in turn has poisoned his mind.”
“What the hell are you talking about? What Seal?”

I looked at Berls and Azrael and then back at Jon.

“You’re kidding, right?” I now put my cigar out in my hand. “You mean to tell me he never told you about the Seals?”
Well yea. I know Joe carries one. Jordan never told me he did though.”
“Huh. Seems Richie-Rich likes to keep secrets as well.”
“So what happened? How did it become infested?”
“It was created by your brother’s hate towards Cain. Or anger. Maybe both, who knows.” I explained. “I do know though that because Richie-Rich can’t let go of what he feels towards Cain it only fuels the evil in the Seal. Making it stronger and more determine to carry out it’s plans. Poisoning Richie-Rich’s mind and using him for it’s own gain.”
“And what is it’s plans?” Berls looked at me confused.
“It wants power and the only way to get it is by getting the other six Seals including mine. Especially mine. As long as I’m around, it can’t get to the others. So in order to succeed....”
“It has to kill you.” Jay responded, knowing what I was going to say.
“Wait, why would it kill you?” Jon asked.
“Because I carry the First Seal. The one that has a part of God in it.” I answered. “Anyone gets a hold of that and they can easily get the other Seals. In order to do so though, you have to kill the carrier. I’m surprised Richie-Rich didn’t tell you, then again.”

That’s when the sound of a crash came from upstairs. Along with someone yelling out in pain.

“MICHAEL!” I exclaimed, as I ran upstairs.

Everyone else followed right behind me. I couldn’t have made it to Jordan’s room any quicker if I wanted to. What I walked in on scared the hell out of me. Michael was laying in the corner of the room bloody and beaten. As Jordan walked over towards him with his claws unsheathed and glowing a bright red hue. I acted on instinct, leaping towards him and, knocking him to the ground.

“Get Michael out of here!” I yelled at the others while trying to restrain Jordan.
“Saturn....” Spaz tried to say.
“Go now! Make sure no one comes in this room!”

Jon was about to intervene but Azrael stopped him.

“Trust me, she knows what she’s doing.” Azrael said, as Tom and Joe helped Michael out of the room.
“He’s my brother.” Jon disputed.
“Not right now he isn’t.”
“And what the hell is that suppose to mean?”
“Take a good look at him and you’ll know what I mean.”
“AZRAEL!” I hollered, still struggling with Jordan.
“Going.” He responded, as him and Jon were the last ones to leave the room.

The door quickly slammed shut and locked itself. Leaving the others to wonder what was going on inside the room.

“What the...?” Bags tried to open the door but couldn’t. “She was serious when she said to stay out.”
“She didn’t do it.” Preston now walked over to the others trying to maintain his balance. “It was him.”
“You need to snap out of it.” I said to Jordan, as I had him pinned to the floor. “There are too many people who care about you to let you be killed by this.”

Jordan just let out a low growl in response. I knew getting through to him was next to impossible but I had to try.

“I’m not going to fight you.” I got up off of him. “But if you want to kill me. Then go ahead.”

Jordan got to his feet as a devious grin crossed his face. I stood there holding out my arms and making no attempt to defend myself while he walked closer. He stopped only a few inches away. Coming face to face with me.

“How stupid do you think I am?” He continued to growl, not sounding human let alone himself. “I know what you’re up to. I know the way you think.”
“Really?” I replied, as I put my arms down. “Okay then, what am I thinking?”
“You’re thinking of putting me to sleep like you almost did in Jerusalem.”
“I’m not....”
“Don’t lie! You want to take my Seal from me.”
“Yea okay. Sure we’re not just a bit paranoid there, Richie-Rich.” I sarcastically pointed out.
“I don’t want your Seal. And even if I did, I’d have to kill you for it and that’s not something I’m about to do.”
“But you were planning on putting me to sleep.” He replied.
“Yea, just for a little while though. Until we find some way to get the evil out of your Seal and get you back to well somewhat sane.”
“I am sane!”
“No, you’ve pretty much lost your damn mind. I just want to help you get it back.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Why would you...?” He started to ask.
“Because I owe you.” I interrupted him. “And because I don’t leave friends high and dry.”

I thought for a minute I saw the old Richie-Rich. But as quickly as he had appeared, he disappeared again.

“You’re a damn fool.” He growled. “You’ve gone soft.”
“No, I just care.” I answered.
“Well, if you care so much you’d give me your Seal.”
“And again, you’ve lost your damn mind.”
“True I do but I’m not stupid. You want my Seal then take it.”

Jordan took a step back as I held my hand out.

“You can’t honestly tell me you’re afraid of little old me?” I sarcastically remarked. “How in the world do you even plan on killing me if you can’t lay a finger on me?”
“I don’t need to.” Jordan deviously grinned. “You and I both know what I can do.”

I saw Jordan’s claws glowing even brighter and I knew I was in deep unless I thought of something quick. Let’s face it even with my Seal and everything else I had. I couldn’t last forever in a battle with Richie-Rich. I mean I got use to fighting demons. This on the other hand was something in a ballpark all by itself, so to speak. Ravyn now flew in through the open window. Distracting Jordan long enough for me to tackle him to the ground again. Making sure he couldn’t get free as Ravyn landed on the edge of bed and watched on.

“Sorry Richie-Rich, but until we can get you back to normal you’ll have to take a nap.” I said, restraining him the best I could.

Before I knew what hit me, I felt a blast of heat knock me off of Jordan and across the room. Jordan got up on to his feet around the same time I hit the floor with a thud. He walked over towards me. Getting ready to pounce when Ravyn flew in front of him letting out a caw and blocking him from reaching me.

“Move.” He snarled at her.

Ravyn let out another caw in response as her entire being began to glow a bright grayish-purple hue. Jordan grabbed at his chest and started to feel violently sick. It felt like something was attacking at his heart. He looked at his hands and noticed sores breaking out and his skin literally bleeding. Jordan jumped out of the window, landing on his feet as the bleeding stopped and the sores began to heal. He quickly took off into the woods before anyone could follow.
Ravyn meanwhile flew down next to me as I laid unconscious on the floor. She nudged her head against my hand trying to get me to wake up. Around the same time, the door unlocked itself and swung open as the others entered the room. Azrael was the first to see me and rushed to my aid.

“Is she...?” Jeannie asked, sounding worried.
“No, she’s still breathing. Barely.” Azrael answered, as he picked me up and held me in his arms.

Ravyn flew up and landed on Azrael’s shoulder as he walked by the others.

