Somniloquos dreams

A place to enjoy the interactive sport of Roleplay exercises, post your prose, short stories, story poems, prose poems and epics. This forum does not autoprune

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
Posts: 481
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Tag line: You Haunt My Soul
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Somniloquos dreams

Post by Black Star Shine » Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:00 pm

I held her in my arms as she started to drift into a deep slumber. I hummed a tune that I couldn’t even recognize myself. My mind was so tired, I wanted to sleep like she did myself… but I told her I wouldn’t, I’d keep her safe.

Life hadn’t always been so complicated. Before I met Joecee I just ran when I wanted to. But finding her had made it so I also became worried… over a girl! If I had found a dog, he at least wouldn’t cry all the time or complain! But I guess I brought it on myself, mostly because (even if I wouldn’t admit it) I was in love with her.

Joecee shifted her weight as she fidgeted in her sleep. She mumbled something as I thought of where we would run next. I wanted so desperately for the cops to give up the search for us, but that was like hoping the devil wouldn’t tempt me.

Sure we were monsters. But do you think the vegetables take it kindly when you eat them for dinner?! People like us couldn’t buy food from the local grocery store. We needed blood--Human blood.

“It’s cold…” Joecee sighed into my chest as she snuggled closer. I wrapped my arms around her and looked for some more protected shelter. I stood, not disturbing her sleep and saw a green house a few hundred yards away. No doubt that would keep her warm if I sat next to it.

As I slid down into a fetal position, Joecee started moving again. Not very much, but I noticed it. She started to say something. I didn’t quite catch what it was. “Joecee? Are you comfortable?”

For no reason, her body thrashed only once as she screamed slightly. I held perfectly still. If she thought I was someone else, there was no telling if she would release her evil side that we all had in us. She murmured something else but then fell silent and still.

I didn’t move, fearing that she would wake. Ever since I first became what we were I had always been frightened of girls for some reason. They were so fierce and violent! Even if I myself could rip them into shreds at any given moment, I was still utterly terrified of them.

“JASON!” Joecee suddenly screamed at me, her eyes pinched tight. Her breathing quickened to amazing speeds. There was no mistake that she had screamed my name. What on earth was she dreaming about?!

“Joecee?” I asked, tentatively placing her hand in mine.

“Don’t leave me” she cried out. She wasn’t talking to me I realized. She was screaming at someone in her head. “Don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt him!”

I tried to wake her up, but shaking her did nothing to help. I wished there was some water so I could splash it in her face. I called her name once more. “Joecee.” This time it was a command instead of a question.

She didn’t answer me, just started talking to someone in her dream. “I’ll do anything. But please don’t kill him… I love him… please… please….”

I realized I couldn’t do anything to quiet or wake her, so I held her closer. I started humming again, only stopping when she said something else that shocked me.

“Jason… don’t die… don’t leave me… I love you… please Jason… please…” her voice had pain seeping through her teeth along with the tears that ran down her shirt and were now staining my already dirty shirt. “Just hold my hand… I won’t let go… just hold on… I won’t let you die…”

I had never heard Joecee speak in her sleep before… this was very unexpected. I felt I wanted to answer her, but I didn’t know what to say. I’m here? Don’t be afraid?

She was silent for about three hours. I was drifting into the same sleep she was in. I slapped myself several times to get my mind awake. “Come on Jason! Stay awake!” I encouraged myself.

She started screaming again. “Jason!” she sounded like she couldn’t breath, her coughing confirmed that and I almost dropped her from my arms.

“Joecee wake up!” I demanded in a firm voice.

No response. Her coughing subsided and she was breathing evenly again. Was she being attacked in her dream? Was I being attacked in her dream? That’s all I could get form her moans and cries.

Joecee’s eyes fluttered open and she stared at me in horror and wonder at the same time. “You’re… you’re alive!” she started to cry again as her arms flew around my neck. “Oh Jason! I-I-I thought I lost you!”

I rubbed her back as I waited for her to calm or at least to explain what was wrong. I didn’t have to wait long.

“They were after us! They had slayers!” who? I asked myself the cops? But she continued. “They were trying to kill you! And I couldn’t reach you!”

“Shhhh” I whispered in her ear, unconsciously I had started rocking back and fourth. “Its okay, were safe…”

“I love you” she whispered even quieter.

“Joecee… I… I love you too…” I finally confessed. “And I won’t let you go, I promise.”

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