short vampire story for kicks

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
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short vampire story for kicks

Post by Black Star Shine » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:53 pm

Corden was fuming; Xander, his so called 'friend', had dragged him into a car and was driving him to the big city for some kind of party that “everyone was going to be at”. He slouched in the passenger seat, reminiscing on the past week.

Landon, his only real human friend, had been wrong; everyone stared, pointed, and laughed at him in the halls after his public humiliation with the bully for the school, Bob. Not only did Corden officially hate this new school now, but he also had the strongest urges to rip everyone's throat out who mentioned what Bob did. But then again, he would be sent to prison for life, and a life of a vampire is pretty long.

Girls kept following him, stalking him and blushing when he looked their way. He had no idea why all the guys had suddenly hated him… but it was plain as day… everyone had a crush on the new, rebellious kid. Everyone wanted to be his friend but was too teriffied of him to say anything.

He was thirsty. It had been along time since his last drink.

It made him more moody, more aggressive then he would have liked to be. Ever since that first full drinking he had been having withdrawals, intense urges for blood that he even had to skip a few classes and try and walk or run it off. But it never seemed to hold off for long. He tried drinking gallons of body temperature water, the closest thing to blood he could get, but it didn’t quite hit the spot and only made him thirstier then before.

“Were going to pick up Vylet first, ok?” Xander asked weaving in and out of traffic in his blood red convertible.

“Look at this face.” Corden snarled. “Does it look like it cares?” He winced at a sharp pain in his chest, a longing, an insanely strong craving for that sweet, sweet taste of blood. Corden had had a dream the night after Bob had humiliated him. It had shaken him up so badly that he hadn’t slept at all in the following week. He couldn’t seem to talk to anyone about it either. Xander would just laugh, and Landon wouldn’t understand even if he tried. Why would he? He's only human. It was hopeless.

They pulled into a driveway of an old run down double house with peeling brown and yellow paint that reveled rusty brick. Xander honked quickly three times. A curtain opened at a small window that looked as if it was holding its breath, and a small child peeked out and yelled something inside the silent house. Vylet walked out, locking the door behind her and skipped over to the car. “Why hello!” she said cheerfully as she slid into the back seat.

“Hey!” Xander chimed.

Corden tuned them out as he tried to concentrate on the music they were screaming over and pay attention to his surroundings. They were flying past sky scrapers and strip malls, ignoring traffic regulations the whole time. Xander jerked to a stop and killed the engine in front of a dark building shaking with the boom of bass speakers. There were people out side, leaned up against the cement walls, smoking and talking in drunken voices. They stepped out and Corden got his first look at the blazing neon sign that read “V-AMP” with the ‘v’ in red and the other letters in a black light. Obviously, this was a vampire club.

"Think they could get any more obvious?” Corden suggested.

Xander and Vylet laughed as Xander choked out a response. “The more obvious, the less obvious.”

“Don’t worry about it” said Vylet “let’s just go party!”

They walked in past the bouncers, who recognized Xander and gave him an approving nod. All sorts of people were shouting above the music inside and moving their hips to the beat. Some of the people were dancing on the counter, obviously extremely drunk and on the edge of passing out. Corden was bumped around by people trying to move to where their friends were or to get to the bar. Xander raised his hand to a girl across the room, grinning and whispering to Vylet, then saying to Corden “Have fun man! Go meet ya a girl! Oh and watch out for the vampire slayer!” and was off.

“Xander!” Corden called but was drowned out by the scream-o section of the song that was playing. Sighing with irritation, he stalked over to an empty seat on a couch. On his left were a boy and girl making out then a guy with curly, sandy blonde hair to his right.

“Great party huh?” said the man, turning to talk to Corden.

“I was dragged here by a… friend” was he a friend? Corden wasn’t quite sure what Xander was.

“You don't sound too enthused about it.” The man laughed. “The name’s King, Nathen King.” He stuck out his hand for a shake.

Corden grabbed it and introduced himself. Nathen lounged there, sober, in black slacks and a pitch black leather jacket. He made Corden feel so under dressed in his own kakis and the hoodie he had slipped on after school.

“I’m not too excited to be here.”

“Well seems like the only thing worth coming to these gatherings is the chance to speed in my 1976 black porsh.”

Corden laughed at the comment. “Hey, uhh… can I ask you a question?”


“There are only…” Corden hesitated a moment, “...vampires… here right?” he had whispered the word that to him seemed like a swear word a little kid would mutter under his breath to his friends.

Nathen chuckled “Of course! You have to reserve a ticket in a way to get into this place, and only vampires know how to do that.”

Corden felt a little more relaxed. He fell silent as he watched a boy in bright red pants and with a bright blue fo-hawk show off his ripped wings to a bunch of girls and guys. Corden had never quite understood the concept of flying and using his wings, he mostly walked.

“So it’s a fashion show now?” Nathen said to no one in particular as he watched as well.

“I hate flying.” Corden stated bluntly.

“Why?!?” Nathen gasped.

“It’s hard to do and hide.” Something hit him… it wasn’t the flying he hated so much. It was the fact that he had no choice in it. As he looked around him, reality hit in, all these vampires had had a chance not to become one… but him… he was born this way, unable to prevent it no matter how hard he tried. They all had opportunities to avoid that dark ally way or not accept the help from a stranger on a rainy night when their car broke down in the middle of no where.