“So where’s Richie-Rich?” E.T. asked, looking around.
“Something tells me he made his great escape.” Spaz pointed over her shoulder at the window.

Nega had now found Uriel or I should say they sort of ran into each other. They were in an alley behind the Pub. Nega in his skeleton form and Uriel dressed like a hitman. Of course if you knew exactly what he does you could say he was dressed correctly for the job. I still laugh when I see a painting of what an artist thinks he looks like. Truth be told any painting about Uriel is far from the real deal. He isn’t blue eyed and blonde hair. Not all angels are. No matter what you humans may think. Actually, if I had to describe Uriel I’d probably say he could be the twin of Richie-Rich or Richie-Rich’s muse. Unlike the both of them however, Uriel has green emerald eyes and an irish accent he carried over with him when he was human. That’s right before Uriel was a Seraphim he was human. The story goes that he had come across Michael and Lucy battling it out on the open lands of Ireland. Which is probably right considering all the times I’ve witnessed Lucy and Michael go at it with one another. Anyway, when Uriel saw how close Michael was to being killed, he sacrificed his own life. And in return for his selfless act God made him a Seraphim. Ironically, he became as I like to call it a Seraphim Hitman. Carrying out tasks that other angels won’t or can’t do. He basically takes care of unfinished business so God can move ahead with His plans.

“Jim.” Uriel said, as he stretched out his wings.
“Uriel.” Nega calmly responded.
“I see she’s sent you to distract me.”
“She doesn’t want you killing him. She’s going to find a way to get rid of the evil without hurting him or damaging the Seal.”
“There’s no way she could possibly....” Uriel began to say.
“She cares about him, Uriel. You kill him and she won’t ever be the same.” Nega interrupted him. “You and I both know how she was when she lost her father second time around. Do you really want to put her through that kind of hell again?”
“I have a job to do.”
“Damn it, Uriel. I’m asking you not to do this. To let Saturn do what she has to. Give her time.”
“And if I don’t?”
“If you don’t then you can explain to his kids why you killed their father. Because I’ll be damned if Saturn should have to.”

Uriel folded his arms as he stood there staring at Nega. He knew Nega was right but he also had his orders. The whole time he had been a Seraphim he had never once disregarded his orders. But now he was being asked to.

“Look, if you won’t listen to me,” Nega spoke up. “then talk to Saturn.”

Just then Nega’s cell phone went off. Uriel raised an eyebrow as Nega answered it. Just by the look on Nega’s face, Uriel could tell the news was anything but good.

Michael had woke up and was now sitting by my bedside as I remained unconscious. Jon walked in to the room. Not saying a word as he made his way over towards the bedroom window. Looking through the blinds before sitting in the chair next to the window.

“Something on your mind, boy?” Michael bluntly asked him.
“Is she going to be okay?” Jon answered.
“I don’t know. Your brother fried her on the inside. So you tell me.”
“Doesn’t she have that healing thing though? I mean it’ll heal her, right?”
“Man, you’re kidding me, right? Do you honestly think it’s just that easy? She fought another Seal carrier just as powerful as her. Her healing factor can’t help her when it comes to that.”
“So what happens to my brother if Saturn doesn’t wake up or can’t stop him if she does?”
“He dies.”
“So what now?” Buttters asked, as her and the rest of the Familia were gathered in the living room.
“We wait until Saturn wakes up.” Pops calmly responded.
“And if she doesn’t, what then? We can’t exactly just sit on our butts while the Yankee runs around like a mad man.” Preston pointed out, in his southern accent. “We have to stop him.”
“I agree but you saw what he did to Saturn. Do you honestly want to end up like that?”
“Val could heal....”
“There’s no amount of healing that can fix what a Seal carrier does.” Azrael said. “Even Saturn’s healing factor can’t help her now.”
“So what do we do?” Gilly questioned.
“We pray.” Azrael replied. “That’s all we can do. And not just for Saturn but for Jordan as well because if Uriel gets a hold of him.... We just need to pray.”
“Hey, where’s Thief?” Leysa asked, looking around. “And while we’re at it where’s Fox and Slayer?”

Something quickly hit Berls and she screamed out in pain. Both Ven and Bags rushed to her aid as she passed out.

“What the...?” Drew started to say.

Around the same time, Nega and Uriel were walking through the cemetery and entered the woods. Taking the back way to the house without being noticed. They were about halfway through when they came across three scorched bodies that at first couldn’t be recognized. It wasn’t until Nega got closer that he knew who they were.
Last edited by LadySaturn on Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by heinzs » Fri May 30, 2008 7:36 pm

:cool: :cool: :cool: :bow:
An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011


Post by LadySaturn » Fri May 30, 2008 7:39 pm


“Damn.” He whispered under his breath, as he lowered his head.

As the snow switched over to rain, the smell of death filled the air. Making it’s way back to the house. Berls had finally come to as Azrael’s senses noticed the fowl stench of death.

“Azrael, what is it?” Tom asked, seeing the look on his face.
“Their dead.” Berls replied, before Azrael could say a word.

The lights flickered as lightning hit the ground outside. The rain now came down in sheets while a siren went off in the distance. Everyone looked at each other before rushing outside to see what it was. A tornado bigger than a mile wide was on the edge of the city and closing in.

“This isn’t tornado alley territory.” Preston remarked.
“Why don’t you go tell it that, Texan.” Bags sarcastically responded. “You might want to draw it a map while you’re at it.”
“I thought it was.”
“Oh shi...” Nega began to say as him and Uriel saw the same thing while only being a few feet away from reaching the end of the woods.
“Oh my god, we’re so going to die!” Phoenix freaked out. “We need to go to the basement.”
“No.” Berls calmly said. “We need to save the city.”
“Are you crazy?!? Do you see the size of that thing?”
“Yea, I do.” Berls powered up and headed for the tornado.
“She’s nuts!” Phoenix exclaimed.
“But she’s right.” Pops answered, following Berls.

The others soon followed and Phoenix finally gave in. Throwing her hands up in the air as she tried to catch up to the others. Nega went after the tornado as well while Uriel walked the rest of the way to the house. Michael and Jon were watching the tornado slowly make it’s way towards the city when it turned from a cyclone of wind into fire. The rain dying out in the process as it did so.

“It isn’t...?” Jon began to ask.
“I don’t know.” Michael interrupted him.
“I’ve gotta go find out.”
“No, you stay here. I’ll find out.”
“Look, if Saturn finds out I let a human walk into the line of fire, she’ll have my wings for it. Not to mention some other things.”

