A New Place

This forum is for poems that are in tribute to an event, tragedy, person, etc. Subforums are memorials to PoetryPages members who have crossed the rainbow bridge.

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A New Place

Post by nekot » Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:31 am

Every day,
I'm in a new place.

I awake to the sunshine,
for that day.

The bright beams
dispersed from over 92,000,000 miles away,
make landfall to each blade of grass
upon this rock of earth and water
crawling, streaming, galloping
with life.

there is life.
Some still undiscovered by us human creatures
who roam this rock.

The giant star
warms our skins.
It lights our paths.
Our bodies and the earth
respond to its life-giving pulses.

As I move through the day,
I am in a new place
each second.
That space is new
for that momentary ruffle
in time.
All the ruffles
then cascade and ripple
making a river of time,
gorging renewed
places in history.

If I had a door
through which I could pass back and forth through time,
would I change the past
and thus the present and the future?

Or would I be like the sun?
Simply rise and set,
yet sustaining the life that is present
in that moment.

I know the sun can be deadly too.
Its indifference is austere,
like the rest of nature.

Science estimates that Sun will burn out
in another five billion years.

Unless our indifference
kills Sun sooner.

I think though,
we would be the first to go.

october 8, 2014
~eloquently scattered~
nekot's tokens


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Re: A New Place

Post by heinzs » Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:26 pm

An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Re: A New Place

Post by nekot » Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:16 pm

thanks heinzs!
~eloquently scattered~
nekot's tokens


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