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Post by dragonfly » Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:52 pm


<a name="#top">Table of Contents</a>

<a href="#one"> Love </a>
<a href="#two"> Senses of Love </a>
<a href="#three"> Bedazzled </a>
<a href="#four"> Is It Real? </a>
<a href="#five"> positive about the dark side? </a>
<a href="#six"> What he might say! </a>
<a href="#seven"> America--United in Hope and Courage </a>
<a href="#eight"> tears of sadness </a>

<a name="#one"> Love </a>

What is love?
What does it make you think of?
How does it make you feel,
to see that love's for real?
Do you have it or are you looking?
If not, don't worry you will find this feeling.
It's here, it's there, it's all around,
One day it will also be within, making your heart pound.
It's horrible to not feel love.
It makes you feel like you're flying like a dove.
Love is wonderful and great.
If you have true love you better believe it's fate.
Without love your heart is filled with holes.
But with it it makes your heart easier to fill all goals.
Your partner in that love, for you they should always be there,
To find one so true, it is very rare.
When your sad, upset, mad, or just down,
they will be there to make sure you don't have a frown.
They make you feel good and rise your self-esteem.
They help you fulfill your most desired dreams.
So, you see you shouldn't go without love.
Without it you feel empty, sad, and lonely most of.
If you don't have this feeling,
do your best to find it.
Don't ever back down from anything,
don't ever feel like you're unfit.
If you want it enough, you better believe,
that one of these days you'll find and be able to perceive,
that love is great and everyone needs it.
Love is wonderful, and don't you ever forget.
Congrads if you have it, I hope it lasts,
But for others don't ever stop looking.
If you've been in love and hurt before, forget the past,
because every time you fall in love it's a whole new feeling.
Now you know what love is, but in order to see it's whole, you would have to have it.
In order to know if you can see it's whole, all you have to do is to be able to answer greatly just these few questions that would tell you if you have a perfect fit.
What is love?
What does it make you think of?
How does it make you feel,
to see that love's for real?!

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Senses of Love

Post by dragonfly » Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:21 pm

<a name="#two"> Senses of Love </a>

Looking at you when you're around, makes me feel like I'm floating off the ground.
Hearing your voice while you're speaking, makes my legs feel as if they were weakening.
Smelling your cologne when I'm next to you, always makes my love for you seam brand new.
Feeling your hand brush mine when you walk past, makes that breath I take feel like it's the last.
Tasting the cookies that you like to bake, makes my heart start to ache.
Thinking of you when I'm all alone, makes shivers run all through my bones.
These senses that are making my heart swim around like a trout, are the senses of love, from you, no doubt.

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Post by dragonfly » Sun Jul 13, 2003 4:37 am

<a name="#three"> Bedazzled </a>

confused, hurt, scared
don't know what to do
wake up w/ a dream
scary one at that
finding that i wish to be in his arms
in his safe and loving arms
safe from all dreams and harms
can't get him from my mind
how i look at him, its a new feeling
i thought i'v fell in love before
but have i
im not so sure
anything i look at, it reminds me of him
he amazes me, as a person and his acts
he's kind, and caring, and loving
he's cute, hot, and sexy all in one
he's a very popular, great christian guy
he's wonderful, and giving
everything i could ever dream of...
but whats confusing is
he likes me
somehow, someway... i can't see
why me?
me, myself, and i?
i'm ugly, and have no friends
rarely get boyfriends
really horrible life
and out of the blue some awesome guy falls for me
i don't get it.. what changed?
the feeling i have for him
this is love
never felt before
i thought i had, but i was wrong
always in my thoughts
even at 4 in the morning
i wake up wanting him
his comfort and love
to see his caring and loving face
actually liking me.. unbelievable
he's not afaid to be seen w/ me
and he really does like me
i don't see why
but then again i don't see why no one else does
i'm confused, scared, liked?
i'm confused bout life and how he came out of no where and actually likes me
i'm scared of getting close to him,
from getting hurt again
i'm liked
i think by someone wonderful
but in the middle of all these feelings and confusions
i know one thing and thats for sure,
i love him
in every dazzling way...

(sorry bout any spelling errors, can't spell worth a crap, but i had to write out my feelings anyway)

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Post by dragonfly » Fri Jul 18, 2003 10:48 pm

<a name="#four"> Is It Real? </a>

Friendship is something to treasure.
I would treasure it, if I had it, for sure.
You have to have a partner in friendship, of course.
No one wants me as a partner and I'm not one to force.
Wait. Is there someone who may be friends with me?
Yes, maybe there is some kind of possibility.
He does want to be friends with me surprisingly.
Amazing, it might even be more.
But why would he want to be friends with someone so desperate and poor?
I don't know, maybe there's not a reason.
We hung out and off my shoulders he took a ton.
Will this turn into a friendship or is it faulty?
To my lonely heart, should I give him the key?
It happened that I did by saying yes.
Will this answer, yes, lead me into a mess?
No, maybe not, he's already showing a good friend.
The tear in my heart from sorrow, is it starting to be pinned?
Can he fill this hole in my heart and pin it together?
He might, he just might, I will never be sure.
Until the time that this happens I'll wait.
Am I falling into this thing opposite of hate?
Maybe this friendship will turn into something that I'll like.
Will it be a good one, will this little bump turn into a spike?
Maybe, just maybe some day it will.
I'll just have to wait with time until,
Until that special thing happens to show that it's not a dream,
It's Real!