Uriel now entered the room and walked over to my bedside. Not saying a word as he did so.

“Bro?” Jon spoke up. “What are you...?”
“It isn’t your brother.” Michael responded. “That’s Uriel.”
“But he looks like....”
“I know.”
“You two should be out there helping the others.” Uriel finally said, as he looked down at me.
“You’re kidding, right? Richie-Rich might come back and finish the job.” Michael pointed out. “And as for Johnny-Boy over here. He’d be more of a target than anything.”
“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” Jon snapped back.
“Nothing just that everyone knows how you lost your powers when you abandoned your muse.”
Michael stated.
“I didn’t abandon my muse.”
“That’s funny because I heard otherwise.”
“You’ve heard wrong.”
“Okay, if that’s the case stop your brother.” Michael bluntly replied.
“I can’t.” Jon shook his head.
“You can’t or you won’t?”
“I can’t. I go up against him now and I’ll end up like your friend over there. Besides as Azrael mentioned Jordan isn’t himself right now.”
“So you’d rather save your own skin than anyone else’s. I see.” Michael remarked.
“That’s not what I meant.” Jon argued.
“No, but it sure sounds like it.”
“ENOUGH!” Uriel yelled at the both of them.

Jon and Michael looked over at Uriel as he went back to staring at me.

“Ur....” Michael tried to say.
“Leave. Now.” Uriel cut him off.
“But what about...?”
“I’ll watch her. Now go.”
“I don’t see why....” Jon began to argue again.
“Better do what he says, my friend.” Michael headed for the door. “He’s one angel you don’t want to mess with.”

As soon as they left, Uriel lowered his head and let out a sigh.

Ven was now using her telekinetic powers to hold back the cyclone of fire from reaching the city. While everyone else tried to get the innocent bystanders to safety. Nega still in his skeleton form caught up with the others as he looked around at the chaos.

“Nice of you to show up.” Sam sarcastically remarked. “We were just having tea and chit-chatting. Oh, and wondering when the hell you’d get here.”
“Yea, yea.” Nega grumbled. “I get it, tinman. Where’s Saturn?”
“You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Richie-Rich has put Saturn in some sort of a coma.”
“Great.” Nega stated in a sarcastic tone. “Then in that case, where is he?”
“No clue.”
“Um guys.” Spaz interrupted, pointing over at the cyclone as it died out and Jordan emerged from it. “Is that normal?”
“We’re screwed.” I.O. said.
“No, we’re past screwed.” Sam responded, shaking his head.

Ven who was exhausted from using her powers, collapsed to the ground. Gilly and Duchess quickly ran over to check on her.

“Crap.” Jay said, noticing Jordan’s wings. “We’re dead.”
“Always the bearer of good news, aren’t we Jaybird?” Drew remarked.
“You’re not gonna get away with this.” Preston stood up to Jordan.

A smile appeared out of the corner of Jordan’s mouth as fire began to fall from the sky.

“What the...?” E.T. looked up along with the others. “How in God’s name is that even possible?”
“Not again.” Azrael whispered under his breath.

He had once before witnessed fire fall from the sky and destroy not only one but two cities. The smell of death and the sound of screams still haunt him in his sleep to this day. And now fear raced through his veins as he realized what he was hoping to never see again was about to happen.

“God help us.” Tom uttered the words.

As quickly as the fire had appeared it vanished into puffs of smoke. Like it had hit something before reaching the city. That’s when everyone noticed Jon and Michael in the distance as they walked over. Jordan let out a growl. Realizing what his brother had done. You see Jon’s power actually powers is kind of hard to explain but here it goes. The first of his powers is well something like that of controlling the astral plane. Meaning he can open portals to other dimensions, worlds, etc. He can also send things to those other places, even travel through himself. I know because he had shown up at the front door of Heaven once. He was just a kid back then but still you could imagine God’s surprise. He had to have Jon’s mind erased of the incident or else the boy would have probably been locked up by the world for talking like a madman. I mean knowing the world if someone talked about being able to travel and show up at the front door of Heaven without dying and be able to meet God. Yea, not to many folks are likely to believe that tale. If anything they’d rather lock you up and feel safe in their little bubble world. Jon also has a second power that ties in with his first. Due to the high level of his astral power, he’s able to phase through solid objects as well as humans, animals, angels, demons, etc. However, when he does phase through a being he can also read not so much their thoughts but their memories. Basically any secret you have, you better not let him phase through you or he’ll know about it. When I heard he was what I like to call a Phaser. I had Richie-Rich promise me that his brother would never phase through yours truly. Because one, it’s just creepy. Two, I really didn’t want his brother getting a hold of my memories. There were some things I just wanted to keep to myself. And three, did I mention that it’s just freaking creepy.

“Stay out of my way.” Jordan warned Jon.
“I can’t, bro.” Jon answered, staring Jordan down.
“Why not?”
“You tell me. You’ve hurt a lot of people. And I can’t just stand by and watch you destroy even more lives.”
“Funny, you sound like someone else I know.” Jordan deviously grinned. “By the way, how is she doing?”
“YOU BASTARD!” Duchess cursed at the top of her lungs as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

The Westie Boys clenched their fists while the air filled with growls and snarls. They however weren’t the only ones that wanted to tear into Richie-Rich.

“Don’t.” Berls warned the Boys. “Saturn, wouldn’t want you guys to.”
“Saturn isn’t here....” Sam started to protest.
“I know but at least.... Just don’t for her.”
“I’d listen to her.” Jordan spoke up. “Or you could end up like your other three familia members.”
“Bags, tell your boys to back off.” Berls said, noticing that they were moving closer to Jordan.
“My boys do what they want to.” Bags flatly answered. “I have no control over them.”

That’s when the earth began to shake beneath their feet. As soon as it stopped, everyone looked at each other and then over at Jordan.

“It wasn’t me.” He said, knowing what they were thinking.
“Then who was it?”Jay questioned. “If not you, then who? Because you’re the only one that’s been....”
“I know who.” Dena giggled.
“Who is it, doll?” Nega asked her.

Joe noticed a flash of someone or something nearby as his hand glowed a bright blue hue. He wasn’t the only one to notice the flash though.

“Uriel.’ Azrael whispered under his breath, as he felt something brush by him.