“Why do you say that?” Nathen asked ignoring the scowl that crossed Corden’s face and keeping the conversation strong.

“I’m in high school for cryin’ out loud! It looks a little suspicious in the boy’s locker room if you have two giant slits down your back that don't seem to go away.” Corden scoffed. Sinking lower into the couch, his thirst for blood coming back, he stated to no one. “I’m so thirsty.”

Nathen snapped his fingers at a girl on roller blades passing by. She turned to reveal her thick black eyeliner and sparkly hair and face. “Ya?”

“My friend here wants a drink.” He said in a very professional tone.

“Strong or virgin?” she asked routinely.

“He’s only in high school, let’s make it a virgin.” Nathen smiled.

“K, I can do that for ya, anything for you?” she said gazing at Nathen with doughnut glazed eyes, falling head over heals for him right then and there.

Nathen laughed at her look “No thank you, I have a snack in the car for later if you know what I mean.” He winked.

She blushed and grinned before heading off. Nathen turned back to Corden to continue the conversation going on previously. “Then just don't join gym.”

“It’s not that simple.” Corden protested. “Like, the only friends I’ve made at this new school have already both seen my back and questioned it… I hardly knew what to tell them besides having stupid Xander push me into the pit at a skate park.”

“Xander Mclellen?” Nathen asked.

“I don't even know his last name.” Corden realized. “Just that he’s a friend of Dr. Angles’s.”

Nathen sat forward in his seat. “Who’s this Dr. Angles?”

“She’s my guardian.”

“You don't live with your parents?” he questioned.

“No, they died when I was little… they were both vampires like us.”

“So wait… you’re a pure blood?” Nathen’s eyes glowed with enthusiasm. “I’ve never met an actually pure blood before! I thought the only one was Thatcher’s daughter.”


Nathen sat back with disgust. “Thatcher… you know… the ‘queen’, ruler of the vampires.”

“…doesn’t ring a bell…” Corden said. “Sorry”

“Don’t be, she likes to be secretive about it… she the oldest one of us alive. 783 years I believe.”

“That’s impossible.” Corden specifically remembered Xander saying that vampire’s cant live century’s like in the myths.

“Oh, there’s a way…” Nathen leaned in as if he were telling some deep dark secret. “All she drinks is human blood, that’s her only food source… it makes her practically immortal.”

Xander, that little liar. “Well… I don't know if I like the fact that all she consumes is blood…”

Nathen’s face kept looking more and more pleased. “Here’s your drink.” Said the girl from before, interrupting to hand Corden a cup but staring at Nathen with passion. He seemed to ignore her as Corden took the glass. Corden looked at the red punch swishing around inside before smelling it. He shivered with the almost forgotten fragrance of the blood he held tightly in his hands now.

“Go ahead take a drink.” Nathen encouraged.

Corden put the smooth glass to his parted lips, his teeth expanding as the thick liquid bounced off them, down into his throat. He chugged the glass in a matter of seconds with a small burp of satisfaction at the end. “Ah” he sighed with pleasure. “I really needed that man, thanks.”

“No problem… but, I know where there's better, more blood.” Nathen stood to leave.

“What do you mean?” Corden said standing with him.

“Follow me and I’ll show you.” Nathen said taking off into the dancing mob. Corden followed close behind, trying not to lose the fast walking man. He led Corden to a back door of the club and went through it into a parking lot. “Listen Corden.” Nathen said turning to stop him. The door clicked shut behind them and the blazing music disappeared. “You're not going anywhere”

Corden was shocked. He barley knew this guy and already he was telling him things that didn't make sense. “W-what do you mean?”

Nathen's mouth curled up into a smile. He reached into his coat pocket to retrieve something. Corden, with fresh blood in his system, stood confused.

Nathen moved too swiftly for Corden to react. Nathen slid a seven inch wooden stake, right into Corden's heart. "Wh-what?" corden said, his body becoming dizzy.

"The Name's King, Nathen King. remember that name when you get to hell you dirty little vampire, the devil is looking for me, the Vampire slayer." He took the steak out and started to walk away.

Corden fell to his knees, dark, black blood oozing out of his chest. It wasn't until he realized what had happened that the pain kicked in. Searing like a forest fire, the pain made its way through his body, excrutiatingly slow. He cried out in pain as he fell to the ground. Dead with out even a fight.
Last edited by Black Star Shine on Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Odd D
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Re: short vampire story for kicks

Post by Odd D » Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:04 pm

Nice... Typical, but, as you said, it's for kicks, so I suppose it wasn't supposed to be a brilliant revolution or anything of the sort. Definitely not horrible.

Also, when used in reference to the vampire bane or what one uses to hold down a tent, the word is "stake." Steak is what one eats at Outback. It is a rather comical thought to slay a vampire with a seven inch slab of meat though. Ha ha...
"No one ultimately knows what they're saying anyway. Are we really making art? Art doesn't belong to us. It doesn't belong to people, it belongs to the universe. It comes FROM the universe. It comes THROUGH us. When I write something, I think I know what I'm saying, but I never pretend to know the full meaning of the words."
- Serj Tankian

Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
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Re: short vampire story for kicks

Post by Black Star Shine » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:08 am

haha thanks for noticing that, i'm not very good with homophones lol i'll fix it right up. thank you for reading it, it was a piece i took from my novel i've been writing with a little twist at the end to make it a short story.

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