The Princess and The Pea (My modern day version)

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
Posts: 481
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Tag line: You Haunt My Soul
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The Princess and The Pea (My modern day version)

Post by Black Star Shine » Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:21 pm

I clutched his hand tightly as we walked up the steps to the apartment. I stopped halfway up the second flight. "Derek, I'm not sure this is the best idea." I said, trying to stress the distress in my voice. "From what you've said, your mom is very picky about who you bring home, and well, I'm not the best girl ever either." I rambled, stalling.

Derek leaned down and kissed me before laughing and saying, "But, I love you and you're different from other girls."

I was different. Oddly different I decided, looking down at my knee socks that didn't match and the high tops that were markered up, unfortuantly, these shoes were my only decent pair. I continued to climb the stairs as I looked over my appearence. I also wore a tore bright green long sleeve shirt over a black tank top and an orange pleited skirt. I still was boggled about what Derek saw in me exactly.

"Mom, she can be tough, but, once she see's how beautiful you are and how talented you are at cooking, she'll be almost as madly in love with you as I am."

I sighed, hoping he was right. We had finally reached the door. Apartment number 529. Derek knocked briskly and waited, bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitment.

"Derek!!" Mrs. Garrett called as the door swung open. "Baby!!" She attacked him with smoochy kisses on the cheeks that left sticky lipstick behind. "It's been too long!"

"I know mom. We'll visit more often. I promise." He laughed at himself as if he had just told the funniest joke on earth. "Mom, this is Emmaleigh." He pulled away from his mother to grab me around the waist and pull me in tight.

I stuck out my hand in a friendly gesture and said. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you!" Mrs. Garrett stared at my hand a moment like it was going to bite her and give her rabies.

"Well." Was all she said, she looked over me with one eyebrow raised then gave Derek a weird forced grin. "Come in, come in." She turned and left quickly into the very modern, dully painted apartement of hers.

Derek squeezed my hand and I walked into the devils lair.


"Emmaleigh has almost completed her Masters degree in culinary arts." Derek said, trying desperatly to make small talk at the quiet table.

"Oh really?" Mrs. Garrett said, her intrest's peaked.

"Yes," I said, putting a hand over my mouth to keep from showing the Potato salad I was eating. "I graduate at the end of the semester."

"I guess we'll have to see." She said to me.

"Mom!" Derek said, half in my defense, half in his own. He added a laugh to lighten the mood. "Emmaleigh is an amazing cook!"

"Again, we'll see." Was all she said.

I gawked at her. How could she be so bold to say that to me? I contained my anger well as I continued to chew.


Derek jumped as his phone started buzzing in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the called ID. "Dang, it's the office. Sorry, I gotta take this." He said apoligeticly as he scooted his chair away from the table. He walked into the other room, thats when the fireworks started.

"You have no right to be with my son." She spat.


Mrs. Garrett sat forward and gave me a death glare. "Your lies may fool him, but I know better."

"I. I don't understand." I said, taken a back.

She huffed loudly and leaned back again. "You're not a real cook. If you were a real cook you would know the secret to this potato salad jsut by eating it."

Was she challenging me? I looked at her along time and it became so silent that we could here the other end of Derek's phone call.

"Fine." I said. "I love Derek. And if the only way I can prove that too you is to let you know the secret ingredient to a recipie I've never seen. Fine"

She stared at me, waiting for an answer to her impossible question.

My mind went blank as I uttered the only ingredient that would come to mind. "Almond extract."

Mrs. Garrets face went as blank as mine felt. "H..." She didn't form the question completely for awhile. "How?"

I grinned madly at her as Derek re-entered the room. "Sorry 'bout that ladies."

"It's alright." I said. "I was just thinking Derek." I looked at him and rasied my left hand to grab his, the small golden band with three tiny dimonds sparkling off it looking brilliant. "It's about time to tell your mom the wonderful news."

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