Jordan quickly dodged as his senses went off. A flash of light flew by his head seconds later. Nearly missing him an inch if that. At that moment, Uriel made himself known. Standing before Jordan and the others as he stretched out his wings and smoked a cigar.

“How come I have a feeling he knows Saturn.” Bags raised an eyebrow.
“He’s her ex-husband.” Michael replied.
“Come again?” Bags couldn’t believe what he just heard.
“Well, that explains a lot.” Phoenix spoke up, as she looked at Uriel and then Jordan and back again. “A hell of a lot.”
“Wait, Saturn was married? Holy crap.” I.O. sounded surprised..
“I can’t stand it anymore!” Drew exclaimed. “I mean come on Richie-Rich has a muse that looks like him and now this. How many are there, seriously?”
“Everyone has a twin.” E.T. answered. “It’s just that twin has a twin as well.”
“Funny.” Drew rolled his eyes.
“Hold up. I thought Kris was Saturn’s.... How.... That is what....” Preston scratched his head, somewhat confused if not baffled.
“It’s simple, Texan.” Michael explained. “Uriel was in a situation long ago where he needed to get married and quick. Since Saturn isn’t the kind to leave a friend high and dry, she decided to help. They got married and stayed that way until the situation was taken care of.”
“So how long were they married?” Pops asked.
“A year.” Uriel responded, in his sexy irish accent that made the women in the familia giggle and blush like school girls.
“Good God, here we go again.” Jay grumbled, as he lowered his head and shook it.
“Let me guess,” Jordan said to Uriel, “she sent you to kill me.”
“No, thanks to you she’s still fighting to stay alive.” Uriel calmly replied, while staring Jordan down. “I was sent to kill you, though.”
“Then do it.” Jordan stretched his arms out. “I dare you.”
“Why not?”
“You know why not.”
“Wait Uriel, if Saturn is still.... whose watching her?” Michael asked.
“Tell us Uriel, who is watching her?” Jordan responded, being cocky. “Her safety could be at risk, as we speak.”
“What are you up to?” Uriel raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing really.” Jordan answered with a devious grin. “I was just thinking about checking on her is all.”
“You stay the hell away from her. You’ve done enough damage.”
“You know I can’t do that. She’s my friend.” Jordan vanished before everyone.
“What the...?” Nega began to say.
“It was a decoy.” Pops started picking up on Jordan’s thought waves. “He did it so he could.... We need to get back to the house. NOW!”

Without saying another word, everyone headed back to the house. Afraid of what they might walk into let alone find.

“You’re not going near her.” Gabriel said to Jordan, as he guarded my bed. “You’ve hurt her enough.”

Jordan let out a low growl as he unsheathed his claws.

“You plan on killing me boy, you better make sure I stay dead.” Gabriel warned. “I’m one angel you don’t want coming after you.”

Jordan lunged after Gabriel. Knocking him to the ground as he did so. Gabriel quickly threw Jordan off of him and across the room as he got to his feet. What Gabriel didn’t realize is that he had actually helped Jordan get closer to the bed. Jordan slowly got to his feet as he placed his hand on the edge of the bed for support. Little did he realize what was about to happen next. Some call it a vision. Others nothing more than an illusion. Right before his very eyes though, he saw the life story of the Seal or the one who at least carried it before him. From beginning to end he was shown the life of the Apostle John. He even saw yours truly along with Gesu, the other Apostles, Spaz, Nega, Michael, Azrael, Gabriel and, many others leading up to certain places and events. All playing out like scenes to some long lost movie. As soon as the movie ended playing, he passed out. A little while later, the others would show up back at the house. They would find Gabriel sitting in a chair next to my bed. Acting very cool and calm. They also would notice Jordan past out on the floor. Jon being the first to quickly rush to his brother’s aid.

“He isn’t dead.” Gabriel assured Jon.
“What happened?” Berls asked.
“His Seal is fighting with itself and he’s been dragged into it.” Gabriel calmly explained.
“Wait a minute.” Tom interrupted. “Saturn said before that Gesu created the Six Seals, right?”
“So why would they turn evil like this? Why would they do this? I mean if Gesu put a part of Himself in those Seals....”
“Humans.” Michael said under his breath.
“No, I want to know. What exactly is the story behind these Seals? How can they turn evil if they were made by the hands of Heaven?”
“Because a part is just that a part. Only one half of the Seal. The other half was filled with emotions and characteristics of the carrier. Gesu wanted to give them human qualities as well as heavenly.”
“Are you saying my brother is evil?” Jon glared over at Gabriel.
“No. The anger he felt somehow created the evil that festers inside part of the Seal. All though, Cain did play a part in it as well.” Gabriel pointed out.
“But Saturn said her Seal would never turn evil.” Nega brought up. “Because it had a part of God in it.”
“Yea, she did say that unlike the other six hers was created by God.” Buttters remembered.
“All true. And because of that it was never given human qualities.”
“Then what does it have?”
“Angelic qualities.”
“But angels can turn evil. Look at Lucy.” Tom retorted. “He fell from Heaven.”
“Actually,” Michael interrupted, “he was kicked out.”
“You still can’t let it die, can you man?” Azrael looked over at Michael.

Michael just smiled in response.

“True, but when angels turn evil they become demons at that point.” Gabriel explained, still in a calm manner.
“So wether humans are good or evil they remain human. Saturn’s Seal wouldn’t respond if she became a demon. It would much less kill her for becoming one. Sort of like a self-destructive button. It’s only if God Himself turned evil that then.... Well, just thank the heavens it will never happen.”
“So what has happened to Jordan could happen to myself, Joe, Ravyn, Preston or, the kids.” Tom remarked. “Am I hearing you right?”
“No, the evil in his Seal has more to do with than just his anger. Even though, that did add fuel. Like I said before Cain played a part in it as well.” Gabriel continued to explain. “Let’s not forget he had the man’s wife killed. Don’t get me wrong however any of the six Seals can turn evil given the right amount of ingredients, so to speak. Just not to the extreme like Jordan’s has. It’s like that saying goes you can’t have good without evil and you can’t have evil without good. It’s just up to the carrier which one they’ll choose in the end.”
“So what’s going to happen to my brother?” Jon questioned.
“Right now, he’s in a deep sleep while his Seal is battling with itself. The good is trying to show him it’s past and the life of the Apostle that once carried it. And the evil.... Well, we all know it’s plans.” Gabriel bluntly answered.

Jon started to pick up his brother as Joe, Sam and, Jay helped.

“You can’t move him.” Gabriel advised.
“And why not?” Jon sharply responded.

