Poetry Pages new book: "Within Three Lines: A Collection of Haiku, Senryu, and Other Short Forms of Verse Written by Members of the PoetryPages.com Community" is now ready to order!
Proceeds from the book sales will go to cover the cost of publishing this book, support the Poetry Pages and help fund future book projects.
You can buy it directly from the Poetry Pages at http://www.poetrypages.com/shop/
or you can find it at Amazon.com at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... 0976807602
Buying it directly from the Poetry Pages is generally the cheapest option plus more money goes back to the Poetry pages when you buy direct from us.
Authors in the book:
Valarie Vandegriff (moonflower)
Jeanne Watson (jeannerené)
Terry McGhee (thief of dreams)
Tom Watson
Kimberly Eddleman (Berlie)
Leysa Robertson (Leysa)
Dina Salah Hassanien (Candy_Cane)
J.Alan Burdick, Ph.D. (burdick)
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (heinzs)
New Poetry Pages book now available!
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- Behind the Curtain
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- Location: Georgia, USA
New Poetry Pages book now available!
twisting the throttle
as I lean into the curve
bug SPLAT on my face
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