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<a name="#five"> positive about the dark side? </a>

not agreed in that no one's sure of where they are going after death
i am .. unless you have god you are going to hell
so if you commit suicide,darlings, then you got the horrible world of hell to look forward to... to burn forever, to be eaten out by worms, to scream every day, to be torched for all eternity, to watch them in heaven while you are being tormented
don't stop reading yet darlings
"and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments:and he cried and said, father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame:but abraham said, son , remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted,and thou art tormented: then he said i pray thee therefore father that thou wouldest send him to my fathers house for i have five brothers and that he may testify unto them so they will not also come into this place of torment."(st.luke 16:22-28)
don't stop reading yet
"the maggot is spread under you, and worms cover you" (isaiah 14:11)
so now you see what awaits you
you better be scared of death instead of willing it!
if you are doubting god because of awful things that are happening to you remember that when you die you will be up in heaven if you accept god and the ones that doubted will be in the worst torment ever
for eternity
non stop
horrible burnings
being eaten by worms and maggots every single day
this is the time you will try over and over to commit suicide.. but have you forgoten that you are already dead... there is no hope for you now and no other way out
the one's who are there would give anything for one drop of water... but they won't get it!
they want so much to make sure their live family and friends do not also go down to the firey pits of hell
see there is a place to go... two actually
you do not want hell though!
but in heaven is where you will always be happy and not shed one tear except tears of happiness
there will be not people judging up in heaven
there will be no problems
just happyness and love
you can't ever see these things unless you accept and love god and beleive that he sent his son to die on the cross for you
ask him to forgive you
you have two choices
the firey pits of hell (where you will burn for eternity,each and every single part of the day, no stops)
or the wonderful heaven of god (where you will not see one speck of sadness, be happy and never hurt, always smiling, always being loved, wonderful things for everlasting each and every day!)
now is your time to choose
and if you seem to choose hell (for a reason i can't even imagine) you shouldn't be so ready and willing for death
for what awaits you, you can't even see in your worst most horrible nightmares... if you don't like how your life is going now, you better not choose hell, because how it is now is nothing compared to how it will be!
my suggestion is choose god,jesus,heaven... if you do your torment on earth will also not be as bad!
make your decision
use your brain and whats in your heart...


that is the question!

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<a name="#six"> What he might say! </a>

Death is not as bad as you think.
Even though your heart may sink.

But there's some good things you probably didn't think of.
Like hope and kindoms of love.

Even though you can't beleive it,
And you feel like you're in an endless pit,

If you think about it and beleive in God,
Then you'll realize he's there for you through rain or fog.

Anywhere, anytime, in a crowd, by yourself,
Even when you feel as small as a 10" elf;

He will be there for you whenever you pray.
He will never lead you astray.
And if you pray all night and day,
If he could answer, this is what he might say;

"They're in a better place now, and not under any stone.
And trust me they are not alone.

They are walking the streets of gold,
With riches untold.

They in a place with no sin.
They are held together with love and holyness by a pin.

There is no sadness, no sorrow, not even one frown.
You'll never see anybody the least bit down.

Always happy, always glad.
Never angry, or mad.

It's a great and holy place, and you will see it one day,
As long as you keep your faith in me and don't let it go away.

I have a reason for everything.
So remember, I'm not an everyday king.

If you don't understand, don't doubt me just ask why.
And I'll give you an answer without one lie.

I love and will forgive each and every thing.
And when you see that truth, you'll want to sing.

I'm the one and only Lord.
Put on my armor while I protect you with my holy sword."

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<a name="#seven"> America--United in Hope and Courage </a>

Terror came upon our country one day.
They tried to pull the country apart,
They tried to scare us all away.

But could they hurt us?
No they could not.
They couldn't pull us apart,
No matter how much they tried.
People uniting all over the country,
Is all those terrorists brought.

To America, all they did was a little damage.
We all came together with love and peace.
While all over America, people united...
America united in hope and courage.

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<a name="#eight"> tears of sadness </a>

how much more can i take
it hurts so much
i don't know what to do
whether to run or just to tell
everyday listening to my mother's screams
it's always me doing something wrong
never my brother
it's either i didn't do something
or that i'm just too fat
she always finds a reason to scream at me
putting it simple, i live in hell
someone help, i don't know what to do
how do i get out of it
if i tell, she'l be arrested
but i love her too much to do that
i've lost so much sleep
i cry my self to sleep every night
i can't stand it anymore
if i stand up to it then it gets worse
if i let it go on i get closer to horror
i wish i had the friend to talk to
they do not want to hear it
but i've got to express it in some way
so in this poem i have as best as i can
this world is not perfect
i don't expect it to be
in school no one knows,
i keep my greif hidden
everyone thinks i've got a perfect life
who are they kidding
don't ever asume someones life is good
unless you know it personally
because for all you know
you could be talking to a future suiside
sometimes that would top it off
i can't seem to find the way out
i hope one of these days god will show me
but untill then help...is all i can say
show me a way out
i'm stuck in this hell
in my forever tears of

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Post by GoddessErika » Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:08 am

<center>Edit complete 8/20/2005</center>

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Post by heinzs » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:51 pm

An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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