Gabriel looked over at me without saying a word. Michael and Azrael knew but they kept silent as well. Uriel on the other hand refused to keep his mouth shut.

“She’s using her Seal to help fight off the evil.” Uriel spoke up, as he leaned up against the wall looking out the bedroom window. “You move him and it weakens her chances. He has to be in the same room.”
“Hold on, I thought she was fighting for her life.” Preston pointed out.
“She is but she’s also trying to save his.”
“She should let him waste.” Drew blurted out.
“Drew.” Leysa said, sounding shocked.
“ Look, he killed three of our familia members and almost killed Saturn. And yet everyone is worried about him. He should be left to rot in Hell.” Drew retorted.
“Drew, it wasn’t his fault what happened. He’s been under the control of the....” Michael began to respond.
“Save it. Of everyone here Michael, you’re her closest friend. You shouldn’t be making excuses for him.”
“I’m not.”
“Really? Because that’s what it sounds like to me.”
“Okay then, Drew. When Saturn wakes up you can tell her what you just said. I’m sure she’ll love to hear it.” Michael argued back. “Especially about the part where you think Richie-Rich should rot in Hell. Considering that I don’t know she just cares about him.”

Drew looked at Michael for a minute. Realizing he wasn’t going to get any where and that Michael was in fact right. He finally gave in.

“You’re right.” Drew threw his hands up in the air. “You’re right and I get it.”
“Do you? Because I don’t think you do.” Michael stated in a matter of fact tone. “She’s disobeyed a direct order from God and has literally put her butt on the line to save him. If we are truly her friends and familia, we should honor her decision and help her in any way that we can. That also includes helping him. Of course unless you want to turn your back and let Uriel over there do what he’s been sent to. If you do though, you’ll be the one to explain to Saturn what happened because I refuse to.”
“What could she possibly...?” Drew began to state.
“Before you finish that sentence,” Michael interrupted, “I’d like to kindly remind you of the many times someone has crossed Saturn and how she’s “taken care” of that problem. Or has angered Saturn past the point of being able to save their own skin.”
“She does have a hell of a temper.” Bags remarked.

Drew looked over at me laying in my bed and then back at Michael.

“So what do we do?” He asked.

Jordan opened his eyes and looked around. He was standing in the middle of a desert that lead into a forest on his right. Not knowing what happened or where he was exactly. His head feeling like it had been hit by a two by four. He began to wonder if maybe his Seal was up to something. And that’s when he noticed it in the distance. Someone dressed in a hooded cloak approaching him. He didn’t know who the person was because they had the hood over their head and covering their identity. As the stranger got closer, Jordan could quickly sense danger. He tried to un-sheath his claws but couldn’t. He then tried to power up his Seal but nothing happened. The stranger now stood before him and let out a demonic laugh. Jordan put two and two together and realized who the stranger was.

“Useless without your powers.” The stranger hissed. “Surprise, surprise.”
“What have you done with Saturn?” Jordan asked, not showing any fear.
“She’s been taken care of.” The stranger continued to hiss. “Enough about her though. Let’s talk about what you’re going to do.”
“I’m not doing a damn thing.” Jordan sneered.
“No point in playing hero now. You already have blood on your hands.”
“Not by my choice, though. You messed with my mind and made me do it.”
“Really? And do you think the others would be sympathetic to that excuse or want your head on a platter just like John the Baptist? Face it, you’re good as dead to them.”
“I know them. They’d understand.”
“Yea, I’m sure they would.” The stranger sarcastically remarked. “Just like they’d understand why you killed Saturn.”
“She’s dead, isn’t she?” Jordan questioned, not really wanting to know.
“Dead? Hmm.... I guess you could say that.”

Around the same time back in my room, I began to cough up blood as my skin turned a ghost white.

“What the hell?!?” Nega exclaimed. “What’s happening?”
“She’s dying.” Jay answered, as tears filled his eyes. “She’s dying.”
“No, she can’t. Val could....”
“There’s nothing no one can do.”
“Impossible. She’s the Seraphim of Death....” Bags argued.
“And the power of a Seal is stronger than any Seraphim. Even that of death.” Gabriel calmly stated. “But if I know God like I do....”
“What? What is it?”
“We have to go in.” Preston spoke up.
“Uh, don’t want to ask because there might be a Westie joke behind it.” Gilly sighed. “But go in where?”
“Into where ever they are.”
“Which is where?”
“Dreamy-dream land.”
“Uh, Dreamy-Dream land, eh? Are you drunk by any chance?” E.T. raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not drunk!” Preston protested. “I’m just saying if their in Dreamy-Dream land maybe there’s some way we could get to them and help.”
“Their not in Dreamy-Dream land.” Joe spoke up. “Now I need a freaking drink for saying that.”
“Joe....” Michael began to ask.
“Saturn is gonna kill me for saying anything but I know where they are.”
“Say what?” Azrael shook his head a little, not believing it. “Why would she...?”
“Because she knew if she told any of you, you would either try to stop her or follow.” Joe interrupted Azrael.
“Come on, that’s a lame excuse. You would do the same. Not only that but you’re human. Why didn’t she tell either myself, Michael, Gabriel or, any other angel for that matter?”
“Because we could have easily gotten to the place before the others, Az.” Uriel said, thinking about it.
“Wait, how do you...?” Michael started to respond.
“She’s figured out a way to separate the evil from Jordan and the Seal. Am I right, Joe?” Azrael kept thinking about it as he put the pieces together in his head.
“So far, yea.” Joe calmly answered.
“Hold on, how could she have told you if she’s..., you know.” Tom said.
“Um, Joe’s Seal is of Death. Saturn is the Seraphim of Death. Two plus two is four.” Azrael responded.
“And I shoot rainbows out of my bum.” Bags interrupted. “Still doesn’t explain how Saturn could have been able to tell Joe over here....”

Joe’s hand started to glow a bright blue hue and Bags quickly stopped himself from finishing.

