
A place to enjoy the interactive sport of Roleplay exercises, post your prose, short stories, story poems, prose poems and epics. This forum does not autoprune

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
Posts: 481
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Tag line: You Haunt My Soul
Location: Pluto


Post by Black Star Shine » Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:10 pm

I wander aimlessly down the mazes of hallways. I can still feel daddy's hand holding tight to my fingers. The doctor voices are loud and the machines annoying. I turn right. The hallway is lined with white washed doors and shiny brass knobs. Clouds are beginning to appear on the walls, reminding me of my bedroom at home, except there clouds move. Daddy is holding on tight, but it no where in sight. After a few more twists and turns, there are very few doors. One set of double doors is at the end of the hallway. The sunshine beams through the big windows and illuminates the clouds on the wall. A lone figure is standing by the doors. I force my little body to run forward. Even though I never met this lady before, I know she is my mother. Gleefully I take my last breath and exchange daddy's firm, clammy human hand with mommy’s warm angelic embrace, and together, as son and mom, we walk into heaven.

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