A Girl Never Forgets

A place to enjoy the interactive sport of Roleplay exercises, post your prose, short stories, story poems, prose poems and epics. This forum does not autoprune

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
Posts: 481
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Tag line: You Haunt My Soul
Location: Pluto

A Girl Never Forgets

Post by Black Star Shine » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:42 pm

I looked around at the blank walls in confusion. Where was I? My mind jummped back to the previous moments that I could remember. Jason was comming towards me, screaming something. But what that was, I don't recall.

I walked forward on the cool floor. My feet were bare, and tingles shot through the pads of my feet to the very tips of my fingers. I remember I was trying to do something. Still, nothing flitted into my mind about what it was.

I looked at my clothes. A simple white dress that swam around my knees. I touched my hair to find that it was down, hanging loosly over my shoulder as it usually did. The black color seemed to glow before my eyes.

The room I was in was empty. No door, no lights, no corners. But it seemed wrong, like I wasn't supposed to be here.

I fell to my knees. Pain exploding through every cell in my body, my throat burned acidly as I heaved up an empty stomach.

'Kammy!' Jason's voice screeched in my ears. My arms wouldn't move as I tried desperatly to grab ahold of something, anything.

'Jason?' I croaked out of my lungs, 'Whats going on?' I cringed in fright and pain as sounds of an ambulance wail echoed off the ground I was laying on. I looked at Jason, being the first time actually seeing him. His gray shirt he had on was covered in splashes of blood. 'Jason! You're hurt!'

His eyes teared up as he looked at me. 'I'm fine! But you're not!' I tried to move my head, but it hurt to much, everything hurt more then it ever should have. He was in pain mentally, I could tell that much from his expression.

The sirens were obnoxiously loud as they didn't approch any farther. 'Why do I hurt Jason?' I asked curiously. There were the pounding of several feet as I listened to four EMT's run up to us.

'How long has she been conscious?' Said a very young male voice.

'About a minute now.' Jason responded, panic seeping through his always calm voice.

A pair of warm hands started touching my face and my arms. 'I don't see any broken bones so far that are visable.' Said the same man. 'But... There's a severe chance her neck or back may be broken.'

I felt tears falling onto my face, but they weren't my tears. I looked up to see Jason crying madly. 'I'm so sorry!' He cried. 'I should have see the signs... I... I just never though you would actually try....'

I remembered. There was a reson I was like this, all mangled on the street. Thoughts of dying filled my mind, and I wished more that I had shot myself instead of prolonging this. I was trying to kill myself. And Jason was part of the reason I was. I didnt look at him as I strained against my muscles, trying to force them to damage me more. Then I heard the words I wanted to hear.

'She's lost a lot of blood...' Said a different EMT. 'Too much blood...'

I smilled. It hurt to do so, but I did anyways. 'What caused her to be hit? did she not see the car?'

Before Jason could answer I coughed out one of my own. 'For this! For death!' I cringed in pain as my back screamed at me to stop moving.

'Wh--What?!' Stammered one of the EMT's.

'She was suicidal... and... and it was all... all my fault!' Jason sobbed hysteicaly. He buiried his face in his hands. 'I... I said I was sorry for it! I... I thought we could forget it and move on! But...but...!'

'But...' I said, finishing his sentence 'A girl never forgets how many tears were shed over one man and how much he hurt her.'

My body stopped hurting. Was this as easy as it was? That didn't take much time. I watched peacefully as Jason's face became foggy, along with the EMT's. I felt my mind slipping into another dimension.

I opened my eyes. I hadn't realized they were even closed. I was in a white room, wearing white clothes and feeling as great as ever. The worse part was over. Someone cleared their throat behind me. I spun to see a boy, dressed similar to me, standing there, looking me over.

'Can I show you something?' He asked.

I shrugged and followed him as he turned away and started walking. He led me through a door, a door that hadn't been there the last time I was here. I recognized where I was instantly.

The hall was rather dark and gloomy. We were the only one's wearing white clothing. Everyone was dressed in black. The last time I had been was when my grandfather died two months earlier. A womans sob distracted me from reminicing about my grand-dad.

'It's alright...' Hushed a man. I walked over to where the woman who had cried out was shaking with hysterical sobs. The man had his arm around her back, rubbing her shoulder softly.

'Mom?' I asked. I jummped with glee when I circled around to see it was my parents. 'Mom! Dad!' I smilled and gave them warm hugs. 'It's me! I'm here!'

They didn't move. I turned to see what they were looking solemly at. A big, black casket stood, with the top open, just a few feet away. Cautiously, I shuffled over to it and peered inside.

I shook my head in disbeilieve. That couldn't be me! But there I-- or rather my body-- laid soundly, with my eyes closed and my arms folded perfectly across my chest.

The boy in white came to my side and stared with me. 'You're lucky...' He said.

'How so?' I pouted, tears forming in my eyes.

'Mine was a closed casket funeral.' He turned and started walking down the isles of pews. 'Come on now.'

Reluctantly, I tore my eyes away from my body and followed him. He sat in a pew next to someone else. This person was alone, not wanting to be bothered while they morned.

'Jason' I whispered, exhaling in a painful sigh. I touched his hair lightly, not wanting to mess it up more then it already looked.

'He can't see you, feel you, or hear you.' The boy in white said to me.

'I know...' I stared at Jason for along time. His head was bowed and his body shook with cries. He finally looked up and I got the full effect. His cheeks were red and shimmered with tears.

The boy in white touched Jason's wrists. 'You see this?' I looked to see thin red lines running horizontily up and down his forearms. 'You did this to him...'

I looked into the boy's eyes and said in the most steady voice I could. 'No. He did it to himself.' I stood, not looking to see if the boy would follow me, and walked back to the white room.

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