“It’s that Death thing, isn’t it?” He asked Joe.
“Yea.” Joe answered, with a sly smile.
“Okay then. So where is Saturn and Richie-Rich?”
“On the outskirts of Heaven.” Uriel said, not taking his eyes off of me as I laid lifeless.
“Wait, Purgatory?” Bags responded.
“No. That’s cute that a Catholic would automatically jump to that but no.”
“Then where?”
“It’s a place where angels can spend time alone. Sort of like a vacation spot.”
“Why would angels need vacations?” Preston remarked.
“You’re kidding, right?” Michael retorted, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at Preston.
“No. I always thought you angels had a pretty easy job watching us humans.”
“And again, you’re kidding, right?”
“Why would Saturn pick that place? It makes no sense.” Tom said.
“Yes, it would.” Pops spoke up, thinking it over. “I remember hearing stories about it. Never thought it was true but it would explain a lot.”
“Pops, what are you talking about?” Berls asked.
“I’ve heard that Heaven and any extended part of Heaven has the power within itself to separate evil from any soul that comes near or even steps foot on the grounds. They did this long before the days of Christ and I guess still use it as an extra precaution just in cause someone tries to sneak through the gates that shouldn’t. Anyway, from there the evil is either cast into Hell or destroyed by a Seraphim.”
“But Saturn’s dead. She can’t....” Nega stopped himself from saying and looked over at Gabriel.
“God has a plan for everything.” Gabriel said, reading Nega’s mind. “You should know that as well as anyone else.”
“We have to find a way to get to this place.” Nega replied, knowing exactly what Gabriel meant.
“The only way I know is if someone dies. I mean hello this is Heaven or close to it.” Duchess pointed out. “Souls and angels are the only ones allowed.”
“She has a point.” I.O. agreed. “Unless we die and I doubt anyone wants to go sooner than they have to. We’re basically screwed.”
“Not so.” Gabriel spoke up, looking over at Jon. “There’s someone here who might be able to help.”

Jon didn’t respond. He just keep staring Gabriel down, cursing him under his breath.

“Hold on, what is your power?” Phoenix asked, sounding somewhat demanding.
“Phoenix.” Gilly warned, noticing her attitude. “Remember we ladies need to remain civil.”
“Screw that. I”ve been curious about this man’s power since that little episode earlier.” Phoenix retorted. “So what is it?

Before Phoenix could flinch, Jon phased through her. Appearing on the other side in his solid form.

“AGGH!” She screamed. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?”
“I so want that power!” Drew exclaimed.
“What did you do?” Phoenix snapped at Jon.
“It’s called Phasing.” Jon calmly answered. “By the way, how’s your husband doing?”
“How did you.... You can read minds?”
“Actually, I see memories when I phase through someone.”
“That’s not all you can do though.” Spaz pointed out. “I saw something else.”
“He can somewhat control the astral plane. Opening portals to other worlds and dimensions. He can also send things or travel to those places.” Gabriel answered for him.

Jon glared over at Gabriel and he just ignored it.

“There’s a reason you were blessed with those gifts, Jon.” Gabriel continued. “Do you honestly think you came over here because you wanted to? Somebody had to put the idea in your head. Granted Saturn may have her plans but God also has His.”
“I’m not a hero.” Jon responded with a bit of anger.
“Join the club.” Berls bluntly said. “None of us are. Not even Saturn or your brother. But we do what we have to. If we don’t, then we’ve not only failed ourselves but everyone else around us.”
“Yea, but this is just.... it’s crazy.”
“Yea, well we’re not exactly normal. So are you gonna help or not?”
“Joe...?” Jon looked over at him.
“Don’t look at me, man.” Joe responded, shaking his head a little. “I’m not about to be put in the middle of this.”
“Jon, please.” Berls said. “If you won’t do it for us or for Saturn. Then at least do it for your brother.”
“Don’t use my brother as a reason.” Jon argued.
“Fine then. Let me put it as bluntly as possible. Are you willing to let his boys, your nephews become orphans? Because that’s what is about to happen.”
“He doesn’t care, Berls.” Michael interrupted. “He’s to busy saving his own skin, isn’t that right Johnny-Boy?”
“Michael.” Uriel warned, not wanting to hear it again.
“No, it has to be said.” Michael cut Uriel off. “Johnny-boy would rather save himself before anyone else because heaven forbid anything should interfere with his little bubble world.”
“Wow.” Ven said, taking a step away from Michael as he vent.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me.” Jon clenched his fist as a look of anger washed over his face.
“I know you’re selfish.” Michael remarked.

Jon took a swing at Michael and he dodged out of the way. Before Michael could take a swing back, the house began to shake. And then as quickly as it had done so, it stopped.

“What the...?” Jay said.
“It’s God.” Azrael answered. “Michael, you know the rules.”
“He swung at me first!” Michael disputed.
“Doesn’t matter. He’s an innocent human.”
“Innocent? Are you mad? If he’s so innocent, he wouldn’t have taken a swing at me.”
“Let it go, Mikey.”
“Just let it go.”
“Consider yourself lucky.” Michael growled at Jon before backing away.
“So I guess we have to find another way to get to Richie-Rich and Saturn.” Bags spoke up.
“No, you won’t.” Jon said, looking over at me and then down at his brother.
“Jon....” Berls began to respond.
“I’ll help.” He interrupted her, letting out a sigh.
“Are you sure?”
“Yea. If it’s the only way. Then yea.”

Jordan and the stranger were now fighting with one another. The stranger was of course by all means winning. Kicking Richie-Rich around like a rag doll while he laid on the ground in pain. Badly beaten and bloody, Jordan was trying to gain the strength to fight back.

“You’re little Saturnite can’t save you now.” The stranger hissed.
“I don’t need her to.” Jordan replied through clenched teeth, trying to deal with the pain.
“You’re a fool!” The stranger continued to hiss, kicking Jordan again. “You’re God has abandon you. Give up, human.”

That’s when thunder rumbled in the distance. The stranger looked over in the direction of the sound, somewhat confused.

“What the...?” The stranger started to say, turning around to look back at Jordan and find a fist in his face instead.

Which in turn knocked him off his feet and right onto the ground. The stranger shook his head a little and stared up at who had hit him.

“If there’s one thing I learned from Saturn.” Jordan growled, wiping the blood from the side of his mouth onto his shirt sleeve. “It’s that God doesn’t abandon anyone.”
“You’re stupid to believe that.” The stranger sneered, quickly throwing sand in Jordan’s eyes.

Jordan backed off as he tried to get the sand out of his eyes. The stranger got to his feet and was about to attack Jordan but got tackled to the ground in the process by someone else. When the stranger looked up at the person who had tackled him, a look of shock crossed his face.

“You okay, Richie-Rich?” I asked Jordan, as I held the stranger down.
“Saturn, how did you...?” Jordan answered.
“I’ll explain later.” I now focused my attention on the stranger. “First, I have some unfinished business to take care of.”
“This isn’t your fight, Seraphim.” The stranger snarled.
“Wanna bet.” I growled, as I stretched out my wings. “God’s pissed and guess what so am I.”

I picked up the stranger by his neck with one hand. Throwing him up against a tree nearby as I did so. At that same moment, the thunder in the distance rumbled even louder. The stranger just laughed as I held onto him by his throat.

“You can’t kill me. I’m still a part of Jordan. Kill me and he dies as well.” The stranger pointed out.
“On earth that would have been true.” I snarled, as my entire being started to glow a bright white hue. “But we’re no longer on earth. Look around. You’re on my playground now.”
“You sure about that, Seraphim?” The stranger grinned deviously, vanishing in thin air.

I looked around, sniffing the air. I quickly unsheathed my claws when I realized what he was up to.
“Big mistake.” I growled, as I swung around and stabbed the air behind me.

The stranger became visible as he hit the ground. Holding onto his chest as he did so.

“Pathetic.” I said, as I turned around to walk away.
“Saturn.” Jordan spoke up, sensing something.
“He’s dead.” I assured him.
“Um, you might want to look again.”

I turned back around to see the stranger floating in mid-air. His entire being on fire as he let out a roar and flew directly at me. Grab me and taking me to the sky with him. Around the same time, the others showed up through some sort of portal.

“What the...?” Preston began to say, noticing the stranger had me in a choke hold in mid-air.
“Oh my god!” Phoenix exclaimed. “We have to do something!”
“Again this isn’t your fight, Seraphim!” The stranger roared, blasting me into the ground with some sort of telekinetic force.
“SATURN!” Ven cried out.

The stranger now focused his attention on the familia. Landing safely on his feet while blocking anyone from trying to see if I was okay.

“Like sheep to the slaughter.” He deviously laughed.
“You leave them alone.” Jordan growled. “This is between you and I. Not them.”
“I told you it’s too late to play hero. Besides, after what you did do you honestly think they want your help?”
“What is he talking about?” Jeannie raised an eyebrow.
“I know.” Pops answered. “And if you think about it, you’d know to.”
“We don’t blame him for what has happened.” Berls stood up to the stranger. “It wasn’t his fault.”
“Really. And is that how you’re entire familia feels?”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Drew.” Nega warned.
“Isn’t him.” The stranger corrected Nega. “But thanks for playing along. No, there’s quite a few of you who....”
“Don’t listen to him.” Michael interrupted. “He’s just trying to turn everyone against each other.”
“Michael, Michael, Michael.” The stranger laughed. “You’re one of them.”
“You lie.” Michael sneered.
“Do I? Let’s face it if it wasn’t for Saturn you would have killed Jordan by now. Or at least helped Uriel in doing so.”
“Wait, how did you know about Uriel...?”
“I know everything.”
“Oh great, another one who thinks he’s God. Wow.” Sam retorted. “How many does that make?”
“Roughly six hundred. Give or take.” Jay replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“Awful quiet, Michael. Then again if someone was speaking the truth....” The stranger began to point out.
“Shut it.” Michael warned. “You’re nothing but a liar.”
“I have a right to speak....”
“No, you have a right to shut your trap.” Leysa interrupted.
“And who’s gonna stop me if I don’t?”
“We are.”
“You’re all weak!” The stranger exclaimed.
“You underestimate us, my friend.” Tom responded as Wats, Doc and, Dr. Watson appeared next to him.

The others began to power up as they went after the stranger. Azrael quickly pulled Jon a side. Not letting him take part in the fight.

“What the...?” Jon began to ask.
“I need you to do something.” Azrael quickly responded.
“Open a portal to the Abyss.”
“I can’t....”
“Look, it’s the only way to stop this thing.”
“Um, what about killing it.” Jon brought up.
“It’s too powerful even for your brother right now.” Azrael explained. “This is the only way. At least for now.”
“Why can’t God just....”
“If He didn’t think it would affect your brother in some way, He would have killed it by now. Jon please, I’m asking you.”
“I don’t know how to open a portal to the Abyss.”
“Yea, you do. You did it before. Just like with Heaven.”
“Let’s just say you were an adventurous boy when you were young.” Azrael remarked. “Look, just try.”
“Fine.” Jon shook his head a little, not liking the thought of opening a portal to the Abyss.

The others were being tossed around like rag dolls while the stranger just laughed hysterically. The laughter quickly ended when he came face to face with Jordan. A smirk however did appear on his face.

“Something funny.” Jordan sneered, as his claws started to glow a bright red hue.
“Yea. Watching your poor little Saturnite die. The Seraphim of Death isn’t suppose to die but she did. Funny.”

Jordan stabbed right through the stranger. Letting out a roar as he did so. A ring of fire quickly surrounded the both of them as the stranger stumbled a little with laughter. The wound quickly healing.

“You can’t play fire with fire, boy.” The stranger hissed. “You’ll lose.”
“We’ll see.” Jordan responded, going after the stranger.
“What do we do?” Phoenix freaked out.
“Jon.” Azrael said.
“Way ahead of you.” Jon answered, as he concentrated on opening a portal to the Abyss.
“Uh, hate to bring this up but what’s going on?” Michael asked Azrael.
“Just trust me on this. I know what I’m doing.”
“Really. Just like you knew what you were doing during that war with the Romans.”
“Not now!”
“Fine. Whatever. But opening a portal to the Abyss near Heaven isn’t exactly too bright. But hey, if you want to get us all killed. Then go for it. Just don’t come crying to me when it all blows up in your face.” Michael remarked.
“It’s a risk that has to be taken.” Azrael snapped back. “Trust me.”

Jordan now flew backwards out of the ring of fire. Landing a few yards away. The stranger stepped through without a scratch while the ring of fire died out.

“Oh crap.” Preston said. “We’re dead.”
“Get him near the portal.” Azrael ordered as Jon got the portal opened.
“Uh, easier said than done. I mean Richie-Rich just went flying and....”

The others went after the stranger again. Fighting and trying to edge him closer to the portal. But once more he tossed them around like rag dolls. Granted, they put up a good fight. It’s just he was a tad bit stronger than they were. Jordan around this time slowly got to his feet.

“Weak. Every one of you.” The stranger deviously laughed.

His laughter was soon cut short when he found himself being grabbed and flown up to the sky. Only to be let go of, falling to the ground. I landed a few feet away. Folding my wings behind me as I did so.

“You’re suppose to be dead.” The stranger snarled, slowly getting to his feet.
“You can’t kill a soul. You moron.” Nega pointed out. “You can however knock it back into it’s body.”
“Wait, I was battling her....” The stranger stopped himself from finishing.
“Surprise, surprise.” I growled while my entire being started to glow a bright white hue. “ Say bye-bye.”

Before the stranger could react, a lightning bolt flew out of the sky and threw him into the portal to the Abyss. The portal closed up after that.

“SATURN!” Phoenix exclaimed, as she saw me pass out.

Uriel rushed over to me as I laid unconscious on the ground.

“Is she...?” Bags was afraid to ask.
“No.” Uriel answered, taking my pulse. “She just needs rest.”

Around the same time, Jordan began to vanish into thin air.

“What the...?” Joe started to say.
“Don’t worry. He’s just returning to his body.” Gabriel said, while thunder rumbled over head. “Speaking of which you guys better get going.”
“Let me guess, that would be God.” Tom remarked, looking up.
“In some ways, yea.”

A few days later, I awoke to my body feeling like it had been through a war as I slowly got out of bed.

“Morning, sunshine.” Uriel remarked, sitting in a chair next to my bed.
“Where’s Richie-Rich?” I asked.
“Nice to see you too.”
“He’s in his office.”

I headed for the door but not before Uriel grabbed my arm.

“Saturn....” He began to say.
“We’ll talk later. I promise.” I answered.

Uriel let go of my arm as he let out a sigh. He knew there was no way he could win, even if he wanted to.

“Uriel.” I said before leaving.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“You know what.”

I left before he could say another word. I headed straight for Jordan’s office. Still somewhat feeling like crap but trying to shake it off the best I knew how. Jordan was sitting behind his desk with his chair facing the window as he looked out at the on coming storm that was approaching. I sat down in the chair across from the desk and couldn’t help but notice a half empty bottle of scotch sitting on the desk.

“So where is everybody?” I asked.
“Berls and the others are planning funerals for....” Jordan stopped himself from saying.
“It wasn’t your fault, Richie-Rich.” I responded, knowing all too well what he was going through. “None of it was.”
“Trust me, there was nothing you could have done to stop what was going to happen.” I assured him. “It’s not your fault nor will it ever be.”

He now turned around in his chair and stared at me for a minute before taking a sip from his glass. I knew what he was thinking but I really didn’t want to push the subject any further then need be. Seeing as I was once down that road.

“So yea I’ve gotta....” I started to say.
“I saw things, Saturn.” Jordan interrupted.
“What sort of things?”
“I think you know what sort of things.”
“I see.” I calmly answered. “So who was the original carrier of your Seal?”
“Huh. Go figure.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Speaking of people named John. Where’s your brother?” I raised an eyebrow.
“He’s around.” Jordan deviously grinned, knowing I would easily get freaked out if Jon phased through me.
“Where exactly?”
“Don’t worry. He isn’t in the room. Speaking of which, I have something to ask you.”
“Crap. Kay, what is it?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”
“You never asked.”
“Was it that or were you afraid to tell me considering Uriel looks exactly like me.”
“Wait, Uriel looks like you? I’ve never noticed.”

Jordan sat back in his chair, not saying a word.

“What?” I asked with a confused look.
“Nothing.” He replied, as he took another drink from his glass.
“Well, I better get....” I stopped myself from finishing.
“Saturn, what is it?”
“I thought I heard something.”

Just then, Buttters busted through the room. Almost out of breath from running.

“The Westie Boys are at it again.” She said.
“Where are they?” I sighed, having a feeling what they were up to.
“Down at the Pub.”
“I’m coming.”

I got up to leave but not before looking back at Jordan.

“You gonna be okay, Richie-Rich?” I asked, worried about him but trying not to show it.
“I’ll be fine.” He slyly responded. “Go.”
“Don’t worry. I promise not to do anything stupid. I’m not a Westie.”
“That’s debatable.” I remarked as I left, shaking my head a little.

A few days later, the funerals for Thief, Slayer and, Fox took place. No one said a word at the funeral. Neither did anyone point the finger at Richie-Rich. They really couldn’t considering all that had happened and who was really behind it. I could sense that a few in the familia were still doubtful about how innocent he really was though. But I also knew nothing major would come from those doubts. Not only that but I had to focus on the fact that the evil being would sooner or later return. Along with Cain and any other demon looking to get a hold of the Seals and control everything and anything. And as usual, I needed to be ready for everything and anything.

Last edited by LadySaturn on Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011


Post by LadySaturn » Fri May 30, 2008 7:43 pm

Poetry Familia 13 Music List:

1. Foo Fighters- "Home"
2. Three Days Grace- "Animal I Have Become"
3. James Blunt- "Carry You Home"
4. John Mayer- "Say"
5. AudioSlave- "Man Or Animal"
6. 3 Doors Down- "It's Not My Time"
7. Goo Goo Dolls- "Here Is Gone"
8. Seether- "Rise Above This"
9. Puddle Of Mudd- "Psycho"
10. Sarah Mclachlan- "Last Dance" *Instrumental Only*
11. Tori Amos- "1000 Oceans"
12. ***Bonus Track*** Staind-"Epiphany"
Last edited by LadySaturn on Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by LadySaturn » Fri May 30, 2008 7:44 pm

Tad Bit excited, I take it Pops.. Heh heh.. It's all good.. I know I took a little too long with this one but hey it was a long one.

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Post by preston » Sat May 31, 2008 5:56 am

I object !


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Post by LadySaturn » Sat May 31, 2008 9:35 am

To what I may ask?

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Post by preston » Sat May 31, 2008 11:35 am

Well let's see ... I get beat up before the first paragraph is even finished.

How's that for starters ?


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Post by LadySaturn » Sat May 31, 2008 4:00 pm

Aww, I'll make it up to you later. I promise. :wink:

Besides, you didn't hit the ground that hard.. tee hee

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Post by LadySaturn » Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:57 am


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Post by heinzs » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:49 am

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Post by Duchess » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:52 am

I must say as a quick note...had to skim to see how long...gotta go to work lol...I must say tho I am liking your playlists for these writings! :thumbsup:

:hearts: D
"Our minds create our realities based on our perceptions and how we view our world..." "In crazy mans world, everyone else is insane and he is the only sane one"
Both said by My Georgia Muse

I miss my baby...R.I.P Chyna

I wish to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.

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Post by Spazway » Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:54 pm

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. ~ A. A. Milne

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